As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I happened to notice the state police of Missouri, lined up in Ferguson as Papa Brown was jawing at them over the Ferguson police shooting his baby boy down.
So you comprehend this, this Brown boy is being utilized to scare white people from impeaching the image of Equalz Obama, and that is why the press is biting on this so hard and Holder's Justice is unleashed to intimidate white Southern police forces to allow black crime.
The problem is the Missouri state police in the photo, look like the rejects the Nazi's threw into the war in 1945 when nothing was left but culls. At one time state police in Missouri were not of color, but they were 6.4, 225 pounds and were not little girls as pictured with sticks bigger than them, and fat boys who look like they should be losing the mail in the post office.
The reality is this "black brown boy", was nothing of the sort. He was a giant of 6.4 and over 200 pounds. The entire story of the Brown giant was he was suspected of robbing a store of guns. He then attacked the police officer, in a wrestling match in the car, were the giant gained possession of the officer's weapon, and a shot went off in the cruiser.
So you comprehend this, a pistol is in a holster which is strapped, and they have safeties on. Some are not even loaded, so this giant had to unstrap the pistol, take the safety off, and perhaps jack a round into the chamber, as he pulled the trigger in an attempt to murder this police officer.
All of this started out with this giant walking in the middle of the street and being told to get back on the sidewalk where people with brains and not meaning to intimidate motorists walk, as it is dangerous, unless of course you are a giant who is a street terrorist attacking motorists.
As no one is saying any of this, the reality is, if you attack a police officer, take his gun and fire it to murder him or her.......all rules are off, even if you decide to wave your hands and surrender. You have proven a threat and any lone officer is justified with you on your knees or feet to put you down as that officer is justified in you and your thug friend have attacked him when the officer got close, and deadly force is in play, even if Al Sharpton, Eric Holder or the image of Obama or the Brown clan are ignorant of these facts.
The problem in this is that the image of Equalz Obama has had Nobel Prizes and two stolen elections to make the world Obama changed, and what has taken place?
Young black males like Treyvon Martin or Giant Brown, are becoming neighborhood terrorists, in attacking armed men patrolling their neighborhoods or endangering motorists by walking down the city streets meant for cars.
What of the frilly panty liberals in Robin Williams voted for, donated for, and got everything he and liberals decided was the change for America in Obama and here comes Robin Williams girly strangling himself as a rich, white, affluent and popular male, in all of that and Obama is not enough.
Yes liberals want Robin Williams to be like beautiful Terri Schiavo dehydrated to death. There was Robin Williams dressed in one of his bedrooms, with a belt around his neck, wedged in the jam of a closet door, in a seated position.
Here was an Obama voter who had it all, took it all and liberaled it all, and Robin Williams best was to let the shadowy clouds appear before his eyes, and in getting that final rush of adrenalin to feel good, as it all went black for real instead of Obama me Asian.
There is nothing attractive about old liberal comedians or young Afroid thugs oozing body fluids as the propaganda attempts to make it all glamorous as sychopants tear up or tear the windows out of Walmart for big screen tv's.
So messiah Obama's image has changed the world........a world now changed where stupid black people are still thinking armed people will not shoot them and stupid white people are still thinking that all that annihilation of God, family and morals will bring them happiness and not a belt about the throat.
We have the world which liberals drip over, and yet liberals are still finding ways to commit suicide by police or belt. Can we not at least hope that Robin Williams belt was not leather for PETA's sake, and it was some material which did not benefit the evil oil companies or Dick Cheney profiteers.
The reason the liberal media makes the self murder of liberals some euphoric event, is because liberals are all about making it easier to tune out of life and God by dope, sex and any array of aborticide to self suicide or morphine drip ending it all. Robin Williams is a hero for all these cowards who are begging parents to abort them before they are born or some HIV sex act to suicide them, so they are not burdened by having to stuff tampons up your nose to asphyxiate themselves.
Every one of these media frauds thinks about killing themselves, and when Robin Williams does it, they celebrate the event in fictional terms which are glowing as it is what they all desire in fantasy.
Seriously in this, where were all of Robin Williams liberal Obama backer friends? They knew he was having problems. They knew he was degraded in roles. Where was multi millionaire Ron Howard? How about David Geffin? How about Peter Jackson? How about James Cameron? How about any of these movie bigs giving Robin Williams one last triumph so he didn't do the belt necktie?
How about Rob Reiner the multi millionaire, or buddies Tom Hanks the multi millionaire.........Chevy Chase and Bill Murray with their fortunes? They all knew Robin Williams was in trouble and none of them swooped in to save the California ranch or bank check a few million to tide Williams over.
See that is what frauds liberals are as much as every rich person is as the Good Samaritan revealed. People know I have financial problems and they don't give a damn any more than David Letterman gave a damn Robin Williams was taking the way out.
There is a song I had to learn to sing in Sunday school and it went......
You've got my sympathy
What more can you ask of me
If you'll excuse me
I'll be on my way
Robin Williams like Giant Brown weren't cowards, but were failures at life, and all their family and friends were failures at being humans, as Robin Williams proves.
Sure they got money for DaVinci Codes to smear Christ, got Brokeback Mountain money to degrade the American cowboy image, but have on of their own destroy themselves with all the liberal anti God death choices, and there is not a penny after all, "I feel your pain" and dear Robin, I got you Obama in the White House so at least you are not a racist and in downtown Ferguson, at least one more Giant did not die a race failure as there was a Designer Negro in the White House.
Can't you just hear the whispered conversations of Billy Crystal and Meathead Reiner soothing themselves that none of this was their responsibility.
What words do you tell yourself about not donating here rich person to pacify that you are better than Hollywood trash?