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Nazional Fuckball League


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am moved to address this as the version of Rush Hudson Limbaugh is half brain again in concern of the National Football League, AKA the Nazional Fuckball League.

The AKA is correct in this is nazi or national socialism of professional sports using sex from Missouri Afriod sodomites and Ray Rice wife beater associated propaganda, to manipulate Americans of the right.

One has to remember the "Big Green" moment on NBC in turning off lights during an NFL game, followed by the endless Bob Costas and Keeter Olberman leftist diatribes, as breast cancer is castrating American males in pinking up the NFL.

In remembering this part of the equation, Big Rush is correct in the left is "going after the NFL" with it's incessant attacks not on the NFL, but the fan base which is American acting in not being politically correct, as in the Washington Redskins are under attack, while the Kansas City Chiefs are not mentioned.

This is for the leftist militant a way of mind raping the wills of NFL fans to make them submit to leftist ideas of sodomy, female dominant militancy while beating on males and other Obama manifestos. It is though a reality which this blog instead wills to examine on something the half brains are missing.

What are sporting events created for in organized states?

History explains that free peoples used to engage in Mongol cutting off opponent's heads to play polo with the skulls, to Teddy Roosevelt engaging in manly warrior pursuits of hunting, fishing, hounding and trapping, as George Washington engaged in, as this honed the warrior skills.

When a leftist though is engaged in power, they do not want the populations having weapons, as those peoples use those weapons, to rise up and kill the oppressors. So what is created is a disarmed society and a transference of aggression in being politically raped, into sporting events, where the prize is a leather ball either kicked, hit or carried for accomplishment......and not by the people, but by representatives, the people pay to represent their aggressions in democracy being a "win" who has the highest score in the end.

So the Roman Circus of Nero was to disarm Romans, castrate their aggressions, and blame Christians for Rome burning, as the people stood around and did not move to revolution, as the imported slaves outnumbered the natives.

Alright compare that to Equalz Obama circus to make ammunition shortages to disarm Americans, castrate their aggression by Roman orgy sodomization of America, blame Christians again for American problems, as now all Americans stand around to not revolt, as imported Mexican and Chinese slaves outnumber the Americans.

Examine this now thoughtfully in why would the regime now move to dismantle "sports" or the organized venting of aggression in America from Magic Sodomy NBA or Titty Ribbon NFL, unless they knew that Americans were at a psychological point that they have been so conditioned, that the NFL is not venting aggression to stop revolts, but the NFL is instead being implemented to mind rape viewers to leftist Manchurian manifestos.

This part is interesting to me personally in the rat maze, because even with electronic pacification of the masses, there is always a percentage of people who will not be pacified. What if there is a miscalculation in this, that tens of thousands or perhaps a few million Americans, instead of allowing the NFL vent their frustrations, begin to start throwing fire bombs at Congressional offices in Kansas as took place on September 11th, 2014 AD in the year of our Lord?

This is not a question which is not factored into by the cartel. They know the war game scenarios on numbers before programmes are engaged in. So in the plus minus of either or, we know that the leftists are transforming by mind rape of fans of professional sports to make them leftists. We also know that people are turning off the NFL in ratings are down. As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, THAT NUMBER of people who left the NFL is the number to watch, as that is the group of people who are not the drones, but will be hunted by the drones, as these are the reactionaries who have in them the inclination to revolt as they have already revolted from the NFL manipulation.

I am going to give you a reality which is a secret in all of this. It does not take a million or one hundred thousand revolutionaries to overthow a regime state. George Washington barely had 30% of the American population backing him, and a barely percentage who took up arms.
A few people overthrew Afghanistan under George W. Bush, directing the war lords there against the Taliban, who had seized power as an armed minority there.
The same Boris Yeltsin group in minority overthrew the Soviet Police State in the Russian Revolution. It is always a small army with guns which overthrows the police state.

100,000 Americans stop watching the NFL. These have 60 million silent shufflers, along with 90 million unemployed who will passively not assist the police state.
I am going to tell you something which will make you frown, but when Eric Holder and Barack Hussein Obama were planning Hutatree in February 2009 AD in the year of our Lord, and did not spring it until 2010 in anticipation of something called the Tea Party.......which was launched in MSNBC, that the Tea Party herd was known to be there, and was already planned for by the cartel.
It is why Harry Reid could announce it would end in 18 months and it did, after minders on the right like Karl Rove tried to hijack the movement, and how the leadership was fractured by sodomite issues, just like the GOP leadership was in like events, as this was all planned out.
The NFL is being initiated as it is, exactly as Michael Jackson the pedophile was resurrected after his death as a deliberate clinical test to gauge the reaction of the populace to accepting child rape in the final phase of this.

There are employed enough state police to monitor every person as was the case in East Germany. If push comes to taco, the Mexican slaves will be unleashed to brutalize Americans into submission in civil unrest. There is though a reality in this, that the mob is being deprived of it's circus. They are not allowing themselves to be sodomized and castrated. Those peoples without outlets are going to be prone to revolution.

With drones, GPS marking of all homes by the census with cell or wifi marking of people, the police state can keep control, as that is why all those traffic cams are in place to monitor American movements, and to keep Americans sealed in their borders from bases in Canada and Mexico. I inform you, that all of this in the war games is planned for thoroughly.
There is also though a well funded NFL disenfranchised group of several hundred thousand who no longer have an outlet for their aggressions, and could be the core group to overthrow America if they become aware of who they are, and are not decapitated by the minders in their midsts.

That is why this matters and no one is allowed in Mockingbird to even hint at any of this reality. This makes it a Lame Cherry exclusive again in matter anti matter.........to which the children will ponder this and say, "Why did I not think of this" and the brats will light up and steal it as their own brilliance.

At least Rush Limbaugh has parroted this blog in now defining to Lewis the Afroid for Obama, that Americas is in a DEPRESSION. Yes the Obama Super Depression first define here first......and now you know the dynamics of the National Football League being bent over to take the hike of the Nazional Fuckball League.

Now that some of you have been pulled out of the abyss again for your next few steps until you fall in......well you probably should realize that you are not always going to bounce when hitting the bottom.

PS: After this blog noted that Rush Limbaugh never spoke of Elton Blonde, the lovely daughter Katherine who el Rushbo is wed to, and only had his little pussy to play with, as his little pussy refused to let him sleep at night, in always wanting to play when Rush was trying to sleep..........
The lovely Katherine appeared non stop in sitting on the sofa to be spoken to quoted over ISIS Equalz Obama's speech in how John McCain was mopping the floor with Jay Carney.........as Anderson Cooper tried to slip in between the John and Jay cheek to cheek.
This blog makes and issue of the vanished lovely Katherine, who Rush states looks like the daughter of lovely Blythe Danner, as in Gwenyth Paltrow, and Gwennie Limbaugh appears on the half brain show.
Of course no one in Mockingbird reads nor reacts to this blog's content as this is just another chance happening like all the other chance happenings.

agtG 247

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