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Nigger Freedom


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Al Sharpton has been outed as an FBI mole like Jesse Jackson, like Birther Hussein Obama is, all proving what this blog has published in exploring the issue of the Designer Negro to educate on subjects the "uncomfortable" fear to tread as they are imprisoned in their own mind gulags, it is time to explore the issue of Nigger Freedom in these United States, in the real issue that the freed black was nothing more and has been nothing more than an act of terror against the people of these United States.

Let us begin this with the reality that the Europeans, especially the British took over from the Portuguese, Arabs and Negroids in Africa the market of acquiring, transporting and selling humans. Humans in this class being  the ignorant nappy head who was less intelligent than the monkey in not fleeing away from those capturing them.

Slavery is nothing to redress here in what it was, except as an inefficient means to attempt to produce sugar, tobacco and cotton as cash crops to enrich ruling caste in Europe.
American inherited this trade, which was filled with inefficient labor as the Negroid of the coast would not work without constant prodding. Slavery hindered white human advancement for hundreds of years, because it blunted invention of machines to replace the Negroid which performed best at sleeping and sexual intercourse.

It is in that understanding, that Thomas Paine in his redress to King George in Paine's Common Sense or Crisis series of articles wrote the following to the British sovereign.

"That the very man who began the war, who with the most sullen insolence refused to answer, and even to hear the humblest of all petitions, who has encouraged his officers and his army in the most savage cruelties, and the most scandalous plunderings, who has stirred up the Indians on one side, and the negroes on the other, and invoked every aid of hell in his behalf, should now, with an affected air of pity, turn the tables from himself, and charge to another the wickedness that is his own, can only be equalled by the baseness of the heart that spoke it."

Thomas Paine

I desire you to note the hidden little charge of King George was not only a terrorist, scorched earth in America and gang rape of American women in such states as Connecticut during the Revolution, but that the King was well known in stirring up Indian terrorism, but that King George was busy stirring up a Negro rebellion to terrorize whites.

Virginia actually had a mass slave revolt take place. We now see the relevance of this in it was the British Government who was behind the use of blacks as a terror weapon against these United States.

This blog broke the story that the Europeans were behind the "abolitionist" movement in America and helped elect Abraham Lincoln as the fuse to cause the Rebellion of the Civil War, as electing Lincoln was a declaration of war on the South which would annihilate those States.

During that Standing for States Rights, Abraham Lincoln himself, unleashed the Emancipation Proclamation, not to free slaves, but to use the freed black in the same way that King George intended as a terror weapon.

In researching the real history, President Andrew Johnson, a Republican, was impeached, because he was rolling back the use of blacks as a terror weapon in the South against the whites there. Congress in response passed the "Reconstruction Laws" to break up the established white governments in the South to cripple that population in being a threat to Northeast interests, which is what this entire terror act was about.

If you care to bother with real history, the first person in Congress to start the American Civil War, was an ousted President, elected to the House. His political retalation based from Massachusetts was the slave issue and the man was John Quincy Adams, and he was using it as a terror weapon against the political powers that were ruling Congress at the time.

The GOP wanted freed Niggers to vote for political annihilation of Democrats. By 1950, the leftist Martin King was risen up and this Nigger Freedom movement was hinged to the communists of Eurasia, and soon seized as a terror weapon against the Republicans and the Solid South for liberal political gain.

Can anyone looking at the Emancipation of Barack Hussein Obama, a foreigner installed by European interests as a "designer negro" to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, given a Nobel Peace Prize, not admit that B. Hussein Obama was the biggest black terror weapon ever unleashed by the ruling elite, in he has overseen the genocide by black children in Africa and America through aborticide, is importing more prosperous Mexican slave labor to rid America of the black voting class, and that Mr. Obama Chin has been culling non cooperative terrorists and rewarding coopertive terrorists with Arab lands like Libya and al Qaeda opium trade out of Afghanistan, in the biggest terror event in human history all run out of 1600 Penn Avenue by a "black" in the White House.

This is the real historical fact of Nigger Freedom. Some might prefer it termed Afro American Freedom, but that is pure ignorance as people in Africa are Negroids without an Afro nor American whiteness in them.
The history of "Freeing blacks" has been every time employed by some political movement, answering to the European aristocracy and financiers, for the expressed purpose of terrorizing Americans from Virginia uprisings from King George to black wilding in Wisconsin from Birther Obama.

The American Afroid has always been a weapon unleashed against white people. They are a 98% voting Obama race prone to such herding operations as they stampede in mob.

The reason all of this heinous terrorism continues is the same reason Eric Holder can threaten a Texas Congressman in committee questioning on Holder's crimes, in Holder threatening back, "You don't want to go there buddy!!!!"
It is because the timid are uncomfortable with facing the reality and the bully is thugging the issue to silence.

There never has been such a thing as a free black. All there has ever been are pet blacks and terror blacks, all housed in Nigger Freedom to be exploited as a political weapon, as it is less noticed when Hank Aaron is running down the street with a baseball bat, than if Hillary Clinton is to get a Clinton thrown into prison for terrorism.

Thomas Paine called a spade a spade in King George, outing him as running a terror network in America from Buckingham Palace. That same black terror network of the police state to Obama al Qaeda is still in employ in America in the 21st century.

Face the reality.


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