As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When this blog broke the exclusive that the Obama regime was running terrorists out of 1600 Penn Avenue as an extension of feudal policy, some picked it up, but most were again wary of such a thing, until it was proven in the media, and in September 2014, on the 3rd, Equalz Obama hisself confirmed that indeed his desire was to manage ISIS in another reorganization of the Mideast.
Terrorism for the reality is but an extension of the world aristocracy in order to gain power in nations using the laws of the nation against the people, to implement thug enforcement of rapine of states and to use terrorists now to run the contraband trade of dope, weapons, gems, rape and whatever is being sold.
What the point of this article is though is to prove to you that terrorism is a farce in it's real sense, as since their confederate of the image of Obama was placed at 1600 Penn Avenue, all the "terrorism" from plane attacks to bombings ceased, as that was part of the deal to empower the terrorists with their own piece of the pie or dip of the couscous.
I am going to lay out a reality for you to expose all of this at the base level. Terrorists are now in control of vast arrays of state run assets from Libya to Iraq to Syria. Considering the genius of Sheik bin Laden in the 9 11 attack, this group does have minds in it which are highly trained and adept at what their IED protocols can exploit.
So why have none of these advanced technologies been employed, except the cartel on top which benefits from this, is keeping the "terrorists" in check.
The reality I am going to lay out, is published knowledge, so nothing will be revealed here. It first begins with the United States Army studying in the 1980's of a new weapon for it's military which did not have cartridges which their guns required.
These new guns looked a great deal like the HK or other special ops weapons, but they had a new idea in a bullet was seated into a base of plastic explosive, and an electronic spark detonated the plastik.
There were no shell casings and less cost to the military, but yet this system was never advanced.
Glock created a great deal of hysteria in the same period in their "plastic guns" which could get past airport security.
Then there is the matter of high grade ceramics in barrel testing.
Alright now review this, in it is possible to create ceramic barrels and bullets. It is possible to create plastic guns. It is possible to seal plastik in a film which sniffers could not detect.
Therefore it is an absolute that anyone in the state sponsored terrorist community could easy bake all the weapons and ammunition they would desire for smuggling into any venue. Yet that activity never takes place.
The ammunition does not have to be "elephant" type in high pressures, so this is not about systems blowing apart or fracturing. Once again the terrorists are there, the technologies are there and the cover for them in these Obama states is there, and yet the world never experiences any of this.
Dennis Quade was in an interesting precursor image of Obama movie, in which a set robotic firearm was utilized as a diversion. Those realities do indeed exist and yet the last botched terrorist strike was using metal pressure cooking pans like the kind Fidel Castro advocates.
The ridiculous nature of all of this should be apparent, but it is never spoken of, or people would start concluding what staged actions this all is, and the time that people start figuring things out, then suddenly some "event" is generated and the public is reminded of "terrorism".
Did you ever notice why the only person who ever blew up oil wells was Saddam Hussein? Amazing is it not that the face of America in Warren Buffett who owns Asian assets with loads of chemicals and poisons, never suffers any problems, just like BP's only terror problem was when Obama sabotaged that well to shut off deep oil drilling in America, leaving prices high.
Just amazing how these necessary industries which would cripple all the terrorists infidel nemesis are never bothered with.
You did notice that .......what was it palladium or some rare earth metal in the Ukraine, suddenly became available just after Vladimir Putin was handed over Ukraine, even with all that fighting going on?
Oh you mean the cartel needed to keep the commercial flow of product going for it's lower manufacturing members, and suddenly Ukraine no longer matters and shipments are secure again.
Amazing is it not that no one is left to point any of this out any more. All of the funded Alex Jones types have just gone droning on about the same lines of compatriot Matt Drudge and CNN, and there just are no more Gemstone Files.
I would be content to just deal with the religious stuff and have someone acquire this blog for a few million like pretty Michelle Malkin sold out for, or Glenn Beck or whatever else is tuned up on the left. I see no purpose in re noting what rats in the maze are not responding to conditioning as it is rather redundant. I think I would like it though for the price if they had the name Lame Cheery, as the stories are always so chipper in all that happy media.
There are hundreds of clever James Bond things, Alias things and whatever things like fake beheadings with a Fahrenheit 451 cast of players, but none of them seem to appear as if someone is employing the minders who mind the terrorists with their moles........
Seems like it does it not.
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