As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In order to explain the Lame Cherry Gold Standard Solution, it will require the invention of new terminology both for the purpose of shortening explanation and to provide for this a way for the human mind to grasp it beyond the common terms.
I introduce the terms therefore, HEAVY ECONOMY and LIGHT ECONOMY.
A heavy economy is one based upon the gold standard as it is a heavy metal. A light economy is one based upon paper currency backed by nothing but a nation's word.
America at one time in the Theodore Roosevelt era of 1900 had a heavy economy. When the cartel via massive welfare spending, space race and Vietnam War spending in the 1960's did not have enough money to pay it's bills, the dollar was pegged to the price of oil by Richard Nixon which caused inflation, in the removal of the gold standard completely.
This light ecomony was further vaporized by the Barack Obama and Timothy Geithner "QE Economy" which was a system of looting the United States Treasury by creation of trillions in e money by computer generation.
Money was being created in such trillion dollar volumes illegally, that it could not be printed in such quantity. This money was not for an economy, but for bribery. The Obama regime bribed the third world with a trillion dollars immediately in money laundering into cartel banks. The Obama regime bribed it's benefactors in America with a 1 trillion dollar stimulus package. His benefactors in Europea with a trillion dollar stimulus package. There was the Wall Street yearly money dumps in bribes to inflate the Stock Market and Welfare Street bribes to keep America from revolt, as the socio conglomerate and big frac skimmed the money flow in hyper inflation in food, real estate and energy, along with the greatest tax increase in history in the SELF EMPLOYMENT TAX defrauding Americans of their income in a new attack upon the small business and working poor.
All of this was illegally accomplished in the Federal Reserve creating e currency on computers in their Quantitive Easing or the cartel buying up American Debt which it holds not as debt, but as financial control of America.
Consider it this way. The cartel foreign interest Fed, holds a stated 13 trillion dollars in debt which America owes and not the Federal Reserve. For this scheme, the cartel then has taken possession of a quadrillion dollars in assests in America for her ruin and their control.
An example would be, if you had your neighbor's credit card and were spending them into debt past the card limit, and for 50,000 dollars in debt, you would take over their homes. 401 k's, cars, property and children, who would have to work to death for you.
What the Lame Cherry Gold Standard does is unpin the Dollar from oil, and places it a backed by United States mined gold, which has been certified, and taken off the world market. This being certified US gold, it would then have it's price set by Congress on the word of the United States, which is worth more than the word of say Kenya. This gold could then at Fort Knox never be allowed out of America, as then it's value would become open market. The price of it could be set at 1 million dollars an ounce in the rate of currency in circulation.
This all would have to be backed by a responsible budgeting and a rate of gold in reserves matching Dollars in circulation to give it creedence, or it would be just more of this light money causing the destruction of America and their mass impoverishment.
This is a most simple system and it will fix thee entire economic problems of America in sound economics. The base of this will mean a rapid spike in dollar buying power of imports, which will require a tarriff to alieviate the stress on American industry to equal the field in an import tax collected, but one must factor in that when a light currency of a dollar worth 15 cents, suddenly is a dollar that is worth 1 dollar in gold, that is almost a 7 fold increase in the Citizen's buying power, in literally meaning this Lame Cherry Gold Standard increases the assets of Americans by 7 fold.
It will raise the value of bonds also held by foreigners, which can be alieviated too by a tax also when the bonds were cashed in, as it would not be a normal return, but a windfall instead.
The gold standard economy will iron out in time. Deflation will become a factor as in the Ronald Reagan era in enriching Americans, as much as interest rates will rise in money lent from banking, which is a point in this in money will be produced by the US Treasury and no longer lent at rate to America nor banks by the Federal Reserve, ending that debt loan shark system, as this is American's money to begin with and they back it with their working sweat and military blood.
These short treatise on this Lame Cherry Gold Standard are meant to increase knowledge and explain the nuances of this system in returning it back to what was the standard in America until th 1970's. By God's Grace I have found an economic way to save America from this designed economic terrorism which Americans have been facing to their doom in this piracy warfare.
The era of light currency and light economies must end. It must be a return to the heavy currency and heavy economy of the gold standard, with responsible budgets, and the linking of the Dollar to gold and not oil or thin air.
As a closing reality, oil in this gold system is going to deflate in price due to the buying power of the gold backed dollar to 14 dollars a barrel and gas at the fuel pump will be 50 cents per gallon.
If people do not speak of this, share this, and promote this, and then defend this, in the not too distant future there will be a currency reset of some kind and Americans will have hyper inflation and all they have stolen from them in another dollar devaluation in this light currency.
There will be fraudulent attacks generated on this solution as this checks the cartel's main scheme for final control of America. It is why this requires your promotion of this and standing your ground as this is in your interest in keeping the money you have in your accounts, even if you are not donating here as you should.
I told you by God's Grace this blog would protect you and save you. Now is the hour.
The time for heavy currency has returned.