As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
America was honestly saved from any ancestors of Birther Hussein Obama, because in the 19th century it was well understood that the Negroid was an outlandish idiot who relished making a spectacle of themselves.
Outlandish idiot who relished making a spectacle of themselves.
I could post that another time, but the reality is, that definition is exactly what is Birther Hussein the Chinoid, as who else would impersonate a black racist preacher as Muslim, having girls faint on command at rallies and think every little poo poo in his diaper is some 44 historic event worthy of a monument.
I give this story of a dumb ass Nig. I know this is another story like Spike Lee trying to look intellectual or Eddie Murphy humping anything which moves or Obama on perpetual vacation, but it just is an example of how people in the 19th century from Davy Crockett and Elizabeth Custer knew what Nigs were and called a spade a spade, even if Libby was fond of them as the help.
The story:
"The servant of one of our surgeons, a negro of about fifteen, bought himself a bucking pony, as he was too ambitious to ride any steady-going animal. He delighted in racing his animal in front of the command, to show his horsemanship, and being a negro, and droll, he was not restrained as much as he perhaps deserved.
Suddenly he came upon one of the cactus-beds that continue for miles, not in masses but in clumps, through which a horse can pick his way slowly if left to himself. The darky's pony knew this sort of ground well, and was not going to be sent galloping into such a snare, so he refused to go, suddenly settled himself on his haunches, and sent John over his head, landing him squarely on his back in the cactus-bed.
The thorns fairly pinned the poor fellow's clothes to his flesh. He slowly picked himself up, even the hand that he used to liaise himself being stuck full of thorns, and struggled to pull off his coat, exclaiming," Holy Moses, but ain't them jaggers!" The doctor thought so, after spending two hours extracting the thorns from John's lacerated back; but the pointed lesson made the youth wary of racing in future."
Elizabeth Bacon Custer. Following the Guidon
Perhaps if women had cactus pussies like a cat does, Eddie Murphy would have learned his lesson, and if vacations took place in cactus patches for Obama and if every time Spike Lee attempted to think he had to crap a prickly pear, these "roids" would have learned the lesson of the Cactus Nig John, but as there are not enough cactus for lessons, it still fell upon other races to be like 19th century intelligent minds to not allow themselves to be led or swayed by a Nig who had no more sense than any other creature.......well the horse knew enough not to run into cactus, so perhaps we need to exclude horses from the group which the Nig is in.
Perhaps the best thing for the world is if Muchelle Obama had planted a cactus patch and the Obama's been introduced to it, instead of their introducing Chris Stevens to Benghazi or Jews the sole of Obama's foot or Khadaffi the Obama rent a mob.