As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......
With Vladaczar Putin in the forefront of the media, one hears of the Crimean War of the 19th century ago, but none hold any fathom of the light brigade in what actually won that war.
The year was started with the prediction of William Greener, the British gunmaker who stated that long range rifles would outstrip artillery in the next war. The prediction came true and as British artillery blew up killing their crews, a rifle emerged, made by William Greener which killed the enemy at long range and made them retire from the field.
"Who, on reading my work of 1841, believed the prediction I therein made, that small arms would be produced which would render field guns useless? The fact is, however , firmly established, that the best rifles on my principle will out-range by several hundred yards the best “six-pounder” in her Majesty’s service; and that, too, with a repetition of fire wonderfully quick and effective: as the Russians in the Crimea can testify, on more than one occasion.
To endeavour to point out that an improvement may be effected in advancement of projectile science, and it is a coat of mail in which to fight against the prejudices and incompetency of official management. Who, on reading my work of 1841, believed the prediction I therein made, that small arms would be produced which would render field guns useless? The fact is, however , firmly established, that the best rifles on my principle will out-range by several hundred yards the best “six-pounder” in her Majesty’s service; and that, too, with a repetition of fire wonderfully quick and effective: as the Russians in the Crimea can testify, on more than one occasion."
William Greener. Gunnery in 1858 / Being a Treatise on Rifles, Cannon, and Sporting Arms
Yes the Greener principle in military firearms, was what kept the British as winners and expanding upon the places where the sun never sat upon the empire.
These realities are lost in history and it should never be lost on any critique or smear of Vladamir Putin that wars are won by chance, by the reason of firepower not breaking down and endurance of the army.
I can inform you that not one person who ever mentions the Crimea in war, has one idea of what that field of battle was won on, as it came down to a rifle of superior power which the British were using.
nuff said