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re luck tent warrior


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Equalz Obama gave Rush Limbaugh the impression that it was going to win the war against ISIS and for this Newt Gingrich, hereafter referred to as Ginko Gingrich was praising Equalz wildly on CNN while the rest of media was calling Equalz, the Reluctant Warrior.......they were though pronouncing it RE Luck Tent, so I think this was an issue of "a return to luck in peeking under tent flaps", as that is what Equalz was advocating in moving to the same policy of George W. Bush for 8 years.

So what was Equalz policy? It was basically to force the US military to return to attacking Muslim militants who were refusing to be dope dealers for the European cartel.
The reality is, is that ISIS was created by the Obama regime for use to assassinate Bashir Assad of Syria and steal that nation in civil war. After Vladimir Putin said "NO MORE WAR", this set off the Crimea Events, and the US military refused to be blowing up non dope terrorists in Syria for dope hauling terrorists being run out of 1600 Penn Avenue.
So in order to get the US military back onto script, Equalz had the British Intelligence minder do some stage theater in head lopping, piss on Obama's image, let Putin re urinate in his speeches and, Putin got Ukraine and the North Pole, the image got pissed on, and the US military under direction from NATO, is forced to blow up things in Islamia, or ISIS will lop off heads in America, and the Pentagon fags will be blamed for not protecting America.

The only issue I care about in this is Ginko Gingrich. Why would Gingrich be ass in the air praising Obama for a missile strike?
Who is Gingrich now in bed with? You will remember right? It was covered here, and who Gingrich works for is Harold Hamm of Oklahoma Big Frac and his ties are to Ashkenaz Adelson.

What is the connect the dots genre here? You got oil and you got control over the Jewish criminal syndicate in the Israeli state being protected. So how do you protect the interests of Hamm and Adelson, but blow up Muslims who will not hand over Iraq oil and who will endanger Jewish mafia interests in Tel Aviv.
You do remember that Big Rush was in a tongue fury over the Ukraine in his Big Koch policy was to take Russian oil from Putin and then sell American oil to Europeans....yes oil that would force up American consumer gas prices to 10 bucks a gallon, but that is the same policy which is driving all of this.

Equalz has his own agenda, and it has nothing to do with ISIS, oil or Syria as Equalz is on a leash not to violate European cartel policy, which is about seizing control of Iraqi oil and Temple Mount, with making Syria a neutered beast to not endanger the Jewish mafia.

Equalz crumbs off the table in this, is exactly what the liberal puppy press has stated, this is what the Obama legacy now hinges on in bombing "ISIS". We no longer are going to have a "nuclear disarmament of the Mideast in Iran and Israel" as what has been the Obama legacy end game for the entire regime, as it handed over Muslim lands to communists and set up these Islamocommunist terrorists to be thug enforcers for New Asia and Neo Roman Empire.
What is now the Equalz Obama crumbs off the cartel table is this:

Ginko Gingrich is being promised in Big Frac that they will get Iraq oil control again.

Ashkenaz Adelson is being promised that the Jew mafia is going to be gaining control again over ectasy dope, Slavic slave trade, money laundering and whatever as the European Ashkenaz runs the money changers.

Putin gets promised ISIS in Syria will be bleeped out, but those smart JDAMS will somehow by mistake blow up Assad interests.

Equalz gets to bomb some tents he is peeking under, and declare a new organized Mideast in which ISIS is managed and Equalz gets to declare it is a Nobel Peace Prize winner in real "peace in his time".

That is victory as upheld by President Hillary Clinton and a treaty which steals oil, sets up Jewish mafia control, Neo Roman control of the Mideast and Equalz as messiah peacemaker.

Newsweek was listing the successes from Equalz own white pimple head.

Somalia and Yemen are successes............yes if an American went there, they would be beheaded as these are the Islamic Ghettos of the planet.

The Iraqi Army.........ISIS cartel militants ate it and shit it out in two weeks.

Those are successes if you are running terrorists out of 1600 Penn Avenue as thug enforcers, as ISIS, Somalia and Yemen are terror successes.

You do know that already there are construction crews setting up "terror targets" for the US military to strike and declare victory.

Big Rush was calling Equalz a liar in Equalz stating that ISIS is not Islam. ISIS is not Islam, but is secular intelligence of European cartel, being escorted around to mould western policy and to seize Islamic real estate.

I leave this as what it is at this juncture, as you are being lied to again from all the tentacles of octopus again. It is why Ginko Gingrich is praising Obama and that is important in what they sold America out for again, just like in 2012 and 2008 AD in the year of our Lord.

nuff said


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