As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
Something has been bothering me for some time and it has appeared here as it has to do with cast iron cookware. I have mentioned that Mom has like Wagner and some unnamed stuff from America, which I grew up with and have a great deal of experience with.
They were all well used and all had more crud on them at times than pan as that is what cast iron does in creating slag on the bottom, but the one thing I always could count on was American cookware was something which took heat, held heat, required little heat to maintain that heat, and all was well with the cooking process.
Not having any money, I started buying quantities of the Chinese imports which were extremely cheap before Obama inflation drove prices up. I remember picking up 3 cast iron pans for 9 dollars in as store. I got wares which were covered with cosmoline which I had to burn off, but I was delighted with it all until I started cooking with it.
There is one pan which has no sides on it, I know the name for it, but it slips my mind as I am writing this early morning. That pan requires a high heat to bring it up to temperature, and then I have to run it at almost medium heat to just cook with.
I thought at first this was just a new thing in Chinaman cookware being a bit grey in color, compared to the American black, but in all of these pans it is taking twice the heat to cook with than what the Americans were putting out.
These pans are a fraction thicker too, more porous in the ferous metals and have a more rough appearance. That though should not be a problem, as ugly cooks as good as pretty.
I knew by Inspriration that something was wrong with these pans, in the formulation was different in China compared to America.
American cookware came out of the ground of America. Ores in America as across the globe are different in content. For example English iron ore is inferior to Russian iron ore, due to content, and as William Greener the noted gunmaker of London explained, that if one allowed additives from coal or charcoal to leave impurities in the metal, then one had low grade steel or iron.
China pretty well scraped America to the bone in junk. So all of these cast iron things, no doubt were something the Chinese were buying from scrap yards. Knowing Chinamen as Birmingham England men as Belgium men, they all will commit crimes in cutting corners if they can get away with it.
The American smelters were honest, and they turned out a product in all steel and iron which was superb after people started being punished for being crooks. This is not the case in China and the Chinese everything is bringing the ruination to the world in their substandard parts are showing up across the planet and wearing out, much to the cost and hazard of people.
This Chinese cast iron is open pores, which means something in there is evaporating or burning off. The only thing that burns really is carbon, and as I have watched my hick neighbor crush cars, I know that when a car goes into a smelter in China, it is glass, plastic, copper, silicon and whatever else is named "steel".
I would imagine that all sorts of inferior irons are being dumped in too, and that is why this Chinese cast iron, which is showing up in American Lodge cookware, is all this inferior cookware which is not taking heat, holding heat and requires a greater amount of heat to operate. This Chinese cast iron does not conduct heat like American cast does. That means insulating or non conductive air or metals are in this "cast iron".
This can be carbon residues, microscopic hollow spaces or the reality that this is some sham damn skelp as the British called it in 1858 of an "iron" so worthless it has more in common with porcelain than metal.
In a green world, do you realize the costs in this, in having Chinese cookware which requires three times the amount of energy to use? This Chinaware I have noticed does not cook anything with the same browning that American cookware does.
This is not to say I am not fond of it, as I have a little cast wok which I absolutely adore in I use it to deep fry everything. It is a perfect little tool which no doubt requires more energy to use, but the other cast iron I simply frown over constantly as I know something is wrong with it all, and can guess the problem knowing the process in being one of three things, but it makes me frown as I am used to American cast iron which was the best ever created in human history.
I have a collection of cast aluminum cookers which were in vogue and they are all American, and all are perfection. For canners as I have mentioned, aluminum is superior as that metal bleeds heat unformly like covering yourself with a blanket in a radiant heat. The new stainless steel cookers and canners are inferior, as iron does not bleed heat uniformly and all one has is the majority of the heat from the bottom.
I am glad I picked my "junk" up before it ended up in China recycling as this stuff is not going to appear again, as there is not American standards now being in place to protect consumers. I would add that I picked up an aluminum turkey roaster, which was cast aluminum. I would imagine if one could find one now it would be 150 dollars at least.
I got this one for 3 dollars I think.
I have used this several times, and am amazed with it as it literally both bakes and steams at the same time uniformly the birds I put in it. It is huge and I think it was made sometime in the late 1940's after the war, or perhaps was one of the few consumer wares during the war, because it is a different style from the original hob gobblin looking things.
The point is, it is the most perfect turkey roaster ever due to it being cast American aluminum. It embraced the meat with an even heat. I have another later model one, which I have not used, and can not recall if it was steel or aluminum, but what is sold now in paper thin stainless steel is inferior to what was being produced in America.
Most of the stainless steel comes out of India. It is serviceable, but it is inferior to anything that ever was produced in the United States.
So in my testing, I would advise holding onto your old junk. I am thankful for what I have which was thrown away by bratty children who were busy throwing away their "mean" parent's junk as it was not good enough for the brats. It is how I obtained my cake pans with sliding lids.
It is though how you should be in garage sales or junk stores looking for things that the collectors have not made in vogue in driving up prices, because all of these idiots do not comprehend that the American era is kaput. There is never going to be ever again American made cast iron, aluminum or anything that is cheap and of a standard which answered to God.
I mentioned the digger I have which Henry Ford turned out for farmers. I could not drill a hole through this steel with chromium bits. This steel is all being destroyed in Asian salvage for this inferior metal now on the market. It is gone and it will not return.
Do not throw away the American things you have. When the electric goes out, you are going to thank God for them as you see your neighbor's tupperware cracking on the fire, and the other neighbor busy cutting more wood trying to get his Chinese cast iron hot enough to finish cooking his raw pork filled with worms.
I am telling all of you children that just as the Dark Ages set back humanity, that the Brown Ages have dug the world a pit they have no idea how deadly it is in Obama Chin debt and this George H. W. Bush Chinese ascention of inferior products ruining the world.
Fully comprehend that the South Korean steel and Japanese technology was American based and was equal to the standard. What though has been manufactured in mass in China has been nothing but inferior in cast iron and poison in their Walmart oysters.
This is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, and the only media you are ever going to read any of these revelations as all of the other parrots are too head up the ass stupid to notice the difference in metals and too Mockingbird shill to care as they have their 30 pieces of silver.
The Brown Ages are the greatest threat to world stability and security. Their plague will lead to a global war, and it has all been before you in the inferior cast iron pans, and no one but this blog was Inspired enough to notice.