"I know male reporters who slept with their sources"
Bob Beckel of the Clinton Regime
Robin Wright neevorced Penn, stated like in the portrayals of House of Cards which is a Kevin Spacey not as good portrayal of the original English series as all American series never match the originals, that reporters and politicians are always sexing each other, and I would add, the Wall Streeters.
So now you have two sources confirming all the fagsexual activity, but it does not touch upon the rape of children covered here.
It confirms why Charlie Gibson disappeared after his soap dropper interview and it confirms why Obama was saying he was rolling around in bed with Brian Williams.
I make note of this in being proven right again, but it should not be a surprise in pimps and whores working for the cartel brothel are taking it out in trade.
I do not see the appeal in being sweated upon by genitals with feces penis scents which have been with gentials that have raped children, forced interns to sodomy for a job and then went home and raped the spouse as anything attractive, but it is the reality.
In order to bring this out of the closet, the question is, "If you are guilty of something you have done, when others talk of it, do you makes excuses for it, or do you condemn it?"
You make excuses for it, and that is why this entire group of sodomites is pro queer as every one of them has experimented, been forced to, raped by or engaged in for advancement sleeping their way to the top or having raped someone themselves.
That is why the Clintons did not matter I informed you, as the liberal males were all raping boys and girls as the wives threw vases at the husbands. The same is fact with Obama in every one of these people you see has sodomized someone in being guilty of it.
...and numbers of them get passed around as part of the deal.
nuff said