My children I will make little comment on this, but place this reality of the Christian belief of President George Washington to note he was a man of deep Faith. He noted often enough the hand of God in his life and in the favor of America.
This quote is from Henry Cabot Lodge who wrote a two volume examination of George Washington to detail that the President and General were as above reproach as any person could be.
I do not say this in meaning George Washington was not a man of deep emotions and passions. There is an account of his sending out an officer to do a recon of the British, for a military action the next day, which the intelligence depended upon.
Time lapsed and the officer returned to find the General pacing in his tent and expecting the information.
The officer made excuses in the night was stormy, the night was cloudy and the river was full of ice.
This raised General Washington's righteous fury, as George Washington would never accept anyone not doing their duty when it was required of them. He would accept failure at trying, but he would not condone not making the attempt.
The General upon hearing this, picked up a lead ink stand and threw it at the officers head with the command, "Be off, and send me a MAN!"
At that the officer went into the same storm, same night, same iced river, and came back with the information.
In this he was helped by his religious faith, which was as simple as it was profound. He had been brought up in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and to that church he always adhered; for its splendid liturgy and stately forms appealed to him and satisfied him. He loved it too as the church of his home and his childhood.
Yet he was as far as possible from being sectarian, and there is not a word of his which shows anything but the most entire liberality and toleration. He made no parade of his religion, for in this as in other things he was perfectly simple and sincere. He was tortured by no doubts or questionings, but believed always in an overruling Providence and in a merciful God, to whom he knelt and prayed in the day of darkness or in the hour of triumph with a supreme and childlike confidence."
"Be ye angry and sin not", the Scripture teaches. Jesus was angry and whipped the money changers from the Temple and He sinned not.
George Washington was a deeply passionate man of Faith in the Christian God. As all of this has been censured, it is posted here as this blog is continuously censored.
nuff said