As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Last Days of Obamacare were designed to be a major FU to the regime.
In this case, it was not Vladaczar Putin involved in the hacking, but Jewish contractors. This was the same group that Obama hired to flash hack the American internet in 2008 for his intimidation and election theft.
The personage in this caste if Adelson who is heading this, under the auspices of MIC in the Edward Snowden operational structure. This is coming directly from the Israeli Government, not Mosaad operations nor IDF, but think of this as, "I wash your bush and two in the hand means a friendly Jeb in 2016."
The secondary phase of this is the 2014 elections which this is intended to sow in that political upheaval to provide a serious voting margin that no e voting is going to be able to rig that large of margin.
The "democratic pollster" who revealed the Obama and democrat voter numbers spot on in 2008 and 2012, has suddenly revealed much to democratic chagrin, that the GOP is moving toward a sweep. None of it has to do with pollsters, but with leverage in who has been chosen to be installed into Congress.
The feel of this is there are numbers of people in this who have been paid off, but insulted and numbers who have been not paid off and insulted, and the Merchant of Venice wants some oriental take out with a fillet of Biden too.
The regime healthcare site going down and then not allowing people to register was accomplished inside the United States computer system. This might sound "yeah big deal", but it is a big deal and why the regime can not cry wolf over any of this and here is why.
As stated the same Israeli contractors were behind this that Obama used in 2008 to intimidate Americans.
The crash came from inside the government's network, but was controlled offshore.
The reason this matters is that Edward Snowden exposed the "holes" in the United States intelligence computer network uplinks. That little Facebook hacking breach, is that same hole that anyone could breach any system through Facebook, including the government computers.
If the regime cried foul of this, this then exposes the same contractors which Obama was utilizing to exploit these holes in 2008. Obama can not cry foul, or his criminal jihad against Americans becomes exposed.
The telling points in this are observe who is sitting on their hands in this. The FBI is not a group of dolts. They did nothing to arrest Obama in his crimes, and you will note that even with an Obama lead, they are arrested from developing any criminal complaint in this. That is the real Catch 22 of what Edward Snowden's revelations are the Swords of Damaclese in this, in it exposes not what the NSA has been data mining, but it exposes the much worse crime in contractors have been employed to espionage and intimidation of Americans in outright terrorism of Americans, and they were doing it all THROUGH THE OPEN PORTS IN THE NSA SYSTEM WHICH WAS DESIGNED THIS WAY in order to enlist tactics that the regime would have Americans furious over.
This is a major klusterfuck computer gang bang.
What I am about to inform you of is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, but it is so you understand how this system within the system works. There are cartel moles inside every intelligence group in the world from NSA, PLA, FSB, MI6, Mosaad, and they have the codex uplinks inside the octopus running this all piggyback.
Before you say, "I know that" and revealing your ignorance, it is why Edward Snowden's revelations to Europe were so vital in this, it was because overt intelligence has minimal access to this, but their own traitors within their governments have complete access, and that is what was the key in opening the doors in this.
The cartel had their own moles inside these European computer systems, uplinking to NSA. The NSA though was not getting all the information. There is a "dark screen" in this, in the information the NSA was receiving was filtered before it reached the American complex. So you get this, a window is an opening you can see out and others can see in. The cartel was filtering information NSA was receiving, and the cartel had numerous ports through these foreign computers uplinked data mining the entire United States closed computer network and the public network.
So you get this, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook was a created asset by Homeland in that network. It was a series of protocol servers globally using your computer to open whatever network it was uplinked to at your work.
You do not get this yet my children. Do you recall that old Mrs. Ben Afleck series called Alias? Ever see those people place a Wifi tether next to a close computer system and start mining information? Do you get it now as it dawns on you that Facebook was used just as other systems are used to utilize a smart phone to hack into close mainframe computers?
Now is the light going off in this on the Obamacare crash and hostage situation on the Last Day?
I warned Uncle David Rockefeller in 2008 that this was all going to come back, that Obama was the loose thread or threat and pulling on that string would unravel their entire magic carpet ride.
I have a clue for you which you probably have noticed as of late since the Crimea situation. Perhaps you have been receiving hacked emails from people on your mailing lists or heard of this happening? You will notice that the ISP address is RU, meaning Russia. These hackers are coming directly out of Mr. Putin apparatus and they are lighting the system up deliberately as a major FU to Obama.
Again so you comprehend this, the Russians have my passwords as do most in intelligence, as they gathered them up long ago. They were pinging the system on me from two different sources and two different accounts. These signatures are picked up by the FBI and NSA who see their own system being sourced, but they can not shut the system down or they lose their ability.
This is why the NSA is scowling over all of this and regime minders are all pissy, in they got off on this power of rummaging through people's private lives, and now someone took their eyes and ears and is looking at them, and having others blame them for it.
As system was cleverly built with holes in it to spy on others, and now it has become a revelation that the system has not only had it turned back upon itself, but the more problematic condition of there are cartel moles running this system piggyback for their own monitoring, manipulation and control of the overt intelligence agencies.
Some of you might recall how the Rothschilds gained control of the postal system in ye olde Europe. They did this to read mail before news of declarations of war or battle outcomes were known to the public in order to gain an edge in investments.
What the octopus has been engaged in has been manipulation of financial, industrial, political, resource, weather and intelligence information all for the greater control and profit in forcing governments to react upon that information. This is not the Stock Market as all of that is now nefariously clandestinely controlled, but this how to make those unversity educated idiot head counters react to data like Pavlov's dog on command.
It is going to take 10 years to rebuild this multi trillion dollar system, but it does not matter, as wherever there is a satellite, Wifi or electronic buzz, a system can be entered as the window is open to it. What is being engaged in now is the attempt to close down the Facebook ports so the surveillance system at least recognizes this as a danger.
It is another task though to have known resource drain and trying to sort through it all, as this has been so corrupted that ports which have clearance are the ports being hacked and rehacked.
There is a cyber war taking place and it is the first conflict of the Great Eurasian War or World War IV which this blog has spoken of.
Now you know more of the rest of the story and the people with heaps of money should donate to keep the lights on so they will know what is taking place.
This harassment has been taking place against myself and others since 2008. I find it all amusing that those who thought it was all funny or the timid of Congress who would not make an issue of this, now have the same contractors mucking up the puddle they exist in.
The popular girl does not mind sharing her dates.
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