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Learned Men


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ask yourself something in if you have an asshole, in a two legged form and not rectal, if they have a degree, does it change them from being an asshole, or does it just make them an asshole with a degree?

Jesus, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Joan of Arc, Boudica, Elizabeth Custer, never had a degree nor did they set foot in any university door.

Ask yourself a new question in this, in is America better off than in the 19th century or the 20th century, when the majority of people were self made and self educated in 1850 or the product rendered now which is indoctrinated to create a monopoly held by idiots.

This is not about if people should have training like a doctor, because people used to be trained in reading, writing and math. This is about though intelligence, not measured in IQ, but in a Benjamin Franklin ability to educate themselves by reading and study on their own.

The great quantum leap in the "educated man" came not from Ivy League colleges, but from the Civil War in which West Point churned out groups of leaders who just happened to have a degree which graduated them from a military school.

The "educated idiot" is the problem in modern society, as having a degree does not Inspire one to think. An assembly line trains a mentally retarded person to effectively perform a job, but they are not given a PHD. The same training in university teaches a mentally vacuous person to pull teeth and a dental PHD is handed out.
Both are jobs of precision, but the doctor is given the monopoly, while the mentally handicapped person is termed retarded.

I provide this example.

In the Civil War, there was an Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Bailey, of the Fourth Wisconsin Volunteers, was at this time acting as Chief Engineer of the Nineteenth Army Corps.
I have not researched his degree, but will guess that it was West Point.

The Union was in dire straits in Texas, as the rivers were falling fast and all of their gunboats were about to be stranded. Baily, had been constructing dams in the American West, and approached his commander, General Franklin with an idea of creating partial dams on the Red River in order to back flow enough water to get the ships down.
People mocked him from one side of the educated Confederacy to the other in the illiterate Union, but Bailey started felling trees, dumping in bricks and sinking barges filled with sand, and when all was said and done, he got a few boats through as his first dam burst.
His second idea was to produce wings in order to slow the water flow, which it did, and he got all the boats back down to the Mississippi, saving them.

Ingenuity does not come from a college professor. Genius comes from God as much as common sense and without those factors to uphold intelligence, the human will fail.

Let us take Stephen Hawking as an example as he can not keep his mouth shut. He is touted as Mr. Bright Brain, but let us in Merry Olde England, after Wormwood, covers over most of the island, examine if Stephen Hawking in physics is going to be what England needs or will it be John Starmore, the scruffy farmer without degree or razor, who just happens to know when to plant wheat and get a crop when the sun is sack cloth and the moon is blood.

Who is the bright boy then?'

I have mentioned my suma cum laude sister, who is a self righteous, self serving moron, as she believes what the media says in global warming to thinking her degree makes her ability to file knowledge in her brain is "intelligence".
One can have all the 180 IQ at your disposal, but if you do not know enough to come in out of the rain in common sense, or how to solve the problem of getting through wet night with two pieces of firewood, all that brain power is as useless as asking a chimp to lead you.

God has always created some people as leaders and some as gifted. The rest need to be trained and most fall short in that.

The United States Regime in the 21st century has an almost absolute in people with college degrees, and yet what has taken place, but you have educated people who give into lusts and are either bribed or blackmailed, and the entire lot has rejected God for what sat at 1600 Penn Avenue, as they answer to power lust cartels filled with more educated minds, who are turning the world into a feudal planet destroying everything by purpose.

You probably need to be informed of something, that algebra, geometry, language, chemistry etc... were not produced by a university, but someone who had not a degree, was inspired and created those fields, not by genius, but by Inspiration.

The problem in this world is the educated idiot. They are a glut in the work force who neither work nor care to work. There is no efficiency nor drive in their person. They hinder and hold back the entire production of nations, because a degree can not ever teach a human to be more than a worthless self serving animal.

I give this example.

My Vet is a brilliant man, who still does not know all, as he could not overcome Emma's affliction. He though was cutting a rotten calf out of a cow and accidentally with a scalpel sliced his arm in that poisonous environment.
He never went to the doctor, but the other vet shot him up with cow meds, sewed him up and he healed up just fine.

Most people would cringe at that, but the thing is my Vet is intelligent, because he has common sense and he also is Inspired. I know other vets who are educated idiots in mass.
Most people as stated would never think of having a vet do the exact thing a doctor does for thousands of dollars, and yet, the reality is, a vet produces a same result at less cost.

I have done doctor things and TL has too, and it is not that hard when you have common sense and Inspiration. I have never been able not to achieve any task that I have set my mind too, and all without degrees and with great consternation from the always experts who in their degrees, know so much more in how things should be done.

Are there idiots without degrees? Of course there are in like numbers as with degrees, as most people are idiots, and that my children is the problem summed up by Milton Friedman, another Inspired man of common sense, who happened to have a degree, but was brilliant in spite of it.

Mr. Friedman said, that you did not have to have everyone in government being honest, but just a few honest men who then all the louts would follow. That is the problem in this world in the idiots in the mass, only now have educated idiots who were chosen by the cartel as the degree bearers are corrupt, in order to control the figureheads, and thereby corrupt the entire mass.

You can not have an ascending human race, when the creatures placed into power have degrees and are all corrupt in degrading humanity to oblivion.

The Bible reveals that the oblivion survivors, like all in past history, are going to be Christians or those who have moral codes in family and society, and thereby are Inspired and have common sense, with an ability to be self educated, as Noah was. News flash, there was not an Ark University which Noah attended.

It should be evident that I despise people with degrees, as all they ever accomplish is creating disasters as they never factor in cause and effect, and end up making people miserable by ruining their lives.
It is like the American wheat breeders of university and trade, who showed up in Greece and had the farmers all planting their hybrids..........
Soon enough, the little Greek island soils were not beneficial to the hybirds, and the old varieties were the ones which actually produced a crop, where the others failed.

Ideas are always great until you run into the real world.

The real world is going to bite everyone, as all of these "people of education" are so mentally retarded in niche vocations, that it is the point of what are you going to do with someone who knows how to write computer program when all the electric grid is fried? It is then the guy with the club in knowing how to use it, will be the foundational structure to society.

I have wasted enough time on this, but it required stating in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


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