As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was reading a comment on Facebook from KI who was speaking about hash tags and the GOP, and I simply like most Americans have had enough of these hash tags, because growing up proper it was the POUND SIGN.
I have had it with these equal signs and all these ribbons people too. So as Rush Limbaugh plagiarizes this blog, I have decided to honor him and all the Mockingbird parrots in using a common term. I realize that in common genteel company that one can not say FU to everyone, so I was Inspired to create the above.
The Pound Sign with Sand after it, for POUND SAND in a big FU to the entire parrot world.
I have it posted on Cafe Press, but do not know how long it will take to appear. In the mean time, I have proprietary notice here that this is my logo.
So hash tag this.
# .......
I now return to the Sabbath.
......and no I am not going to complain if you type the thing out to idiots and tell them..........Oh it is a compliment of how bright you are.