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A Tale of Two


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The delusion of the leftist mind is a fascinating thing in seeing the sins in others, but the righteousness of their sins.

America in 1960 had as a voting block a group of bratty draft dodgers who had avoided Harry Truman's Korean War and grown pacifist in the Stockholm Syndrome of the Soviet Nuclear Bloom. President Dwight David Eisenhower had afforded them this snobbish intellectualism, and it personified in the Dan Rather type.

America was facing in Joseph Kennedy the overthrow of the Franklin Roosevelt machine, which had neutered  Mr. Kennedy to the political sidelines, so as not to be a FDR machine contender from 1940 on, but the grasp of the old gaurd had slipped as Joe Kennedy embarked upon the Massachusetts style of bully thug electioneering to seize the 1960 democratic Presidential nomination.
In any fair process, Lyndon Johnson would have walked away with the process, but Americans tired with old, ugly and safe nominees, threw it all away for the criminal theft of the 1960 Presidential election by the Kennedy machine.

I was thinking of the utter bias of sinners and the self righteous in the smearing which Richard Nixon endures and the adulation that John Kennedy is endeared with, when the reality is, Richard Nixon was the moral man and John Kennedy was the immoral delingquent.

Richard Nixon grew up with no money. John Kennedy was a millionaire trust fund baby at birth.
Richard Nixon fell in love with a girl named Pat who would have nothing to do with him, but Richard loving Pat, did have access to a car, and drove her and her date on their dates. With that, Richard Nixon won the heart of the woman he loved and was always faithful to.
John Kennedy, married a young girl of affluence named Jackie who was pretty as a political statement. He cheated on her constantly.

In World War II, Richard Nixon was in the United States military. He served in the Pacific as an officer, and being poor he would not play poker to squander his money. When he found out that in playing poker in only betting on hands which would win, he began playing and actually saved over 1000 dollars in his winnings.

John Kennedy in World War II was given command of PT 109, which was sunk and his crew harmed. There never was a court martial over this, and for this he was propagandized as a hero.

Richard Nixon could not afford to go to college. He had to enter a California junior college in order to prove himself, and was then allowed to enter Georgetown University.
John Kennedy had all doors opened to him, as a party boy and graduated from Harvard.

Richard Nixon took on communism and helped bring it to ruin in America. John Kennedy focused on unions for political gain.

John Kennedy as President unleashed his brother Bobby on Conservatives in order to legally define them as insane.
Richard Nixon as President spoke for the Silent Majority of law abiding Americans.

The smear is Richard Nixon had dirty tricks, but it has been show that democrats provided the dirty tricks on Richard Nixon and Watergate was a Kennedy linked coup to bring down Richard Nixon in operations under E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy which Nixon had no knowledge of.
John Kennedy was nothing but dirty tricks in the guise of his operatives hiring old women to come up to Nixon after the debates to tell Nixon he had lost. John Kennedy stole the 1960 Presidential election from Richard Nixon, and for the good of the country, Richard Nixon did not legally challenge it.

John Kennedy almost brough the world to nuclear obliteration at the Cuban Missile Crisis. Richard Nixon through detente brought the beginning of the end of the Cold War.
John Kennedy started Vietnam. Richard Nixon ended Vietnam.

John Kennedy was assassinated for cartel reasons. Richard Nixon had a coup staged against him by communist cartel sympathizers.

Those are the absolute historical facts. Richard Nixon was not perfect as no person is, but Richard Nixon was a faithful and moral man, who worked for the prosperity and security of these United States.
John Kennedy was an adulterer and immoral man, who worked for the prosperity and security of the United States.

Yes in this, Richard Nixon is held up constantly by the agents of communism as the worst person ever, and John Kennedy is enshrined by deluded liberals as the most wonderful person ever.

John Kennedy's administration was one of dope use and using the CIA to assassinate other leaders. Richard Nixon played the piano and used the diplomatic corp to find detente in a world on the nuclear edge.

It is ludicrous and criminal what has been done to Richard Nixon in knowing the facts, as much as how John Kennedy has been protected when his failures and nature were known.

Was it a good thing that John Kennedy issued Treasury notes? Yes it was. Was it a good thing that Richard Nixon issued price controls? No it was not.

It is the matter of it all coming down to a moral man in Richard Nixon being castigated when John Kennedy did far worse politically and was nothing of the morality of Richard Nixon by actions.

Richard Nixon was one of the greatest Presidents America ever had or will have. His policies should be a study in foreign and domestic issues to learn from, and to build upon.
John Kennedy was mediocre. The contest to the moon and issueing Treasury Bills were his two legitimate actions. The rest were absolute failures of the worst kind to harm America.

If the Marxists and deluded Liberals would leave Richard Nixon in peace, I would not bother with John Kennedy, but hold their debaucherous criminal up as an example to recognize Richard Nixon as a man of character, who had a coup waged against him, smear campaigns and through it all was at the close of his life, called upon by President Bill Clinton to council Mr. Clinton in how to deal with world politics.

Those are the realities and why this blog defends the underdog of Richard Nixon, as he truly was among the great Presidents

nuff said


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