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One of "those" Christians


"I am not one of these charismatic Christians."

- David Limbaugh

That was a statement by David Limbaugh, brother of Rush Hudson Limbaugh, in his interview with Limbaugh III, over a look, Lawyer Limbaugh David had written concerning Jesus on Trial.

I listened to the words of David Limbaugh and was going to be kind, as this is a person who does not portray the Gospel in terms to convert, but to make a listener wonder.
In what was a jumbled preponderance about "Why God allows evil in the world", David Limbaugh incorrectly stated something along the line that people were created in sin, so that Jesus could come and save us.

Adam and Eve were not created in sin, but without sin and ignorant of good and evil. When they disobeyed God's direction to not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, then were they aware of Good and evil, and by disobedience in breaking a command of God, they sinned.

Perhaps David Limbaugh made a mistake as he talks rather rapid and not the most intelligently, but the point of all of this was one of the last things which David Limbaugh blurted out in, "I am not one of these charismatic Christians........"
The words hung there with the full meaning, that charismatics, people who are moved in Spirit, by the Holy Spirit, are 'nuts' which "real David Limbaugh apologists" not defend, but apologize for in embarrassment, as the Rush Limbaugh rich elite, approach him and ask, "What are you going to do about THOSE christians?"

As an example in this, there was a French charismatic who you might of have heard of in Joan of Arc. The David Limbaugh types apologized for this "freak" and handed her over to established English and French religion, who tortured her, attempted to rape her, and then burned her alive at the stake.

For all of the witnessing which goes on with me, I am not at all comfortable with charismatics, pentacostals or those screaming blacks doing that AMEN stuff. I am a quiet Christian, but if I do not like odd things in service that others are moved to praise God with, that is not me ever degrading them as "those Christians" as my relationship with God is somehow superior to theirs.
I support those proven Christians who are pentecostals and charismatics, as the more Holy Ghost as soul has in them, the better.

I have covered for free, in not selling a Limbaugh book, the simple reality of why evil is in this world. God did not create evil. God knew in His all knowing, that when He created a creature named Lucifer, full of beauty and wisdom, almost like God, that other non set in will angels would be attracted to that.
God knew that when these creatures discovered that the Word or Who would be Jesus, created these other lesser beings called humans, who had God's Breath in them, and that these physical beings were being grown to be God's children, and were already created in the image of God in appearance, that Lucifer would become the antithesis of God in being a destroyer, and evil would begin.

Adam and Eve were exposed to this rebellion and seduced to it. This is how humanity became at enmity or sinful to God's Perfection.

The only Being Who had Authority over redeeming these humans was the Being Who created them in the Word. The Word took on a human persona in part as Jesus, because God can not die, and redemption according to the rules can only be begun with another death.
satan and demons can not be redeemed, as they are spirit and can not die and can change not.

This was the entire Gospel or the Old and New Testament in what God's Mystery was and is. The Bible reveals that this Mystery is a thing that the Angels sought to look into, as it was such a marvelous thing. God creating children with wills, who would chose God to be like Him forever in being transformed, or people who would chose the things which decay and mirror those things which perish like money.

For those in Judeo Islam who mock Jesus, they deny the reality like David Limbaugh in wondering how Jesus could be. A human as I have explained, has a body like the Holy Ghost, has a mind like Jesus, and is a person in all they are, and they do not deny they exist. God is simply so full of Life that His Thoughts come to Life and His Presence regenerates people to Life.

Rush Hudson did mention that Golgotha is covered over with an exhaust filled bus parking lot, which Jews desecrate every moment. The place where Jesus was crucified is covered over with asphalt and has buses parked on it. You remember that the next time you hear the Mockingbird propaganda of Judeo Christian religion, in what Jewry has done in the Israeli state.

If someone is converted by David Limbaugh's book, I can not fathom why that could happen, but the world has many idiots in it who have no idea of Scripture or stumble along in each few decades releasing some natterings thinking they are the next Billy Graham.

As the David Limbaugh book is being published, by a publisher, that means the moneychangers are involved in this, selling Christianity again like some Catholic indulgence.

It reminds me of Sunday morning in a sunglass wearing blonde in a fast white car, tried to out lane pull me, and then was in such a hurry behind my out of state tag to cut in front of me on her way.........with a lovely Catholic bumper sticker proclaiming how superior she is.

I presume I am one of "those" Christians to this Catholic, like Charismatics are to David Limbaugh and as TL is to those superior types who have on their little fish stickers and their Christian FM stations on their bumpers while cutting TL off and acting like asses.

I am not rich, but I will not sell the message of the Holy Ghost in Christ. That is no person's to market, no more than moneychangers at the Temple. I am though one of "those" Christians, who is an embarassment like my Master and His Saints.

It is a fact that God only has one group of Christians, and the rest are divided into "those" groups of sinners, hypocrites, satanists, unbelievers and idolaters who choose something to hold in their hearts more important than God.

May David Limbaugh be blessed with the full measure of guidance by the Holy Ghost to create in him a clean heart and renew a right spirit within him, in Jesus Name Amen and Amen

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