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In Defense of Adrian Petersen


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This sudden discovery of the American Afroid professional athlete is someone who beats on women and children and requires legal and NFL punishment is an issue which has nothing to do with the American Afroid, but it has to do with the glaring hypocrisy of James Brown media in dancing a jig with Obama, but calling all other white men jigs for watching football.

I place before you the following examples:

Adrian Petersen took a stick and whipped a disobedient 4 year old child and drew blood.

Ray Rice took his fist and cold cocked a fiance who had spit in his face.

In both cases the National  Football Liberals have protected the woman and child who brought on the disciplinary ire of the Afroid male.

I ask the question, is it a bad thing to whip a child and draw blood, and is it a bad thing to punch a woman in the face and knock her out?

If this is a bad thing, and Ray Rice and Adrian Petersen are bad men, then is it a bad thing to shoot the father of a group of children, drag the father and other dead men into a pile, and leave a house full of children exposed to that, and then go on television and brag, "I got Osama bin Laden?"

As the comparison is now fitting as those children in Pakistan were more innocent than Adrian Petersen's child, was it a bad thing for Barack Hussein Obama to do what he did to those children? Those were Barack Hussein Obama's orders, he had the live feed and took responsibility for it all. Was it bad?

Was it a bad thing for Barack Hussein Obama to drive Col. Khadaffi from a legitimate government in Libya, when the Colonel was advocating leaving, and then having the Obama folks there shoot over 50 Khadaffi followers, including women, and beat on and murder Col. Khadaffi, and then display his corpse as a trophy?
Is it a bad thing for Ray Rice to punch a woman who spit on him, or is it a bad thing for Barack Hussein Obama to arm terrorists to brain shoot women, men and children in Libya?

Is it a bad thing for Barack Hussein Obama to use a Predator drone to blow up an American teenager in Yemen?
Is it a bad thing for Barack Hussein Obama to arm terrorists who use a bomb to blow up the brother in law of Bashir Assad or used chemical weapons, murdering men, women and children?

We are told certainly that Ray Rice and Adrian Petersen are evil. We are told certainly that Barack Hussein Obama, taking credit for people like Ambassador Chris Stevens at Benghazi who was sent in on Obama's orders to be there, and was raped and murdered, was of no consequence.

So what is the difference between Obama good and Ray Rice and Adrian Petersen bad?

No one in this is bringing up the reality that Ray Rice and Adrian Petersen have over a dozen children between them in being young men. Ray Rice stated the best advice he could give new NFL players was for them to wear a condom.
This is being missed by everyone, as these Afroids are being exploited by a host of women, who seeing those millions, seduce these Afroids prone to being oversexualized, have unprotected sex with the agenda of getting pregnant and living on easy street on child support payments.

In a question in this, is it bad for a group of women to entice a black man to have sex, so that they can use a child to extort money from that man, and live in luxury for the rest of their lives?

In reality, Ray Rice and Adrian Petersen, have been victimized by women and the children they have extorted money from these men with. I use the word VICTIM correctly, as a victim is someone who willingly indulges in some activity to their harm.

I ask again the question in the reality of Obama Islam lands, people have their heads cut off and hands cut off, people are sold, and people are imprisoned for believing things, and we know that Barack Hussein Obama and his image enable this, as does the Obama regime in John Kerry. So is it bad that Americans enable the Obama regime which enables punishments where people have their heads and body parts cut off, if it is bad that as punishment that Adrian Petersen draws blood on his child with a stick?

Ray Rice is one of the most abused people in America in his rights being violated. He was extorted to marry his current wife whom he hit after punching her. He has been extorted by whores who got pregnant to get his NFL money. He is being lynched now in a deliberate campaign by liberals to get at white NFL males to psychologically brainwash them, and unless this blog is effective, the NFL commissioner is on the skids to be replaced by some black liberal.
Adrian Petersen has equal status in being a scapegoat in his rights violated. He has been extorted in child support payments, and what is the real reason behind NFL Texas in the whipping incident? Is it the female leveraging for more money or is it another matter that a weak Vikings NFC team helps an NFC Cowboys team?

I ask again as I have been asking before James Brown became the shoe shine boy for the Letterman Cocktail crowd of liberal elite, if it is bad, criminally bad in Ray Rice punching a woman who spit in his face, and it is criminally bad in Adrian Petersen whipping a 4 year old child, then why is it not criminally bad for Barack Hussein Obama and his supporters to shoot people, murder people, and leave women and children in the offal pile, as the latest Eric Holder and Obama regime injustice is the burning down of Ferguson Missouri in deliberate political manipulation by the Barack Hussein Obama regime for the midterm elections?

Are dead Muslim babies and mothers less than whipped black children and knocked out black women? Is this the case, that only when Afroids are of political value is there a "bad" value in this, but when it is the Obama value, it is priceless in crime as mass beatings and mass murders are then legalized and defended.

When are these predatory women, which does include Michelle Robinson Obama, going to be held accountable to the same standards as these Afroids, as Kobe Bryant got away with raping a white girl in Colorado, because these women had conditioned him into thinking that all women want sex with Afroid males.
In that age, the NBA overlooked all, and the woman was assaulted in the media and the courts, all because Kobe Bryant like Birther Hussein has "value" for the plantation elite.

What of Randy Moss? Serial brute in beating on women, running into a Minneapolis traffic policewoman with his car, spraying referees with squirt bottles and verbally assaulting NFL backers on a team bus, will he be voted to be inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame in Canton, in that was just Randy Obama, or, will some real justice begin in these Obama criminals protected by Eric Holder being penalized for their real crimes?

I asked previously, the words of Pontious Pilate, "What is Truth?"

I ask James Brown of CBS and every David Letterman liberal, in, "What is bad?"

This is a legitimate question, as it is not bad for Equalz Obama to have people murdered and beaten, burning down Ferguson Missouri, and chest thumping about it, as weapons are dumped into Mexico for Gun Runner, but it is bad for Adrian Petersen to whip his child and for Ray Rice to punch a woman who spit in his face.

What is bad as hordes of women using prostitution and extortion on Afroid males brings no charges, but Adrian Petersen does face not only charges, but the public lynching by Minnesota pro sodom, liberal Governor, Mark Dayton, in denying Petersen the right to work, before he is convicted of anything, and the anything is whipping a child, to keep that child from growing up to be a Giant Brown in Ferguson Missouri bashing in the skull of a police officer who had to shoot the Giant to save his own life.

What is bad?

I do not need the Wisdom of Solomon to answer that question. It is bad for James Brown to be a Letterman political whore for the forces destroying America in blaming football fans for beating on women. It is bad for a parent to be so emotionally charged they draw blood on a child they are disciplining. It is bad for a man to be so angry by what a woman is doing to instigate a response to hit her. It is bad for Barack Hussein Obama to be a Birther, use Drones to blow up Americans in Yemen without a trial, to arm terrorists to murder Bashir Assad's brother in law, Col. Khadaffi and his followers, have Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt, to dump weapons to Mexican terrorists getting people murdered and to leave children exposed to pools of blood and excrement in the bin Laden compound in Pakistan and brag about it.

That is bad and there is too much bad not being punished by the laws already in place in these United States of America.


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