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greater thing since Jesus


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"A Christian is not a hypocrite. A hypocrite is a hypocrite".

- Lame Cherry

I have had it and draw the line in the sand, to no longer allowing the charges against Christians to be stereotyped, when the charges heaped by sinners and Jesus deniers like Muslims, have nothing to do with Christianity, but frauds or these people's own ignorance of God.

I came across a daily prayer devotional book which was inscribed, from your loving sister, this Christmas, December 25th, 1999.

I did not puzzle much over that inscription, when it came to mind, "your loving sister who punched you in the face in 2013 because she did not get her way in accusing you of her sins."

I notice that a great deal about those who claim to be followers of Christ in all of the heinous activities they are involved in. I am not one to cast the first stone, as in my more salad days, I was sinning deliberate, not because I was looking to sin to slap Jesus in the face, but because I was sinning out of necessity. I am not making any excuses here, but the sins I was involved in, were sins which were like a narcotic to help me cope to get through the day, so I would not blow my head off.

I have categorized sins then as deliberate sins, sins of necessity and sins which all commit out of ignorance or just not trying.
Sin is sin though and sin gets you temporal dead, and being weak link or a deliberate sinner, still gets you without Jesus eternally dead. Does not make any difference what excuses you come up with, because even claiming to be Christ's in all the good you think you are doing, He condemns, "Depart from Me, you sinners, for I never knew you."

That is what is so beyond reason in most of this, in you see Muslims cutting people's heads off in the Name of God, when it is in the name of allah, which is a moon diety, with the same ignorance of the Yoga chant, the same ignorance of the Jews all as divorced from God in the Babylonian exile as "the apples of God's eye", to the Hindu and their cows, to the Marxist setting themselves up as God, to the atheist in denial, to the strange beyond reality in people professing to be Christians who are not being Christian.

You see tattoos on people, and the Old Testament forbids that. There are these naked and half naked women with crosses on them. There are pew sitters who phone others up absolving themselves from all the evil they have done to you as they order you to forgive them, but you deserved to be mistreated in the first place being a piece of crud. The last was from my one sister, the other told me I was going to hell as that apparently was her role in Jesus had left the building.
It does not have to be the "big stuff" like raping children or murdering people. It is out on the Obama golf course, instead of in a Church confessing your sins, as your sports cathedral to getting your thrill that way.

That is the fiction in this. Anyone can talk about God like liberals do, because the devil talks about God too. It is how you are ordering this life God gave you in Christ to obey Him first, and to treat others with caring, and those who are asses, to turn it all over to Christ for Him to avenge you.
Turning the other cheek and forgiving 7 times 70 is for Christians among themselves. No one is to be abused by others a little or alot, and no one is to condone being sinned against.

I just have noticed this more as of late, and recall my clinging to God in the worst of times and the worst of sins, I convinced myself into, which was absolutely wrong. I am thankful I did not die in those sins, but it is the reality of how many frauds and hipocrites are pretending they are Christian with Bibles, Churches, worship of God, playing religious tunes, crosses adorning everything or giving pictures of Jesus to a sibling for Confirmation, but being a heinous ass when my Mom broke her hip and was in the hospital.

I know I have sinned. I make the effort to not sin. I fall when broken and resist not to sin again. I trust in Jesus in confessing every sin, hidden and known, that He will cleanse them from me. The only part about this about me, is the reality that I sinned and sin, and it requires Jesus to forgive me, as no one can do enough good to ever negate sin.

I wonder though at the embarassing record of "christian" which is out there for most people. Yes I am a loving, wonderful, superior, perfect, moral, christain sibling.......but hey I lie to Mother, I compete with you for your boyfriends and I drag you to a bar "to protect me", but the intention is to break up your relationship, so you do not have someone better than me.......yes I do it all from home worship saying I am Christian, and there is that devotional book which I gave on Christmas saying how Christian and perfect I am.............

Oh to have that matrix camera that Jesus has to just play back when all these superior hipocrites in every belief start uplifting themselves as the greater thing since Jesus.

nuff said


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