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American Filth


Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is not about American Filth, so the haughty Eurasian or Canadian can smugly, look down at American Filth and deny their own, but this is about your filth. That means you reading this who are already recoiling back in denial from your father, satan, who whispers lies to you, about how good you are.

Get it through your head, you are filth.

Long ago, I had the experience which was necessary. I have always had a union with the Holy Ghost, and through satan and the assaults of this world, love was used as a weapon against me, as that was a weakness I had.
I happened to be all alone at Christmas for quite a number of days. It was miserable, things were not working out in things were breaking down, and it was cold. As in all cases of cabin fever, one examines oneself in the din of their reality, and I knew how bad things were.
Now so you filthy deniers get this, this is from a Christian who is an instrument of God, Enlightened, Inspired and Prophetic. You filth do not measure up to me in the least. That is the reality.

As I prayed in bed though heart sick, the Holy Ghost being pleaded with to have communion with me, He actually did. It was the most condemning of experiences though, as I felt Him, imprint on me, akin to my heart being a bar of soap which was soft, and I knew at that moment, exactly how evil, sinful and filthy I was compared to God.

I have never forgotten that lesson, and the problem in this, is none of you filth have ever learned that lesson. The best you with satan will take from this is Lame Cherry is filthy compared to God, so I am superior to Lame Cherry. Take your delusions  and illusions  straight to hell as that is where you are going in your lying filth.

I utilize myself as a parable as personal stories mesmerize the children and brats, as you are nosy and love gossip. I would feature your personal wares here in who you lusted after today, who you sneered at in thinking they were beneath you and those foul little things which you are so comfortable with that you are so seared you do not even notice then as your sins condemning you to hell.
I know what each of you are and I know how you think you can handle sin, but sin is handling you right in to hell.

God does not love the rich more in giving them money.  He wants to save them less.  They chose the things of this world as more important than Christ, so He will deny them when the time comes.

Poor is in the Bible 197 times and rich is mentioned just 80 times, and rich is not used in Scripture in the Holy Ghost saying how wonderful you are, but in God's scorn over what reprobates you are.

America is a nation of sinful filth. She is dead Spiritually and your souls are so seared and desensitized that you no longer react to the sins of the Deluge, Sodom or Canaan.

The filth of Sodom were dual just as each of your sins is dual. American Sodom is cheating the poor out of justice in the courts and robbing them in Wall Street money dumps by the Obama regime, increasing the wealth of the rich. American Sodom is sexual depravity of homosexuality, pedophilia, adultery and fornication. Americans, like the rest of the West is filth and yet as you have your big screen televisions and your credit cards, you lie to yourselves how saintly you are. You are not good, you are filth.

Americans are a sloven race. They enable their sinful leadership in using excuses of criminal elections and letting some other Christian look moral, as you are covered in the semen of your own filth.

It is just as evil for this plague of "handicapped" stealing benefits from welfare in not working as the pandemic of Wall Street thieves plundering every nation. Scripture teaches every person is required to eat by the sweat of their labor, but all each of you are is gluttons for the banquet of sin in robbing from others. You are not going to get away with any of your sins. They will be visited on you and when you are dead, you will be in hell, imprisoned for Judgment for the final Sentence from Christ.

None of you filth think you have a sin in you. You come to this page and cast your bag of stones at me as you expose just what filth you are. Yes you have problems with the racial slurs about blacks, but amazing there is no mention of the myriad of them against whites. Yes your sins are marked as your spiritual tombstones on the rocks you throw at me exposing you for your filth.

In the Christendom of Prague, a Jonah appeared and castigated the affluent of that city for their indulgences and crimes. The rich gave away all their splendor and put on the clothes of the poor and people confessed their sins in public on the street. Americans, British, French, German, Canadian, Australian, Indians and whatever filth you are, you have Bibles, you have the Word, and all you do is lie to yourselves in how good you are, instead of changing from the filth you are.

You delude yourselves and think you have no sin, and the harm you do to the children is a soul rape which you relish. God knows all of your arousal and pleasure from money to sex to sports, and all of these children now who are sensitized as Christians feel your secret lusts, and all of those vacuous souls are constantly being spiked by your lewdness. You are nothing but a people of engorged cocks and clitorius and are as guilty of molestation as if you held a person down and raped them, and the reality is, there are those of you who have that abomination like all your other abominations, and you pretend you are forgiven in all your filth.

There are human sins which all stumble and work to not repeat, but there are deadly sins which the filth of you plot out and relish in, that you digitize like a serial murder to relive again to show others your lewdness.

You are filth and have shattered every Commandment God laid down for Life. You murder Jesus daily in disrespecting His Death He arose from and you complete the blasphemy of exposing the Holy Ghost to your inward filth.

You should be on your knees confessing to God all of your filth and stopping that filth, but instead you will not move your two ton asses off your seats as you bathe in the halo of your internet glow, as surely God loves you more as you are richer, you are smarter, you are prettier, you are a black and the world owes you, you voted for Obama so you are not a racist. No what you are is filth from Los Angeles, to Ottawa, to London, to Paris, to Madrid, to Berlin, to Oslo, to Rome, to Tel Aviv, to Sydney, to wherever you lay down in the bed of your sinful excrement daily like a pig in a sty. You are filth.

Go ahead and throw your darts of accusation that Lame Cherry is filth, but it does not change what unrepentent filth you are, as you are still filth. Your satanic accusations just pile one more sin to be condemned with on your towering horde of iniquity which you have collected with such care.

Sin has found America out. Your sin.

Your sins have murdered the American Virgin, and without God in you have now a messiah you helped steal the Presidency and are guilty of in replacing Christ there, your sins are going to be your death physically as the West without God and morals is unprotected, against those murderous peoples who witness all of your American Filth and have become instruments to murder each of you filthy degenerates the way the water did in Noah's day, the way fire and brimstone did in Abraham's day, and the way the sword did Canaan's day.

Think not in your delusions that you are "God's people" and protected, as the Kingdom of Israel doing less than what you have, were slaughtered, raped, crucified, enslaved, pillaged and murdered by the Assyrians sent their by God and those oft quoted "apples of God's eye" Jews in their divorce from God, were slaughtered, raped, crucified, enslaved and pillaged by the Babylonians.

You are filth. Your nations are dead in debt. Your rotting national corpses will follow the Four Horsemen of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ, national death brings decay, then comes famine, then comes plague, then comes war, and then comes genocide.

American Filth is world filth, but all of you are filth as you have all rejected the True God for your religions of filth from Islam to Yoga to Marxism to Vaticanism to Jewry to your glowing internet mosque. You are global sinners void of the Love of God in you and overflowing with satanic hatred of that which is pure and kind. Your only mercy is for debauchery and self righteousness, all in your filth.

You will perish in your filth, but death will not end it, for then comes being cut off from God with no remedy.

I tell you to repent, but you will not as you are willingly welded to satan in your delusions of how religious you are.

Did you worship God today in Spirit and Truth? No you did not as you are filth and can not comprehend to even begin how to honor God in Spirit and Truth as you are carnal and liars.

Did you make a difference today in another person's life who was emotionally distraught or physically in need, until it burdened you? No you did not as you are filth who can not serve yourself enough filthy lucre and lie to yourselves that God and his destitute can get by on crumbs or the regime will do your job.

You are guilty in you can not even keep the two pillars of the Law, because you have not the Gospel of God keeping your hearts.

There is no happy ending in this, because you are filth. The things you soothe yourself with in your filth will not take away your need, and you will enable it more as you do, and when you are so seared inside, you will die in all your sins, knowing you are doing God a favor for entering Heaven, when in reality the demons will appear and drag you away to hell's prison to await Judgment like all the other filth which billions populate this earth.

You are not God's. You are satan's by all the world you have collected as your diety. You are filth.

As you it requires to be said again, as this concludes as you race toward hell and away from this blog, YOU ARE FILTH.

nuff said



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