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George Washington on Slavery


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have made no secret that in ridicule of the Age of Obama that it has exposed a real question as just how far the American black has advanced from slave status in their 98% voting in two election thefts instigated by Barack Hussein Obama.
Those are the facts in this, in if an American Afroid can not discern the end of their race by Obama genocide in  the Obama position of importing Mexicans to replace the Afroid in America, then what difference is there in duck not comprehending a hunter with a gun is a danger even though it sounds like a duck?

Education and the American experience should have evolved the slave to what was the persona of Nichelle Nichols, Martin King and Bill Cosby, but it did not. This is what George Washington espoused was unless the black was educated that turning a slave over to freedom would be a disaster.
It is best to have John Bernard the English actor in his 1 1/2 hour conversation with George Washington on every subject to relate the substance of the clear vision of President Washington.

"When we profess, as our fundamental principle, that liberty is the inalienable right of every man, we do not include madmen or idiots; liberty in their hands would become a scourge. Till the mind of the slave has been educated to perceive what are the obligations of a state of freedom, and not confound a man's with a brute's, the gift would insure its abuse. We might as well be asked to pull down our old warehouses before trade has increased to demand enlarged new ones. Both houses and slaves were bequeathed to us by Europeans, and time alone can change them; an event, sir, which, you may believe me, no man desires more heartily than I do. Not only do I pray for it, on the score of human dignity, but I can already foresee that nothing but the rooting out of slavery can perpetuate the existence of our Union, by consolidating it in a common bond of principle."

Henry Cabot Lodge. George Washington, Volume II

George Washington admirably desired to end slavery. He had a well thought out plan, and the subject arose from a slave appearing with a jug of springwater for Mr. Washington and Mr. Bernard on a hot July day in which the Englishman smiled at the slave and Mr. Washington speaking of liberty for all men. It was the above answer which clarified this, in Europeans took the African Arab slave trade and made the market America.
The Americans were stuck with this and attempting to deal with it in time. You will note that George Washington predicted the reality of the Civil War in slavery would have to be rooted out and by that it would bring common bond to America.

There is nothing wrong with the logic of George Washington as I agreed with it, but reality has shown the black took on father Abraham Lincoln, then ran off with father Kennedy by the Martin King railroad, where it then trampled on Martin King in mass to get at father Obama.
The black has an ethnic trait toward tribal clan and not for individual liberty.

Emancipation took place in 1865 in mass for the slave. That approaches 150 years of Christian training, education, skill development and assocation with Americanisms, and the first Designer Negro presented to them, all that effort was of no effect and by visual stimulation, they went Barack when even their own disappoints and genocide were the reality.

A new assessment must be undertaken for the American Afroid as they are tribal oriented as herd creatures are and respond by instinct to such.
There is not any way to rectify this. The Afroid responds to tribal leader no matter to their emancipation or their re enslavement. It is a distressing thing for a free people can not choose minders like Jesse Jackon to herd the blacks for the FBI as new agents of control will raise up an Obama and they will like lemmings plunge over the cliff without reasoning it out.

A 98% voting block is not a voting block, but a sledge shattering the machinery of the voting machine. It can not be legally negated without changing the Constitution, so it represents no more than Pavlov's dog barking at a light to be fed. There is no cerebral reason, only brain stem function.

When voting in the west arose, it was restricted to those of caste and property holders. It is a reality that the democratization of the mob has degraded to legalized theft of life and property of those strong for wars and those who have assets for welfare.
Voting must be re examined to explore what condition brought about the best advancement of society at it's foundation in only educated, income earning and property owners appear to only have the safegaurds of a nation in their voting ballots, for they in protecting themselves, protect an entire nation voting in 98% blocks.

I pause in this to reflect upon George Washington as this is probably the only surviving description of what it was like to experience him in person.

"In conversation his face had not much variety of expression. A look of thoughtfulness was given by the compression of the mouth and the indentations of the brow (suggesting an habitual conflict with, and mastery over, passion), which did not seem so much to disdain a sympathy with trivialities as to be incapable of denoting them. Nor had his voice, so far as I could discover in our quiet talk, much change or richness of intonation, but he always spoke with earnestness, and his eyes (glorious conductors of the light within) burned with a steady fire which no one could mistake for mere affability; they were one grand expression of the well-known line: 'I am a man, and interested in all that concerns humanity.'
In one hour and a half's conversation he touched on every topic that I brought before him with an even current of good sense, if he embellished it with little wit or verbal elegance. He spoke like a man who had felt as much as he had reflected, and reflected more than he had spoken; like one who had looked upon society rather in the mass than in detail, and who regarded the happiness of America but as the first link in a series of universal victories;"

Henry Cabot Lodge. George Washington, Volume II

There is a difference between races, and Henry Cabot Lodge as much as George Washington knew that there was a difference between English self rule, in the genes of the Norman English Anglo Saxon in what Americans resolved in 1776 and how the Bourbon French were incapable of controlling the revolution on their soil to the murder of 11 million French and the burning of Joan of Arc's artifacts.

The emotional ilk in America, and the uneducated, were led by the feminine Thomas Jefferson to be blind to France and create the democratic party. George Washington was fiery man in emotion, but was self disciplined to contemplate with his mind in governing his passions.

The Asian by contrast in the American Indian and the group, appear to vote not for race, but instead for the best economic gratuity they can receive.

The latin by contrast votes not as group, but by economic character in chosing if poor the best welfare and if affluent choosing who will protect their possessions.

All of this would indicate that only allowing the productive to vote as the protection of economic interests protects a nation from voting block self interest.

I would that George Washington had not reached the conclusion that the slave would react with education, Christianity and skills as the Norman had in individualism, but as there was not the data in understanding the Negroid and the sub group of the Afroid in America, it is reasonable to assume that a Black Labradore dog was going to fetch ducks when taught as readily as a Yellow Labradore, but that was not the case.
The French should have been a clue in this in the coming Obama voter, but any plantation owner having trained a slave to fetch water would conclude the slave would respond in voting for themselves when taught this way, but the tribal identity of following a father was too strong for the Afroid to overcome like a horse bolting for the barn.

I do believe that silence is the worst enemy to the black in enabling them as much as any race. Only by ridicule and being made aware of their instincts which are preyed upon, will they perhaps at least hesitate in the voting booth from voting their own genocide.

It at least is a start in saving black people from themselves and America from the sledge of voting block destruction by bringing this forward as an issue to be aware of.


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