As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The racial slur of "bloody hun" has always been an especially horrid term for Germans, as it harkened back to Atilla the Hun of Hungary who was Asian, and had nothing to with with Germans.
In studying this name and time of World War I, one would consider President Theodore Roosevelt's son, Major Ted Roosevelt to be an authority, seeing how he was in the thick of the fighting in World War I with Germans, as to how horrid they were.
In reading his brother, Kermit Roosevelt's work on the war, he uses the term of bloody hun, but there is absolutely no story to show German atrocities, the same is true in Major Roosevelt's memoirs as the Germans were not any more brutal than the Americans.
These two quotes from German territory claimed by France are "the worst" in the people were starved due to it being a war zone bombed by French and Americans.
The POW's were in turn used to mine coal which was nothing out of the ordinary or inhumane.
Alsace and Lorraine
By night we were out of the uninhabited parts and were reaching the freed French villages. Here we found starving men, women, and children whom we helped out from our none-too-plentiful rations. These people were pathetic. They seemed to have lost the power to rejoice. They looked at us from their doors with lackluster eyes and apparent indifference. One woman told me that the Germans as they left her house had told her they would be back soon.
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans
Next morning we were on the march again. All day long, past our advancing columns, streamed the prisoners whom the Germans had been working in the coal mines. They were French, Italian, Russian, and Rumanian, desperately emaciated for the most part and still wearing their old uniforms.
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans
The reality is Luxemborg which Major Roosevelt marched through was in perfect untouched condition with German rule. They even had their 150 man army armed yet to greet the Americans.
There is this though in the PREJUDICE of Ted Roosevelt as he records this, and I ask you to keep in mind, that the French women were not running crazed from the Germans in fearing rape, so in reading the following biased quote about German women and children staying away from Americans, keep that in mind as Ted Roosevelt blames the German Soldiers for the fear the Germans had.
"A real indication of the character of the German soldier was given by the terror of the women at our approach. It was clear that they expected any outrage. On account of this, on arriving in each town, when I would call the burgomaster to give him the instructions concerning the behavior of the townspeople, I would finish up by directing him to announce to all women and children that they need have no fear concerning the actions of any American soldier, that we were Americans, not Germans."
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans
No the real indication is that in reality Germans were always most chivalrous with their own women. The great revolt against Rome came about by Hermann the German or Aribus, because the Romans were raping German women.
Ted Roosevelt can quote the following and be too dense to figure out the meaning:
"These castles were destroyed more than two centuries before by Louis XIV as he marched by the same route."
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans
Oh so the Romans were raping German women and children. Here we have the French in Louis XIV in 1700 marching through Germany in scorched earth. Do you think maybe these Germans in having to deal with British rapists as the redcoats were known for raping allied and enemy alike, and the French hot bloods and the Russian who in 1945 in the east proved they were nothing but gang rapists, as much as Atilla the Hun of the Austro Hungarian Empire, that maybe these German women were terrified that it was the American allies who were going to be wholesale raping like the French and other powers always did, and it had nothing to do with Germans?
I have every sympathy for the Roosevelts in the fine people they are in Theodore's clan, but when I read such bias and slander, without one example to show how "bloody hun" or "filthy bosch" the Germans are, it is disgraceful to have these things repeated in accusing Germans of things that these other hordes were engaged in.
I honestly read Ted Roosevelt's book to find examples of German atrocities and not one was listed. This was from an officer who was 18 months at the front, and marched through Germany in victory.
Not once did the Americans have one problem. In fact, when Roosevelt first arrived, he stated at the front, that as long as on one complete bridge, no large groups of soldiers crossed, the Germans were just fine with French and Americans coming over the river as well as French merchants.
The records of the real history must be cleansed and the real history known. The Germans were civilized than the majority of peoples in this world. That is the reality, and that civilization in Israelite Germans is what produced 1/3rd of the American civilization from Pennsylvania to Montana.
...and what was war ravaged Germany like, after the German Genocide began?
"One thing that struck us all as we left France and reached Germany was the number of children. In France children are rare. Each community you passed you felt was composed of grown people. In Germany the streets were full of them—healthy-looking little rascals, pink-cheeked and well-nourished, wearing diminutive gray-blue uniforms like those of the German soldier."
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans
Yes the great threat of Germany was a nation of pretty, healthy Christian children.
Let those realities sink in.