As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Mr. Iredell of North Carolina.
Mr. Rutledge of South Carolina.
Mr. Wilson of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Cushing of Massachusetts.
Mr. Blair of Virginia.
You probably do not have an idea of who those men are. If I add the clue of John Jay, some might comprehend who they are, but if I add Chief Justice John Jay, then most will understand that this is about the Supreme Court, the First Court of Founders, who was chosen and appointed by George Washington and consented to by the United States Senate.
This was the best Supreme Court in American history. It was guided by the character of John Jay, and amplified by these lawyers schooled in the law and all devoted to the United States Constitution.
You will notice that there are not 9 justices appearing on this bench. The only reason that 9 justices are on the Supreme Court is due to that Constitutional ursurper Franklin Delano Roosevelt who refused to leave office and also expanded the Supreme Court for the purpose of overthrowing America in socialist programs.
It is worth noting that in George Washington, America once had a fine court. 60 years of Thomas Jefferson mob rule courts brought America to the treacherous Franklin Roosevelt courts 100 years later which have destroyed the Constitution.
John Jay and this first court would never have permitted Birther Obama Chin to ever be seated in the White House in being proven a foreign subject.
America once had a Supreme Court, but it ended after George Washington.
nuff said