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The Sweet Sixteen


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nigel Cook assembled a deal of information concerning the nuclear annihilation of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and in that data is a fact that 16 people were present at both Hiroshima and Nagasaki and survived unharmed, without fall out shelters.

That is the focus of this text as the Lame Cherry is the last and perhaps only expert on nuclear dynamics in both advancing nuclear detonations effectively and in informing people that a nuclear bomb is not the "behold I have become death" that traitor Robert Oppenheimer ignorantly thought these devices were.
For those who require slapping down early, yes I know that there is a difference between atomic and hydrogen bombs, but it is only in yeild or energy released, akin to a firecracker to a stick of dynamite. In both cases, they can harm you, but if you are aware of things you do instinctively and actions you can drill yourselves in, you could walk around like these Japanese 16 and make it a hobby of living through cities being blown up by nuclear weapons.

At this point, your mind is probably befuddled as you have been lied to in what a nuclear blast is, in you think it is like the plague and once unleashed, all die, but yet the 16 of Japan survived both, with no after effects.
That fact seems impossible, but it did take place, and it was nothing of chance, but of reacting intelligently.

Three events take place in a nuclear bomb which are important to know. The first event is the flash or light. This reaches you first as light travels at 186,000 miles per second. This light does not kill you, but if you are stupid in staring at it like if you are stupid at staring at the sun which you do not do, then your retina will not melt and you will not go blind.

The second event of a nuclear bomb is the heat generated. Like all things that explode, it is this expansion of energy which "kills" or destroys material and flesh.
If one at the light flash, takes cover in a building, the odds of their not being harmed increases immensely as the heat is deflected, and the wind which the heat generates does not touch the person.
People who had sense, as in a tornado, to lie prone the ground, survived with just as much not being harmed, because the heat and debris were not fully striking the person on the ground. Those people who were stunned and frozen in place from not being able to assess the situation, were the ones who were injured or killed.

The third event is the nuclear radiation. Once again, if one finds adequate shelter, the nuclear radiation exposure is neutralized, as most of the explosion, heat and radiation rises from ground zero. Even lying prone on the ground reduces the dose of gamma radiation from an air detonated atomic bomb.

Nine Hiroshima survivors fled to Nagasaki and with lectures from Yamaguchi, people were educated in that circle how to react. When the bright flash occurred a second time, the same 9 dove for cover under desks, to shield themselves from flying glass and debris which is what injured and killed people. These 9 once again using actions which instinct had originally moved them to do, survived a second blast without any problems.

I am not saying that you can hug a nuclear bomb and have it go off and survive any more than if you hug a 2000 pound JDAM and have it go off in your embrace, but I am relating that every one of you has been warped due to propaganda and nuclear blasts are not the absolute death they have been fictionalized by scare mongers.

I give you an example of the experts in the great Yellowstone fires, which were simply forests ridding themselves of excess fuel so they could grow. The same situation was at Mount St. Helens when that volcano erupted. The experts only saw scorched earth and were stunned when it was reported that in those intense flames, that the subsoil a few inches below the surface was unharmed, and full of seeds which started sprouting in the first rain.

If you do the same things you do for a tornado, hurricane or being shot at, you increase your odds of survival immensely by simply ducking for cover. Stand up like those idiot experiments of the US weapon's labs, and of course you are going to get killed.
The reality is when the flash warns you, you have moments to save yourself like jumping out of the way of a truck, and the worst danger from a nuclear bomb is windows bursting and sending shards of glass to cut you to pieces.

All of this now should start forming into your mind that this is not such a horrendous thing. Back when America had a Government in the 1950's, the Government believed in protecting her people of the Republic, and it produced materials about how diary barns could be used as nuclear shelters, how beef barns could be ground shielded, how you could build a shelter in your basement with overhead material to reduce exposure, and how to build shelters and homes that would keep you alive.

Sure if you were John Kennedy and needed someone to wipe your ass or jack your dick, a nuclear war would not be worth living after, because you would have to wipe your own ass, but for the majority of people, if you utilized common sense in protecting yourself in that 2 week window of radiation, you would think life was pretty normal.

The statistics progress out in this to Chernobyl in the Soviet Union, and some very startling things are in that propaganda, which entails in a reality, that most of the people one has seen in the tumor babies, were products of people who were not treated with potassium iodate tablets, because they were stupidly or ignorantly drinking milk from cows, which if the Soviets had simply taken the cows from the fields for 8 days, fed them winter rations not exposed, the pastures would have been safe, as Iodine 131 has a half life of 8 days.

I have written on this, and the reality is, even at a ground zero 100 mega ton hydrogen bomb, if you had shelter, stayed in doors for 30 days, you could be running around safely in the debris, as most of the radiation would have been neutralized.
In those worst cases of ground zero, people could still have limited exposure of an hour a day at two weeks without being harmed.
That is worst case, and the reality is that most people if they curbed their activity to a week to two weeks, would not in the least suffer any more than these Japanese 16 did.

The numbers are the data which matters. In worst case fall out or hotspots, and these can be down range as heat rise and so does radiation in debris, gets into clouds and will rain or snow out, that even in large population centers, 100,000 casualties can be lowered to 3600 casualties in scorched earth situations.

Protect yourself overhead with dirt or books, and remember that radiation only travels in straight lines. It can not follow you down a hall way and make a 90 degree turn at your door.

In Japan, the survivors were studied and the collected data revealed that there was not a major spike in atomic cancer deaths to unexposed cancer deaths.

"The Hiroshima-Nagasaki nuclear attacks RERF life-span study (LSS) from 1950 to 2000 for leukemia deaths and from 1958 to 1998 for solid cancer occurrence showed that for 49,204 survivors in the leukemia study group, there were an excess of 94 leukemia deaths attributed to radiation, risk of 94/49,204 or 0.191% (above the natural number of cancers in the unexposed control group), and an excess of 848 solid (tumour) cancer deaths in 44,635 survivors, a risk of 848/44,635 or 1.90%.

In each case, the excess radiation cancer risk was smaller than the natural risk of 0.22% for leukemia and 15.69% for solid (tumour) cancer deaths. It is significant that the natural cancer death risk was higher than the radiation cancer death risk for both leukemia and solid tumours unless the dose exceeded about 1 Gray (100 R or 100 cGy). E.g., 48% of leukemia deaths from doses of 10-100 R were due to radiation and 52% were natural (a bigger risk than radiation). Likewise, only 16% of solid tumour cancer deaths for doses of 10-100 R were due to radiation (84% were natural): http://www.rerf.or.jp/general/qa_e/qa2.html"

Even birth defects did not escalate due to radiation exposure.

As I have exclusive written of this, most cities and places you reside in the country are not bowl shaped and perfect for nuclear detonation. Most centers are flat or have rolling hills or breaks, which the same forces of nature do not destroy as the land variations sheild the population.

The reality is, that idiots who are community organized in cities for being failures, will die in chemical, biological and nuclear events, as they are concentrated there, and of course are the non instinct dolts who will stand around stunned at a nuclear weapon going off, and be cut to shreds or burned.

The real death of nuclear bombs is what is all warfare, and that is the populace not having shelter and being exposed to the elements, being underfed or drinking dirty water.
This then brings on the pestilence wave in people catching cadaver diseases.

So basically, all those sophisticated experts mocking the 1950's school drills of children covering themselves under desks, were the real ignorant assassins working for the cartel, as that is exactly what saved the survivor 16 in Japan. When they saw the light flash, they dove for cover, and stayed there until the heat and wind wave had created it's destruction, and then they moved to another city to live, and moved to another city when that one was blown up.

This is not that difficult for people with some money, in setting up a safe room in their basements, stocking it for a month and making certain you can keep it comfortable and lit, so it will not be a beacon to attract attention.

Do that and you will not get radiation poisoning, and will have to learn to live with the other superior non Darwin candidates who survived like you. The data does not lie, only the cartel fabricates disinformation, so you will not protect yourselves and die, so they can exterminate the masses when the day comes.

To defeat sophisticated weapons, it is still duck and cover which vanquishes their effects. No one is teaching you this and reminding you of these things. The Cold War has been Obama resurrected and the proliferation of all WMD's has increased, but you are not being warned for a reason, as the cartel has disarmed the deterrence which is what the purpose was, in order to exterminate you.

Remember that as this group of psychotics now pied piper the masses on "climate change" for distraction where nuclear winter was the fiction in the previous deluded decades.


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