As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I believe I am an example of approximately 70 million Americans. It is that example which terrifies Homeland, NSA and the Boehner right and the Obama left, as they know what they are putting these people through, and expect them to act out violently, but it has not come, and this perplexes them as the psychological models all state it should be and it is not.
It has occurred to them that a Soveitization of the west has taken place in this patriot is there, but just watching smouldering under the surface.
People like hearing of my existence, so I thought I would share an answered prayer and my years of Egyptian misery.
I have mentioned my chickens and how American breeders have created birds that will not set on eggs to hatch them, by crossing them with Mediterranean fowl. Most people just get phobic about this hen setting as they feel they are cheated out of an egg a day and that is some loss to their greedy persona.
I have tried breeding a flock, which to make a long story short was mostly killed off by predators because the goddammned government raises predators, as predators kill wildlife, so there is no need for hunters or trappers to manage, who are armed with guns. It is a disarming of states in heinous way to destroy the Constitution.
I had probably 2000 dollars or 5000 dollars if you take my time in producing this flock which was mostly murdered by regime predators.
To add to this, I tried to get some South American ducks as they breed like rabbits, and they were killed. I obtained some more, but the huckster who sold them to me cheated me, and then was an ass in not responding.
So it was like 90 dollars for those ducks. Then they ate all summer and winter in Soros expensive non medicated high protein feed, and then cracked corn, which was costing me around 50 dollars a month, as for some reason when you order ducks, most of them are drakes and you get few hens.
Experience has taught me not to cull, as for obvious reasons your birds die, and you are left with only one sex of animals, as previously I was left with only 2 males a fox did not kill.
Project this out, as I am not always able to be around with Mom in the hinterlands in trying to take care of her and things. Into this, there was a satanic person who got into one of the Spiritual doors, and what do you know what happened?
I raised through very hard labor last year in saving baby chicks, 10 birds. My one pen one cold day, Mom reported to me by phone had 4 dead birds in it, with one hen escaped. She is not a trapper or a reader of sign, so her thought was cold and a cat ate on some of the birds. I wondered, but as nothing else took place I just wondered.
Then a surprise came, as my ducks were dying. Yes, and would you not know it, but out of 3 hens, two of them were dead. Mom who is elderly, finally moved them and all was none dead any more from this second location.
From her description, I immediately knew the signs of a mink. Mink are bastard predators. They slaughter for fun, and then just eat the neck meat off a bird no matter the size.
Knowing sign helps, as I turned to help once to a government trapper when my chickens were being murdered and the asshole announced it was "raccoons" killing my chickens. I glared at that asshole with his fucking college degree and informed him, "Raccoons do not carry off chickens and it was either a fox or a coyote".
For some reason the college boy just shut up and did not continue lying to me.
Have I mentioned I hate these educated idiot college boys with a burning fury of passion as they are the penis head problem of this entire world?
So TL prays on the predator for God to kill it. I am depressed as I am past the end in trying things to get some rich person to donate here that 350,000 dollars, and they just sit there keeping that money, as they got it all Limbaugh secure in thinking they are safe from what is coming.
My pets being killed affects me deeply and is about the only thing that knocks me down emotionally any more and that is why satanic tools inflict that way.
So I just wait daily as I can not get Mom to do a thing in trapping or anything, to try and kill that goddamned government predator and those assholes just are welfare workers not doing their job. Nothing else dies, but I know what is lurking out there.
So, and if you do not like SO, there is always another there is no other source than here with information on what is really going on, so, SO, I get a wake up call today and it is Mom doing the daily report, as I check on her twice to make sure she is not dead or lying in the yard dying as she is old and some predator is circling her.
Anyway Mom says, "A cat caught and ate half a weasel."
I wonder at this point if it has something to do with a worship service I performed the other day in pleasing God, but am pleased that God rose up one of my cats to kill this poultry killer.
This was not a least weasel which are only as big as a hotdog, but a long tailed weasel. No difference in size between them or a hen mink. I told Mom that is what was killing things and it surprised me as I had not seen one of them for a very long time.
Weasels do not do very well, as they are stupidly tame things. Out in gopher holes they are quite entertaining in how fast they move and probe everything. My cats kill numbers of things, including a tribe of least weasels years ago, and once again they got a bigger variety.
I suspect this weasel being hungry decided to try and kill one of my cats. They bite the throat like on poultry and hang on until the prey dies. This time kitty got the same throat bite and got a meal.
Weasels like mink, like wolverines are not very good eating, and is why nothing makes a habit of eating the savage things, and other things tend to get ate by them. They stink in my nasal senses worse than skunk, as their odor is sharper when they spray.
I am grateful to God using one of my cats to kill this weasel. I will probably be more fond of them for awhile as I hate cats, but they like me a great deal, so I end up liking them.
I was petting my neighbor's cat who is a cut stud cat named Elvis. Like all cats, he comes by brushing against me, and letting me pet him, then he walks away and comes back, and then lays six inches further away than I can pet him just looking at me. It is why I hate cats as they are always around you when you do not want them and always on you when you want them away.
Mine like walking between my legs in figure eight while I am walking and tripping me, another reason I hate cats.
My beloved Uncle had Manx cats. I know this as TL showed me some last week. They still show up a few miles from where Mom is, but I think I would like them in being odd cats. Mine are Russian blue which are like Siamese, TL informs me this as I know little of cats, and some are Anghorrah, which I do like as Puss who started them was a killer cat, that killed everything and eventually a horned owl killed her on my step.
I hate horned owls with seething passion too as they kill poultry and only eat the brains out. Great news in a 30 pound gobbler laying there dead, because a goddamned regime protected predator at his brains out.
Oh my gobbler died too, so I got two hens and no gobbler. Did not get anything last year as skunks ate the nests. The skunks are dead as I killed them, but that took all summer.
So I know things like the beekeeper who has some ass spray his bees in how much that costs and how much it is a wound to the soul. I have not forgotten what tools of satan did to Emma last year in her being murdered. I do not forget any of this, as in my small economy world, things being killed is a huge investment in prices.
I take it all personal as it is personal. It is people with money cursing me and satan acting out on those ill thoughts, just like satan does to everyone of you, in making your lives hurtful and dead.
That though is my life, and it should be a warning to you people with money, nice homes, nice cars and spend more money on shit that I have to spend on dead birds. America is a nation of millions of very hurt Christians, and another 70 million Obama voters with no Christian virtue holding them back. They are the problem as when the push comes to shove they are going to be bashing your heads in as they rape the good looking in your family, as those finished loot your home, then murder you and burn it all down in what is coming ahead.
See my type is not going to then not bother in protecting you, because you left me to rot and die, and I will not risk my life nor will I allow my meager poultry supply be killed to feed your stragglers. You probably would not reach my shack where Mom is, because you would run into some bullets from others you tried to beg food from before you ever got to my gun barrel.
I keep making the point to people with money, that you invest in your life by donating that 350,000 to me, and then I have the ability to push the policies which will keep you safe in your locality in a greater chance.
Simple things, but even if God seems He forgets me, there is a dead weasel which says otherwise. You rich people and tools of satan are going to be dead weasels. It will be by the tooth and nail of Obama voters rising from their slums by design, just like George W. Bush let the Iraqi Niggers loot Saddam's elite in order to handle the competitor situation.
Was fun then was it not eh? Yeah Alfalfa, same regime is going to put them buckwheat with bling at you when the time comes.
That is a Lame Cherry moment, and I look forward and relish the time that God avenges me. That is what Christians expect and Homeland will find it hard to arrest God, and of course I am innocent of it all, as that is the way God runs things.
Nuff said