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Climate Ruse


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have had it on this day in Equalz Obama and Rush Limbaugh attempting to define the world by their feudal terms. Equalz focuses on climate ruse.....and yes that is what this is going to be defined as in CLIMATE RUSE, while Rush Limbaugh champions unbridled capitalism as both bomb ficticious ISIS in the constructed isles which I stated it would take in the amount of time it would take to create them.

I state defining Truth. Equalz Obama's faction seeks to steal wealth from those who have it, so they can rule the world by inflating everyone into poverty. Rush Hudson's faction seeks to rule the world by working everyone to death by telling them all to chase the American Dream.

All of that is anti Christian and anti American.

I teach you by example, and example one is;

A farmer raises wheat and sells it for say 10 dollars a bushel. A bushel of wheat weighs like 45 pounds, so let us just say that there are 4 ten pound bags of flour in a bushel of wheat.
At the grocery, you buy 10 pounds of flour for like 6 dollars now. That means a farmer is paid 10 dollars a bushel, but you pay 24 dollars a bushel.
Is the cost of 12 extra dollars or over double the price a price consumers should be made to pay, considering it is all mechanized grinding and semi trucks now?

Is it fair that some small conglomerate is receiving double the price in cheating farmers or gouging consumers?

Example two is, consider crude oil in North Dakota. In 2008, George W. Bush gas was 1.87 a gallon, in Equalz Obama 2014, gas is 3.50 a gallon.
In factoring this, the State of North Dakota gets pennies per gallon in crude oil, which is being traded in London at 100 dollars per barrel. Landowners are being paid pennies per gallon for oil on their property. Americans are getting absolutely nothing for all that oil in their states in their nation.
The only people who are getting money in this are the speculators from Wall Street and the Big Frac companies drilling.
Now answer the question, is it fair that people who own the oil, get nothing or pennies per gallon, while those who market it are having prices of over 4 dollars a gallon for diesel, that type of rate for jet fuel, propane even higher at like 20 dollars per tank, and gas is at 3.50 a gallon.

It certainly does not cost more money to ship oil from North Dakota than Saudi Arabia. It does not cost more to produce oil from George W. Bush 2008 AD in the year of our Lord to 2014 AD Equalz in the year of our Lord. It certainly does not cost after the initial million dollar investment to drill an oil well, to keep paying millions to operate it, so is it fair that your oil in America is being charged to you at twice the rate George W. Bush maintained the rates at?

This is the crux of this ISIS farce. If ISIS was not a tool of the cartel, what would ISIS be doing? Would it be chopping of faux heads of westerners who are intelligence operatives sent in to manage them, or would it be blowing up oil supply in order to cripple the west and cripple the regimes, so ISIS would overthow them all and rule by it's own Caliph?
Duh, you know it is the latter, so we ask, who benefits from blowing that couscous cake Faux Isis eh?

When there used to be real terrorists engaged in all of this, they used to attack things on each side that mattered. Soviets in Afghanistan and Twin Towers in New York.

Now what do terrorists attack? Synthetic dummies for Youtube digitals and regimes like Iraq, so they can get the oil and market it cheap to the cartel, which can set Brentwood prices to rob you to the gulag economic prison.

Rush Limbaugh represents a system which works you to death to get rich. Equalz Obama represents a system that steals money from you as it rations death to get rich. They attempt to distract you with Climate Ruse or the new faux terror being run out of Berlin or 1600 Penn Avenue, but at the end of the day, it is you being robbed and poisoned, while Mexicans and Chins are imported to replace you whether you want a shitty dick up your ass as your infanticide children or you have Jesus before you and you raise your children.

This din that is media is an absolute farce and it keeps the people by design from taking back what is rightfully theirs.

In 2008 AD in the year of our Lord when John McCain stole my talking point off of Newsbusters, in which I stated that a Lame Cherry President would focus upon making every person in America a millionaire who put in at least an effort, I meant that pledge, and that is not some impossible thing.
What is 50,000 dollars time 20 years?  Why it is a million dollars. That would be a couple working at a low wage of 25,000 dollars per wife and husband, and they would then be able to feed themselves, clothe themselves, get a home paid for, put by retirement, raise the children, buy nice things, and in 20 years in assets and money they would be millionaires who had been providing for their own healthcare and social security.

Problem solved easily as Ronald Reagan did it on his pillars of government not stealing people's money through high taxes, ending inflation impoverishing people and rewarding people to keep all the work of their labors as it is their work.

I ask you in another example, in North America full of old trees that need to be harvested, is it fair in these being your trees, that it costs 100,000 dollars to build a small home now, which not that long ago it could have been put up for 20,000 dollars?

The problem with the system is the feudal few are gouging everyone on the right and the left, and using American bombs to steal nations for "new orders" which will exploit those wool encrusted Muslims, bleating after their appointed puppets like the people of the west do their appointed traitors.

So ISIS gets Equalized, it certainly does not hurt ISIS, as ISIS was warned to get out of dodge. It certainly does not help the regimes in the Mideast, but it does leverage in that little forgotten operation of Equalz announcing SYRIAN BOMBING which was stopped by Vladimir Putin when it was found out the Obama regime and puppy press lied in trying to blame Bashir Assad for chemical weapons attacks, when it was...............yes you got it, Obama's own terrorists who did it.....and those same terrorists were ISIS, trying to get bombing started in Syria.

Sickly the bombing has started, and what did it take? Just a few crash test dumbies getting their fake heads removed on camera, some ebola scares in the mists to distract, and it is all right on schedule again as you have been led down the path again by the Judas Goat.

As you will probably be required to be told this, so it sinks in, the Lame Cherry is the only source which explained this to your brain this day or any day. I have proven you are being gouged and robbed, and I proved by God's Grace that you were distracted to amnesia again, in forgetting about Equalz bombing Syria in being stopped, and here Equalz is back again, after this time having the cartel return Ukraine to Vladimir Putin, so there will not be an overt problem there in the short term.

I need to go finish the soup I am making and shower, as probably have errands for what is being prepared for, but another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. I just have to cleanse myself of the lies of the elite as it is such filth to the Spirit to be told such propaganda.


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