As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Rush Limbaugh stated on July 31st, that the reason Americans are being impoverished, is there is not enough of the piece of pie to go around in Obamacare is taking 1/5th of the money in that economy, so this is the reason you are poor.
I have always told you that in intelligence manipulation, it is easier to deceive with a truth than a lie, and that is why operatives always use the truth to deceive people.
I utilize Rush Limbaugh to expose the Mockingbird scripted manipulation of those on the right in it's deception, so that people will not be like those halfwits on the left and following the pied piper of the image of Obama, who is now bragging about America being the biggest oil producer in the world, as his global warming followers in Kansas City Missouri cheer like Afroids handed out cell phones.
See the problem is in messengers delivering lines to those on the right and left, in Limbaugh promotes sodomites and the right still quotes Limbaugh and Obama takes credit for crude oil pollution and the left still cheers Obama.
This blog castigates all forms in Afroids, but when an American like Karl Malone of the Denver Nuggets is out shooting elk and promoting gun ownership, he is an American and risen from Obama voter diatribe.
The same is true with these Ashkenaz majority who are a treacherous lot. when Dr. Milton Friedman though teaches on the subject of economics, he is quoted for the American he is, as American is not license, but responsible Liberty and this Lame Cherry defends Americans.
The thing which made Dr. Friedman a great economist, was not just his free markets or having Ronald Reagan and Easter Europe implement them for personal prosperity, but what made Milton Friedman timeless is he could teach things to people which they thought were some great mystery.
My personal teacher was Dr. Benjamin Franklin of the American Revolution in economics. In a few lines, he simply related that when an economy is producing things from raw materials and work, if one prints or coins money in the government to give value to that product or work, then the economy expands.
A lumberjack cuts maples in Ohio, floats them down the river, is paid for them. The sawmill makes them into boards and is paid for that service, and wrights and carpenters then turn that wood into furniture, buggies or floors, and are paid for that work. Each step increases the value of the wood, by not impoverishing nor inflating the economy, as each person is paid for their work, and in each result a buggy, a furnished home and a home, creates an asset to the entire economy.
One house on the prairie is one house on the prairie worth 500 dollars. Fifty houses in a city, are worth 1500 dollars, because of the increased value of the association of labor.
Another great teacher, the historian Francis Parkman, wrote a multi volume history of America in Canada in the Old Regime and the Old Dominion. I have always informed people that the American economy just did not happen. It was a difficult thing to bring about.
In the French regime in Quebec, settlers came to America and did not prosper. At times when they found a good thing like beaver pelts, they produced too many and the market collapsed.
Quebec had no manufacture of currency, as it all came from the crown. When gold came to America, the rich ruling class confiscated it all into their coffers and the poor had no currency to exchange for their labor and produce, so it all retarded the system.
There was almost 200 years of this in America, until Benjamin Franklin's time in his writing of the crown in America, coining money or printing money, and by this the colonies then expanded with all the goods they were producing.
Now return with me to Lame Cherry, in 2001 AD in the year of our Lord, terrorists were instigated by the cartel to attack America. The previous 8 years under Bill Clinton had saw a Dotcom bust pilfering Europeans on Wall Street and robbing American retirement in that collapse.
Mr. Clinton also had his RETRO ACTIVE TAX, a new scheme where Americans were re taxed at a higher rate than they had been in having already paid taxes to the IRS.
This retro tax then gathered almost 1 trillion dollars in the much touted Clinton budgets. To counteract 9 11, President George W. Bush to ward off a global depression, immediately dumped that 1 trillion dollars into the US and world economy.
The venue where it was chosen to provide stimulation was in having people buy homes.
Before you get ahead in this, simply revisit this in this question, in how could George W. Bush, with 1 trillion dollars create a global surge in low unemployment, Wall Street trading high, the lower classes prospering and gas at 1.87 a gallon and electric bills only 50 dollars a month.........when Barack Hussein Obama having dumped close to 13 trillion dollars into the world economy, has no growth, record unemployment, people impoverished and only Wall Street doing well?
We know the first thing the Obama regime did was lose 300 million dollars in Bush TARP money. We know that the regime gave 1 trillion to the third world. We know that the regime gave 1 trillion to Europe, and in further illegal bailouts, added another trillion, and we know that the regime dumped in 1 trillion dollars to the emergency stimulus in 2009 AD in the year of our Lord, and the way Timothy Geithner of Treasury was with the Fed quantitive easing the massive Obama debt, that the numbers tally in 9 trillion for the reason Wall Street stocks were so inflated.
So should not the money pie according to Rush Limbaugh's propaganda be so much more greater under Obama having dumped in 13 times more revenue, than George W. Bush, as it is a reality that the economy has been expanded in money production 13 to 1?
That is where the Limbaugh fallacy in his Mockingbird protecting the recipients of Big Frac and Big Koch, do not want you looking, as all of them have made out like bandits while the majority of Americans are being impoverished.
America has the Mexican Chinese economy. America has the Fed graft economy, and, America has the fictional economy lying to the public to keep them from revolution.
You will recall that cash for junkers scheme in 2009? You will notice that Mexicans and Chicoms have money, as they pay no taxes on their fictional Social Security cards. They have the money to compete with poor Americans for jobs and for second hand cars and commodities. That is where Rush Limbaugh does not desire you to look.
The reality is the American Chamber of Commerce makes money off of Mexican forced labor. That is why they desire slave labor like Nazis or Soviets in the gulag. Limbaugh's backers in Big Frac and Big Koch also make money, but their main consumer group are the Wall Street Welfare group of Geithner money dumps.
American Chamber focuses on the Welfare Street groups of Americans for their Walmart purchases.
So when Rush Limbaugh tells you the pie is shrunk, he is right, but he is deceiving you. For the pie you are a part of is not the 100,000 dollar and above "poverty" level, but the Mexican Chicom pie in which you are competing with them for jobs and food.
I keep informing you that the poor in society are more vital in importance than the rich, as there are more poor and more money in their hands when a free market is operational which enriches all. The reason America is poor, is because Latins and Chicoms are the poor, sucking up resources in North America and at home in manufacturing jobs, whose moneys then end up in Big Commerce and Big Koch.
I expose the fallacy of the North Dakota oil boom, as the average Citizen in North Dakota is not getting rich. Inflation in the same real estate speculators preying on Americans, commodities and costs are robbing North Dakotan's to the poor house.
Their GOP government is spending money like crack whores on credit cards, which will in projects need maintaining, that in 20 years when the oil runs out, is going to collapse that entire region.
The only people making real money in North Dakota are Oklahoma oil tycoon Hamm, and Wall Street speculators. The same types who in George Soros drove up commodity prices in 2007 AD in the year of our Lord, and which Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh lied in scripted Big Frac, blaming American farmers for wheat prices rising due to bio fuel production, as farmers were cutting into Big Frac's revenues in the price of filling your tank.
Same farmers, same production and less of it due to drought, and Obama's Chicago brokers have dropped grain prices, robbing farmers, but is it not interesting in flour has not dropped, and gas prices have doubled.
The Limbaugh pie is not the problem. The problem is Commerce invaders are eating the poor American's pie and the image of Obama is cutting off slabs of it to feed the foreigners.
There is though a tipping point in this, as China is double dipping in borrowing from cross border banks, meaning it has far more debt than it's economy can handle, and the Fed is moving to increase interest rates on US debt. Wall Street is false inflated by the trillions of dollars Obama Geithner dumped into that bribery scheme, and there is not enough of an "economy" to keep those 17,000 levels.
It is what Benjamin Franklin stated in a government can produce money for lumber, coal, trains, grain etc..., but when there is nothing being produced on Wall Street, those stock prices will deflate without the Fed pumping currency into that dead system.
I attempt very judiciously to write of these things in an understandable way, in tying them all together so you will learn these things, as Dr. Franklin and Dr. Friedman taught in by gone eras. When you see how the Soros led financiers robbed that 1 trillion dollars from Americans in the stage 2008 AD in the year of our Lord collapse as an economic 9 11 on America, you can then comprehend how 13 times more currency dumping by the Obama regime, should have produced 13 times the growth, but it did not.....not because of the pie shrinking, but because like in Quebec, all the rich people confiscated the money for their benefit.
I really dislike explaining all of this, as economics do not interest me in great detail, as it is a simple thing to make the people who work wealthy, but becomes complicated when the few are robbing the many to make only the feudal few richer.
This again is something you should print up and read, and have others read, as people will realize in a 1 to 13 ratio, that things are not matching up to Bush prosperity, and in that taking place, then the media covering it up for those behind it, are involved in high crimes against the American people.
nuff said.................on and I am still waiting for one rich person to donate 350,000 dollars so I can prepare for the Lord's return.
Thank you in advance.