As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have touched on this subject previously, and provide here a concluding understanding in why is it that when a Christian is minding the store, that somehow these horrific things happen to them, due to the prayers of seemingly other "christians" in their lives.
How is it that satan can be unleashed on an innocent who is protected by God?
I dislike opening myself in personal experiences to the public, as the refuse will catalogue it away to attempt to charge it against me, but if the teaching helps one person, which it usually does, then the degradation is worth it in leaving no one behind.
I will not name the person directly behind this, but will state it is someone who is important to TL and I attempted to take the hits in thinking I could weather it, but it instead by satan destroyed me and carved into things which should not ever be opened again in me. It was Spiritual rape and it came from someone who studies the Bible, goes to Church and by all accounts is someone you would never suspect.
The charges are simple in this, in by this person's prayers, I have almost been murdered in automobile wrecks. One example being in an interstate going through a city, a mobile home appeared and almost ran me off the road and not one quarter mile further, the traffic suddenly stopped and I almost ran into that.
Two events are not coincidence, and there are others in I almost ripped my little toe off hitting a door jam which I never do and I happened to slip on the stairs and get a hell of a bruise.
TL was almost killed too in a car wreck. There are other things in this which I have not kept track of in trying to let things go, but that point has ended, and the lesson begins.
How this all works is very weak people, using prayers which to God, but God has nothing to do with such selfishness. This person desires TL to become what this person never was in pirating TL's life to be moulded into this person's ideal. I just happen to be the person viewed as an adversary in this demented mindset, for if I was ugly that would be my sin, and if I am fair, then that is a sin, and if I were rich then that would be a problem, to if I was poor that is a problem too.
It has come to the point in statements made behind my back, that our children will not be healthy due to both TL and I have normal medical problems Jesus is therefore we should not be together for the sake of some unborn children.
I have been damned if I do and damned if I do not. Nothing matters as this person is obsessed in keeping TL on the trinket tree to validate this person, instead of glorifying God.
From an outside perspective, all would say, "Well just end the problem by not having anything to do with them." Yes that is easy, but how many of you are keeping like people in your lives out of convictions and excuses eh?
I have attempted all. TL has shut doors and windows, and still the problems erupt.
The reality in this is when people speak as James relates, both good and evil comes out of their mouths. The example in this is, you can have intelligence which will help your government, but if another government hears the information, they will use it to destroy you and your government.
That is how satan operates and I give you the latest example in this desperate reality of this person.
As of late, this person's latest prayer structure has been to "pray that TL and I see each other as we really are". That means beyond love for each other, and the intent is all the faults, so that we would hate each other and break apart. That is the kind of wickedness this person is willingly speaking and the demons are unleashing for our destruction, as what God is creating in TL and I is one of the mysteries God decided upon, and satan detests this glorification of God, so of course it attacks and is currently using this person to attack us.
I mentioned I had this problem with my siblings I trusted. When my Mom got hurt with a broken bone, my idiot brother I trusted prayed that Mom would not be hurt satan killed the goat which bumped Mom. That really hurt Mom in the goat murder, but Mother's memories are short memory is not.
The pope sister who forgave me for all my sins, sends me birthday cards.......I have them in the trash and burned, as that one has killed at least one cow and been a source like the other one who said Mom and I were going to hell......yeah it was her husband who decided to use Mom's accident to inflict on her and on me. As I said, I do not forget.
The issue in this is human, as I know the outcome in this. I have already been past damaged in this. What will take place in this, is in about another 10 years, TL will have been hurt enough by these people that TL will cut all ties in being hurt deeply so often that TL stops as I have in associating with the problems.
The war still continued for several years as my siblings kept probing and reaching out in "those prayers" which satan was using....prayers like, "I want to spend more time with Mom".........that little prayer got a rope wrapped around me twice in a row by unseen hands, and the second time a horse had me dragged along as I hopped on one foot for a dozen a hell of a bruise on my ankle on that one too.
Understand this is war, and satan is using selfish intentions of others to attack you, as nothing in this is fair, no more than some terrorists cutting people's heads off. Just because you have western laws to protect you, the terrorist doesn't give a damn about your protections and lops your head off any way.
That is the dynamics of this. I would note that those who are grousing about thinking, "Well I don't have problems like that and I'm a christian" what you are is a fraud, who is dabbling in the satanic world as a come on to other dupes, that you can keep sinners around you as a Judas Goat.
If satan is not bothering you, you are in satan's camp........whether an ignorant dupe or a willing stooge. From the correspondence I receive and the Inspiration I have been given in my experiences, it matters not how good nor good intentions I have, I still get struck even when the castle is all doors locked and the moat bridge is up.
As I mentioned this has opened wounds in me of the most horrific things in my past. In God's reckoning plan, people usually die by Spiritual means beyond my hands thankfully, as this is the worst of attacks on any human they can suffer.
It is a point though of TL will be hurt, so that is weighed, otherwise this would be easy. It is a point that TL is going to be hurt in this situation by that other person, until it is ground down to nothing there and the ties that bind are obliterated. It is a no win situation.
It is a situation though that each True Christian will have to come to terms with in Christ as this is part of the education, as not all who call "Lord Lord", enter the Kingdom of God.
I have no problem in my dad being in hell. It is what he did in life to gain that. He could quote the Bible, was a moral man, but was heinous in using the Scripture to inflict on others and was a tool of satan. Too many people in this world refuse to follow the Bible's instructions of taking their evil children to the judges for sentence, and instead enable and protect their family members who are evil.
Psalm 55 is a dichotomy of this and I have written of it, and will utilize it again as an example.
King David had on his staff the most trusted adviser in the world. He happened to be the grandfather of Bathsheba. One would figure that the the most trusted person in the land, and your own wife's grandfather, that you could turn the whole country over to him, as he was not about to harm his grandchildren.
Not in the least as verse 21 reveals:
"The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords."
This grandfather actually sided with Absolom, David's son in open revolt. The grandfather was part of the conspiracy to assassinate David and all his followers.....including telling Absolom to have sex with all of David's concubines in front of all Israel, to prove Absolom was ruler.
I have written of this, in what could have been behind such absolute guile, as this grandfather literally sentenced his grandson in law, his granddaughter, and all of their children to regicide. The grandfather literally took Solomon his great grandson off the throne and put Absolom on the throne.
God had a way of dealing with this, in humiliating the grandfather's counsel before all, so he went home and hung himself. It is an issue though in the worst betrayals and tools of satan come from those you think you can trust.
Forensic psychology points to the grandfather was apparently like a Muslim or Jew in all fire and brimstone, in judging David and Bathsheba as adulterers who deserved death. There is always like Judas Iscariot an inner betrayal, and one can consider that, "Well I am the greatest adviser in the world, and how dare David defile my granddaughter, murder her husband to cover it up, and that little slut spreading her legs and getting pregnant after we got her Uriah a foreign strong man to honor our dare they sully my reputation."
It always comes down to that. Placing one's own glory ahead of God's plans and looking at people as trinkets to validate your position in life, instead of every person has the right to only Glorify God in the life God intended for them.
I hope this insight helps each of you children when the time arrives for your experience in this. It requires discernment and not blaming others for what is taking place, as each of us has enough statements opening doors for satan. When you have grown though, and kept your area policed.......and then things start hammering you, the examination is, what selfish ass is out there or asses out there, praying and willing things which satan is using to inflict on you to destroy you?
Each case is separate and God will deliver you through the affliction. It will hurt though and you will be changed, and grow by God's Grace through it.
I would that it was different, but this is how it Spiritually grows. Nothing pleasant in it, no more than a dozen kicks to the ovaries. It is what it is though, and when it comes to afflicting you, you will at least not be ignorant and have to search for answers.
God help each of you my children in Jesus Name Amen and Amen