As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I saw someone asking if the Viking was a friend on Facebook, and the answer is the Viking is one of the best of people who is like most of us, in being roughed up by life, but is still someone you are proud to know, for their goodness and faithfulness.........but like most of you never realizes how very good you are.
The Viking tolerates me in nicknaming him. He is busy and overworked. He at times shares things like the above which are of interest, as you have provided so much traffic on the website, that "they" are gathering information on people in doing match analysis.
Someday I think I would like to print this up and frame it as this is a badge of honor and I am truly thankful for the Viking in alerting me to this nuance which I had not a clue was taking place. Yes as the rich people will not donate that 350,000 dollars.........they still whore me and steal from me, as these companies are the ones making you your big stock prices.
Amazing is it not, that in life of the haughty rich, the source for their money is now me.
Yes let us both collect data on the rats in the maze, what the rats are chewing on, and how fat the fat rats are getting fat as rats off of Lame Cherry.
As a treat, let us have girls bending at the waist.
Oh and out of 50 pictures, all the women were ugly and this was the only amusing one in light of Ray Rice..........I wonder if I make rich people money on ass paddles.
Thank you to the Viking.