As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
What good is the Lame Cherry to fools who have no ability to learn?
"It does a fool no good to spend money on education, because he has no common sense."
Proverbs 17:16
What an equal condemnation for the rich, in they pay not for what they steal here in information in the majority, and they have no sense in what to do with that they have stolen. Just more camel's straws to break their soulful backs.
I do not fully comprehend the following, but in Bible study was alerted to this by the Holy Ghost.
There is going to be a bribe given to the cartel and the Obama regime in all of this ISIS stage theater. It does not make sense in those who have the world, would be bribed by someone who has only money.
It is though a money bribe, and it is from one of the minders inside ISIS.
They bribe for their life, but inquiry progresses to this is about a carte blanche to eliminate or murder the other terrorist contenders, for this individual's control.
It reads as a Syrian, but is not part of the Assad government. This individual is paying for the position to head ISIS and accomplish it by murder.
Inquiry points to this having far reaching effects which are disruptive, and this is why this horizon point is becoming a focal point, as Judas betrayal of the Christ. That which was not there will be there.
Vladimir Putin should not rest secure, the Ukrainian bribe in his possession is but appeasement. The cartel will draw him forth later to his demise.
"Condemning the innocent or letting the wicked go - both are hateful to the Lord.
Proverbs 17 - 15
This bribe is the lynch pin which the other events hinge upon and when it breaks, all else will break. The wars, in Europe and the invasion of the Mideast are linked to this bribe and what manifests from it.
This is satan's doing to gain possession of the Temple Mount.
Netanyahu now manages the Israeli lands for the cartel. He will not rule to the end, but will not perish. He takes Shadrach to Babylon where they meet the fiery furnace to come.
I can taste the dust in my nostrils like the scent of Esau in a dewy field. I look drawn northeast in the dawn. The whirlwind swirls there and the air does not escape, but is sucked to that land. It broods in darkness, birthing natal blood of death. Dark syrupy blood with a rotting stench. It is the unbetween time.
I wonder at the goose's call heralding this as a sign. I wonder if the Prophecy which is spoken here by the Holy Ghost is quieted as the silent time is almost passed and that of Scripture opens.
We move from the brimstone path, upon created rocks to the brier patch. The children returning home.
The children return home.
Remember the bribe in secret. It is not known, but you will know the reason for the upheaval in your forlorn look for hope.
agtG 329Yy