As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
All have forgotten in the American Civil War that it was a deeply complicated global affair, instigated and manipulated out of Europe. If one has viewed Ken Burns version on PBS, one concludes it is about wild Southerners, thumper Northerners, thoughtful Negroids and Abraham Lincoln and Robert E. Lee skillfully playing the field to assassination and defeat.
Nothing could be further from the Truth, and in an American Revolution, it is my hope that three events take place in Obama gets his Nobel Prize revoked, Al Gore gets his Oscar revoked and Ken Burns gets his Emmies revoked, as all are fraud.
No one has been informed that there was a great European violation of the Monroe Doctrine in America, when Napoleon III of France invaded Mexico and set up a regime there with direct conspiring of the Confederacy.
It became so virile a matter that M. Theron the French consul in Texas, informed the Governor there, that Texas should continue secession in not just leaving America, but seceding from the Confederacy, and become a Republic again bordering on France's Mexico, and all would be Vichy Texas just like France was with Adolf Hitler.
For some strange reason, President Jefferson Davis and other States Rights advocates, were not in favor of the breaking up of the Confederacy and promptly threw out the Texas and Richmond consul.
This is the real history in the vast conspiracy out of Europe on several fronts in their manipulations in America for their own advantage. After the war, General Phil Sheridan without any authority was leaving supplies for Mexicans fighting against the Mexican emperor in order to end French rule in America.
It was a very trying ordeal for both the South and the North in trying to fight the war and having to fight the Europeans in their attempt to financially enslave or carve off pieces of America again for their empire.
You will notice in the Mockingbird funded propaganda, and their award winning creators, that you never hear one word about France or England during the Civil War in the French tried to make Vichy Texas for their own re establishment of empire rule in America.
All quite simple is it not, divide the Union, and then carve off Texas as another vasal state, whereby the American unity can be dominated by the Eurasians.
You will never hear though that President Jefferson Davis threw out the French from America due to intrigue.
Just some more hidden history deliberately censored, so you will only think it is just your small little world and the elite are shattering that little world, so you conclude it is all just a matter of chance.