As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
President George Washington wrote to John Adams concerning the issue of immigration. There was at that time a movement to bring over the entire staff of Genevan university to staff the American university here.
George Washington was completely against it, and warned of setting up little Italy's in America, as much as any nationality imported into America in mass.
"My opinion with respect to emigration is that except of useful mechanics, and some particular descriptions of men or professions, there is no need of encouragement; while the policy or advantage of its taking place in a body (I mean the settling of them in a body) may be much questioned; for by so doing they retain the language, habits, and principles, good or bad, which they bring with them. Whereas by an intermixture with our people, they or their descendants get assimilated to our customs, measures, and laws; in a word, soon become one people."
President Washington saw that bodies of immigrants coming to America would be groups of foreigners residing in America, and not loyal to America, but loyal to the leaders and customs of the nation in which they were raised. They would not be American, and would then seek to change America into the feudal system which birthed them.
The above should ring of Barack Hussein Obama in changing America and ruling as a third world despot. The Designer Negro Obama is Asian dicatatorship in training, and has no legitimate Americanized black experience, and his few years in Hawaii did nothing to homogenize this foreigner into America, where his gay parade of choom gang "look at me I'm black" was his complete isolation from an America he grew to loathe and hate.
George Washington continues explaining the psychological degradation on the mind of a child as written in his last will and testament:
" has always been a source of serious regret with me to see the youth of these United States sent to foreign countries for the purposes of education, often before their minds were formed, or they had imbibed any adequate ideas of the happiness of their own; contracting too frequently not only habits of dissipation and extravagance, but principles unfriendly to republican government and to the true and genuine liberties of mankind, which thereafter are rarely overcome;"
Just examine the foreign influence of in mass on American educational systems to the mass dumping of the Mexicans throughout America with the festering infernos of Islam and note George Washington's prophecy come true in the Paris sipping John Kerry at worship there.
That is the reason by design this change to America was initiated by the cartel. It has been the foreignization of America.
Christ rightly taught that a human could not serve two masters. You can not serve God or mammon, as you will hate the one or love the other. You are either an American or not an American. You either love America or want to change America. You either are loyal to America or are loyal to another system.
The Obama global aristocracy is loyal to it's feudal order and hates America. The modern traitor like Al Gore has sold his soul to the betrayal of America for his 30 pieces of silver.
Barack Obama is no American success story. Barack Obama is an overthrow of America success story by foreign cartel. Barack Obama is no more American than a Mexican illegal waving a Mexican flag, a Muslim building a mosque making New York into New Mecca or a Russian in Sacramento praising Putin in Crimea and advocating the return of Alaska next.
George Washington, the American, first America, first General and first President defined all of these American issues, and his order of laws are the interpretation of the United States Constitution in what that supreme law defines America as.
"One should only experience the foreign culture or foreign thought, after a disciplined education in American exceptionalism, which reveals the failings of those polluted feudal orders, for an ignorant American would be led away by that foreign thought."
- Lame Cherry
nuff said