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Question of Wealth


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Money was derived as a measure of keeping a permanent record of the labor an individual produced.

You must understand that principle, as a standard was created for the farmer, herder, smith or soldier to compensate them for their efforts as hauling around loads of wheat, tons of beef, pounds of iron or enslaved women was not pratical, as there are only so many loaves of bread, steaks, ploughs and women a person can deal with.

That principle though has been violated in the modern age when labor was replaced with machine, and the value of currency lost labor, and became a set commodity in the petro currency.

If one invests in gold, gold does not burn up. If one invests in bread, one gains strength to produce labor. If one though burns gasoline, it only provides more time to do nothing while producing only revenue for the few who become richer and richer.

This is the incorrect monopoly in this, in the few hold the asset pedaled to the masses at the masses expense.

It is not the Ashkenaz propaganda of the 19th century of Karl Marx in the Communist Manfesto in religion being the opiate and control of the masses, but it is the feudal state of the few confiscating the work of the many in a form which once represented labor, and now only represents a monopoly.

In a true futurist age, humans would not be expendable, but humans would be served by robotics which would replicate themselves and do the production for humans, to return them to an Eden state of picking the fruit of life from the tree. That though is not the case as wealth has become a weapon in using money not to gain wealth, but to impoverish the masses by inflation, tax confiscation and monopoly replacement of labor for "energy".

Henry Kissinger can prattle on about the failure of nations and the coming of a new world order, but the reality is, this is the world which the power elite have created by design to bring about these exact results. There is actually more war now than ever in human history and more poverty. All Marxism managed is to enslave the masses and to monopolize power into the hands of the few. The Roman system never came close to gleaning mankind in the way the modern system harvests humanity as a crop.

Humanity has been an expendable nature since the industrial revolution. It has now mutated into a cannibal society of using up the most effective breeders in the Asian and Latin, and using the ill bred Muslim to terrify the masses to accept a police state which is busy cropping the militant white, who is the only salvation to save all geneses from this demise.

The world has produced in 6000 years assests in over 100 trillion dollars in monetary wealth which is in the hands of the few. Status can not number the assets of the many in the quadrillions of dollars in developed farms to industries to the daily productions of the many. Yet the world is made poor on purpose in the schemes of the cartel.

Has work lost it's value? No, but it has been devalued by pitting a human to an engine, motor or hard drive. The numbers of humans required to produce and maintain an engine literally cheapens all labor, not by the numbers, but by the reality of the few have valued production as if it still required a hundred thousands slaves to produce a ton of iron.
The elite have put the price of a gallon of gasoline as if it were the literal sweat or thousands, and they are not paying it, but charging the masses this high rate.

This system by design is meant to enslave the masses by confiscating capital from them, not for wealth sake, but in order to return the human to a helpless state in a feudal world.

The way the few manage 7 billion people is to impoverish them into a poverty prison in charging the population to live in their own homes, charge them for water, food, protection and even the air they breathe to the health care which is designed to thin the herd.

Biblical doctrine held the only civilized way to rectify this, and that was every 50 years to return the property to the original holders. The alternative in the modern era is one group of people to murder millions of others in war, and the victors of the elite stealing all the wealth.

I do not state these realities to wake people up for none will awake, nor to claim a return to a legal system as those in control will not forfeit that control. It is though one of those exercises of intellect which do not appear any longer for the mind to be jarred by in something which no longer occurs as in the writings of Burke and Adams.

I do not see any value in any of this knowledge at all, as I believe Christ will return, so no blundering mind will ever require to come across these writings in a time to come to enlighten them with profound discourse to bring about another age of enlightenment.
You are the children of the flickering flame and I do not fear it is about to go out, for it is my hope that it does.

How else could better come? 7 billion miserable people being robbed with weapons which can kill 100 billion. The future would be mass enslavement, mass cropping and mass misery to a counter of mass revolt, massive war and mass extinction.
I chose to hope in a Christ, instead of the logical digression of what the future will abort in this system.

It is far better to live in hope than to perish in reality.

Enough of this intellectual waste on the refuse of humanity. Happy labor day.


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