As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My children, when I was an agrarian, for the person who never slept, never started my day before 9 am, as days got too long and I never liked being up at the crack of dawn. I have always been more of a night person until recently.
With TL, here am I, up before the sun as a common thing. It is in this that I have been shown something which appeared the last two days in the Star Bow.
Upon inquiry this is a sign. The eastern sky before dawn had 2 stars in it for the past year, but this week, another star has joined them, and it forms a three star bow.
According to God, this is a sign in the heavens of the bow of America is empty, the enemy's bow is full againt the west. It is a sign of conflict and of war.
This morning the Holy Ghost led us to the reading of Ezekiel 21. I strike my thigh and inform you that the leaders of America and the west will be turned over to destruction.
The filth that America is and the west, is a treachery from the seats of power that have turned those seats into cushions of excrement unflushed. These sinful peoples have been turned miscreant by the reprobates in their synthetic skins.
Therefore in warning what is to come, the Lord God has placed in the sky, His Star Bow, as a witness unto all, that the Lord God does nothing without first making it known through His Prophets by His Holy Ghost.
The thigh is struck. They will be struck and the people scattered with the evil fertilizer for the soil they are unburied in. It is done!!!!!!!