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as Washington felt


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........

I well know how George Washington felt.

"It must have been inexpressibly dreary work, but quite as much was due to those letters as to the battles. Thinking for other people, and teaching them what to do, is at best an ungrateful duty, but when it is done while an enemy is at your throat, it shows a grim tenacity of purpose which is well worth consideration."

Henry Cabot Lodge

It was even General Washington in having to pluck the intellectual brand of John Adams from the burning of his own brain as after the Continental Army being forced back from New York, Mr. Adams wrote this gem of foolishness"

"The British force is so divided that they will do no great matter this fall."

General Washington answered:

"Your affairs are in a more unpromising way than you seem to apprehend. Your army, as I mentioned in my last, is on the eve of its political dissolution. True it is, you have voted a larger one in lieu of it; but the season is late; and there is a material difference between voting battalions and raising men."

I see you my children and brats. The children try to fill the breach, but the Congress of "brotherly love" thinks that clicking on a web page is active service while funds are what is called for.

Yes the brats of Brother Love of their namesake Philadelphia. They think their bunkers of investments will save them, instead of investing here, for they see no return on a future, where they think if they just remain quiet, they will be safe from the storm troopers blasting down their doors.

Vladamir Putin, and yes I know his name is Vladimir, just expelled 1000 intelligence agents under corporate disguise. Logic dictates he did this on Edward Snowden information that these 1000 operatives were going to stage an Arab Spring in a Moscow blizzard. The entire process would conclude with Mr. Putin being assassinated and the corpse dragged through the streets, with John Kerry chest thumping to champaign corks in Paris.

When Mr. Putin uses state media to threaten an American nuclear ash pile, who do you think he is going to bomb? The people with money in the power centers or the poor people who if left unleashed will rise from their ghettos and make looting work of all of you people with money?

There are arts to warfare and Mr. Putin, his military and FSB are very astute in this business. The point being in you rich people not donating, that when I am trying to save you, you are all dastards, cowards hiding. If you do not want to be a dastard, then donate, because you are not going to be saved from nuclear plumes by your investments.

When the Obama terrorists start unleashing their next wave of jihad to throw the American mob off the scent, are these terrorists going to be blowing up............
Yes what is it terrorists blow up, but the expensive jet planes you fly in, the Twin Towers you work in, the schools your children are concentrated in, your yuppie malls, your movie theaters........yes the terrorists blow up money ports and that is where you live, work, idle and sleep in.
Terrorists do not blow up rural folks and ghetto folks, as no one cares if those people die. Once again I am trying to save you ungrateful brotherly love types who practice Cain killing Abel.

And what of that time when you have assessed yourself so secure behind your god of finance. What happens as you have sat around all secure as Rush Limbaugh tells you to wait for more elections stolen, when this giant Patriot Act gulag of your being shot without a passport on the border and rings of Drones now hovering over head, and those millions of mosquito drones armed with chemical weapons.......deployed off your front step, just waiting 24 hours a day on your census GPS hunting lot you live on, all to inject you with one droplet of serin, as you people with money suddenly have CNN, FOX and CNBC, all telling you a new epidemic has taken place.

Yes you would not donate when I asked and now Sarah Palin is building my Conservative internet broadcast, which will of course be filled with things to clutter your mind as she sold out to save her life. There of course will be no Lame Cherry on that narrow cast of Mockingbird shills, and this is all of you rich people's fault.

I know what it is like to be George Washington. It is what it is to be a leader. The fools always think they no better, and when proven wrong on things from Mitt Romney set up to be a strawman or North Korea behind the Boston Bombing, they suddenly go silent like all the detractors in then lurking about not knowing what to do Obama having gone tits up June 13th, 2013 and replaced and this Triple 7 being taken down.
Well, Lame Cherry, I scoffed at her before and looked like a fool, so I better be quiet this time and just wait and see if she is right again.......and then of course if she is wrong, I will gloat over it as I can then tear her down and be left with Rush Limbaugh, Chris Matthews.........Rand Paul, Hillary Clinton.........Asian nukes, 1600 Penn jihad, NSA skeeter drones......
Wow I never thought of that.

I once knew of an idiot who owned a bar and grill, but would never open the grill when people were hungry. He made no money and sold it, to a man who fed people at all hours and made a great deal of money.
The orignal owner said in exasperation, "Gee I never would have sold the bar if I knew it could make money!"

You rich people do not deserve America. As far as I assess the situation, I am the only one on point in looking out for America among the major players. I have been made major due to being the only source now of any information, unless it is Wikipedia posting all the Edward Snowden tidbits.

Winning wars costs money. America is in a war. You people with money have a responsibility to get off your wallets and pay for what is published here. You require being told as you are fools like brilliant John Adams in thinking you have assessed the situation, but know nothing of this field. Your duty is to donate money. If one of you would do the right thing as a Patriot and donate that 350,000 I would not bring up money again.
As one donor wrote about if everyone did their share then it would be done, but a 4.5 million hits, it sort of is not Algebra to figure out that the people with money are not doing any share and are putting a burden on poor people who are recovering from illness.

There is not going to be any saving for America. It is not 1776. All that can be done is the attempt to keep a group of Continentalists viable as something to cling to, so that in Great Tribulation you have some hope to cling to, until Jesus returns.

I never set out to become the last of the western statesmen. A voice of someone in the wilderness by God's Grace immune to the effects of the bombardment of mind conditioning which affects the masses. I am just me, but I begin and end up fighting all of your battles.

There is a difference between an intellectual war you are dying at and a physical war coming which you will be dead with. There is a difference between reading the Lame Cherry when you have money and donating to Lame Cherry when you have money.
You rich people need to be informed of these things like the brilliant John Adams. Just because the Lame Cherry with other assets has given you some time that the cartel is not moving at this moment, does not mean that it has stopped.

You rich people need to donate not because it is right thing to do, the honorable thing to do, the thing to do, but because donating gives you a hedge which is your best chance at keeping yourselves from being exterminated as the result of this Obama change.

(Limbaugh was putting an EIB watermark on his screen captures, because he knew that other blogs would steal them.........
I wonder who is that mysterous blog that has been posting Limbaugh stuff exposing him...)

Donate and not be like Rush Limbaugh in his not paying his bills and expecting poor people to foot his million dollar lifestyle.

There is a difference between being a leader and a follower. People with money have that money for the purpose of being benefactors of those who like George Washington are called to do the leading.

"Washington's plan, from the first, was to keep the field at all hazards, and literally at all hazards did he do so. Right and left his letters went, day after day, calling with pathetic but dignified earnestness for men and supplies."

By God's Grace, you are on this field of battle because through me the racist pickets were driven in and the sappers in the wire ruined the regime defenses on every side. You people with money survive because  of the work here. I prosecute this campaign and you have the duty to donate.


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