Two for one..........
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Ryan Reilly, white, liberal, propagandist of Huffington Post, was arrested with some Lowery of the Washington Post for being a Ferguson Missouri McDonald's protest of Afroids there. not know what Ronald McDonald had to do with the snuffing of Giant Boy Brown in Ferguson, if the cop was eating a Big Mac or a sucking a frosty shake from the golden arches when the Giant Boy Brown attempted to murder the cop, but maybe the Afroids after having looted big screen tv's and other accoutrements, like Treyvon Martin needed something to eat more than gummy bears, and protesting not being served fries and a shake in sympathy of Giant Boy Brown's demise, must be something of necessity......well at least it was reporter noteworthy as the WashPo and Huffblow was there with two white guys..........island boys as that Lowery is a low class name along with Reilly being an Irishman.
I guess the McDonalds was boarded up, along with Kmart and all the other businesses the Reilly and Lowery could not have been buying fries there as they said they had been the Afroids and island boys were in a place which was closed down.
I would think that no one to take your order might have given a clue, as much as a cop having a gun means you are going to get shot.
This all needs to be in context. America has Obamanation with Equalz at 1600 Penn Avenue. America has that Carribean Queen of Eric Holder as the head hoss over all law enforcement. America has that baby eater Claire McCaskill as Senator installed there........and what is it that liberal Obama governor, Jay Nixon, is in charge there too, installing all sorts of sodomy, promoting sodom NFL and .........the point is you got America from top to bottom Obama, you got Missouri top to bottom Obama......this is Obama utopia, and you got Giant Boy Brown shot for trying to murder a cop.....and you got two white liberal Obama propagandists having their one head slammed into a window during is it that liberal Missouri looks like the Gaza Strip?
I dislike bringing this up in how low on the feeding chain the Nig is, but the American Afroid is behind Beaners........and now we find out that white liberal propagandists are not worthy to be shot while Giant Boy Brown's are.
Worse yet, the white guys get let out of jail early for being white island boys for Obama's image.
I look at it this way. In Odinga Kenya, you will remember that Rialla or whatever that Obama cousin's name was in communism, had a way of dealing with darkies over there. You will remember that Odinga herded people into churches over there, locked the doors and then set fire to all of them.
>>>>> This just in........
Liberal Kansas though assures all people backdoor to Missouri, that Ferguson will not happen in Kansas City as a memorial service for the Giant Boy Brown will be held down on the Plaza.
What the hell for? Sorry, that was me typing what I was thinking........but the thing is Kansas City stopped like 800 cars last eve, and found like 100 residents there driving without licenses or were taken into custody for outstanding warrants.
This just in.......
What the f*ck?????????
No wonder shit hole Missouri has a fissure oozing excrement over Giant Boy Brown, as in Kansas City, a police state check point nabbed 1 out of 8 cars cruising around in being turds who should not be on the road.
So deary, you got St. Louis as a toilet tank......and you got the extra flush west in Kansas City revealing that on average 1 out of 8 people there is a criminal.
Those odds look like exactly what Ferguson is being burned down by.
What the hell Maxwell is that???
These are Obama voting shit holes, so as Jay Nixon appeals to Afroids to keep rioting legally, you got exactly the reason Giant Boy Brown was a murderer in the making, why the cop hosed Giant Boy Brown and why Missouri is Gaza......just like Chicago is Gaza.
The headline of Police shoot unarmed black a bad thing.
The headline of Police shoots black Giant who attempted to shoot a bad thing.
Now if you face a 6.4, 200 plus pound Giant, grabbing for your gun and rips one off in your car.......that is a bit different than grinny 5.10, 150 pound 18 year old chum head Obama.
I personally conclude that the cops should have shot the white reporters........shot all of them and it would have done more good and been at least fair. For some reason they only head bang white reporters and shoot Nigs.
I personally do not like the reality that America is once again having the Obama race card played before an election.......just the way black wilding at the Wisconsin State Fair, Treyvon Martin were constructed and inflamed to intimidate voters. That is the reason the white reporters were there, the reason the black instigators were there.......this was a staged event on Congressional talking points run out of the Democratic National Committee.
Call that a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I personally do not like cops any more than I do Afroids any more than I do any dick who robs a check out of the regime for a living. Cops are drawn to the vocation because they like ordering people around and breaking laws common people have to obey. Cops get bitched at by Mayors who order them to not bother rich kids whose Obama parents are donors, and cops get peer pressured to look the other way on kickbacks, blow jobs and how hot chicks always have their addresses looked up. Cops have things like "I f*cked your skank ho bitch last night and gave her a real cock"...from Afroids and worse BS from Beaners who cops are ordered to not bother because Beaners serve the big shots.
I do not need to go down the list of the American Afroid being rewarded for being the worst stereotype as an architype was installed illegally in the White House.
What America has is a number of militarized police in a state of aggitation who are the same paid murderers as the US military was engaged in by Obama in 2009 to murder Muslim terrorists for Muslim terrorists who would run dope for the cartel.
You want the facts in this.........93 normal people are not working in this country, while all of these psychos at the Post Office not delivering mail to welfare trash are being paid to aggitate the system. Normal people are no longer hired at jobs, because the questionaire cull is designed to have Giant Boy Brown thinking he can walk down the street and murder a cop with his gun, like Treyvon Martin did with George Zimmerman.....and the same cops are taught to murder and beat people as they are all militarized.
So you got Nigs with attitude thrown up against cops with tude and the press fanning the flame for Obama elections.
So you got liberal Obama police now defending themselves against head banging Nigs and island boys to keep the peace as Equalz condemns them on infringing the rioters Constitutional rights.
The only thing in this which bothers me is the stupidity of the Ferguson cop. Before SWAT militarization, cops always had a plant gun on them, picked up off the street in some Saturday Night Special. You get a cop going postal for a Nig trying to hose him down, and the cop just puts the plant gun on the Giant Negro and that solves it all.
Certainly a great deal cheaper than turning Ferguson into Gaza and taking Equalz away from his Vernon Jordan party........oh yeah that little party was instigated by Vernon Jordan to smooth the fray between the Obama's and the Clinton's as it has been open warfare on both fronts.
Vernon Jordan should get Obama's Nobel Peace Prize for that Camp David accord.
Yeah yeah.......the Lame Cherry exclusives in matter and anti matter on all fronts, and the real story is hidden at the end, to have you read through the entire toilet tissue.
I wonder if St. Louis, the Christian monarch of France is offended all this sin is involved in his namesake? Jesus probably was too in that messiah Obama thing.
I got an idea in Obama in 2009 when that nutty Nig professor and white cop got into a college row, Obama had a beer summit. Why not have Equalz pop up a few Buds for Giant Brown sr. and this street hoser cop.
At least the protesters now got the sidewalks to loot from legally......and now they got porta potties there for them, so all this sewage can be hosed down there.
I have to do something important now and make cinnamon toast.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I wonder at media and the Obama much as the Afroids for joining at the hip with the Giant Mike Brown who was shot in Ferguson Missouri.
What the real story now forming and why Ferguson police have been backing their officer, is that the Giant performed a strong arm robbery at a Quick Trip.
The "friend" Dorian Johnson stated that the Giant was just walking down the street........when the reality was that a clerk gave the following description to police of the robber, along with the reality that digital recordings showed exactly who this Giant was.
Yellow socks, white t shirt, and St. Louis Cardinals cap..........
We know that a small Indian clerk who was a male, was picked up by the neck by the Giant and thrown across the room into a stand of potato chips
We know that the reality is that the cop was treated for injuries according to the press.
The cop is reported to not have known this was the suspect at the robbery, as in he did not associate these two street walkers with the robbery. That does not make the officer guilty of anything, but it explains to Dana and Parks on sodom KC Missouri Rush Limbaugh radio stations, who swerve from one defending the Giant to not taking sides until the information is all in........the reality, that the first reports as reported here, that the Giant attacked the officer, was a cop who was surprised in the attack in not suspecting the Giant.
This follows to the reality that of the report that even as Dana and Parks whine about this Giant did not deserve to lose his that if this Giant attacked the cop, then got the cops gun to murder that cop, and took the safety off and got a round off in the cruiser.......and then FLED, and was shot down with multiple rounds.
Then you have exactly as this blog reported from DAY ONE in this, which was in media reports, but apparently Dana and Parks of Missouri or CNN are more interested in jigging Obama race stories, that up to the point of an assailant laying flat on the ground with arms and legs spread, an officer has every legal purpose to shoot a criminal running away or standing facing you with hands the criminal just tried to murder the officer, and the officer's life is in danger by a 6.4 feet over 200 pound Giant.
I make it a point that I do not like the police. They are thugs who protect the elite and criminals. They extort money from traffic stops as intimidation.
I equally do not like all these idiots who are pissing cops off all the time, so when I pass by they are scowling at me, just waiting to cite me for something in retaliation.
If the officer supposedly named Wilson had the right to shoot this Giant. According to the above, the officer had the legal right to shoot this criminal.
It does not matter if the cop pulled his gun and a round went off in an attack or if Mike Brown did the pulling, as the attack is what is the reality and a police officer has every legal right to shoot anyone endangers his life.
Shot 1 was legal and in spray and pray, shots 2 through 6 were justified.
The most interesting thing in this was a Patrick on the KMBZ feed out of KC on Dana and Parks was scolding the two white hosts who is black who was law abiding, but been rousted by police, who said cops pick on kids who do not can fight back...........thing is Patrick who is black is mad at the two idiot white liberals and against cops...........but he is never furious at the cause of the problem is BLACK MALES or Afroids who are antagonizing police and committing crimes, so that the police are always targetting blacks, because blacks are the problem.
The problem is blacks. That is why over 2 million of them are in prison. The problem is Mexicans as that is why they are in prison. That problem then has lawful people like Patrick and myself being bothered by cops.
As I broke the story here, this is only going to get worse as blacks not working due to more Obama Mexicans are going to be in prison at a higher rate.........and wonder of wonders, that means you white folks are going to be in prison at a higher rate too as you are being replaced by Mexicans in roofing, carpentry and maintenance jobs.
This is Obama regime policy and the cops are the police state enforcers of an entire society now on edge in not having any hope or reason to work, so they are big Nigs going into a store and throwing an Asian across the room in frustration, just to vent.
All this as his man Equalz is in the White House. What did blacks get out of Obama? Fricking free turkeys in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, some fricking cell phones in 2012 AD in the year of our Lord..........and several million Mexicans to genocide the blacks.
Afroids are idiots. They vote lock step for Obama at 98% and then blame cops, when blacks are their own worst enemy. Obama is genociding the Afroid race in America. Yet that cop is the one being blamed when Obama has aborted millions of black babies and is handing Christian girls over to Muslim thugs in Africa.
I would like nothing better than to be on my little spread, with no media, just fishing, hunting, trapping, gardening and rustling whatever animals God gives me. I have had it with Giant criminals, spray and pray militant cops, the regime in DC and media.
And for those who ask why the cops sat on the reality that the Giant was a strong arm criminal......just ask yourself in liberal Missouri, run by liberal Nixon and liberal McCaskell, and Equalz is using this as a Nig election issue..........gee maybe this was a politically staged event again like Treyvon Martin.
Liberal mayors and police command, maybe getting an early democratic promise of some rewards from the DC regime if they let this turn into a political event that gets more Missouri liberals elected and more liberals elected nationally........
Surely that could never happen now could it.........even if the evidence is pointing exactly to it.