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Radio Rape


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III provided the ultimate MK ULTRA mind conditioning protocol at 1:20 PM eastern, on the afternoon of July 16th, 2014 in which for the first hour he went on a diatribe on border busters and homosexuals in a factual right wing point of child abuse and sodomites are a minority made to appear as a majority by Hollywood Mockingbird.

That was the hook for almost an hour and a half, and then came the brain slam meant to indoctrinate right wing listeners to accept INVADERS AND SODOMITES AS JUST LIKE THEM in the Chritian Right.

A "caller" appeared from Florida, named "Mia". She announced that she was a homosexual, without using the word "lesbian". She claimed she had been with her "life partner" nine years and only married for "economic reasons", as she really was a good girl, raised in a Catholic school, and was just as concerned about civil unions whether by judge or clergy, in which the "government" were changing the definition of "marriage" as once you do that, you can change the meaning of anything.

Mia just happened to be a Venezuelan too from Latin America. So in one mindwarp, it just so happened that an alluring female sodomite, phoned in from GOP Florida, who was raised a good Catholic girl, was "right wing" in all things, loved Rush Limbaugh like all his listeners, and was a foreigner from Latin America.

That is textbook in how mind conditioning is instituted in Mockingbird and MK ULTRA. It does not matter if it is Pyongyang newscasts calling Americans filthy capitalists, the Missouri Synod Lutherans putting an image of Obama on their Lutheran Witness magazine before the 2012 election theft or it just so happens that of all things right wing, Ann Coulter just happens to come out and scorch earth Birthers or Pegs Noonan comes out in voting for Obama.

You can try it sometime if you would care to be punched in the face, by simply mirroring people, say homosexuals, in all they are for half an hour, and once you have them conditioned to think you are one of them, switch up from agreeing equality, sodomy, persecution, same sex attraction, to "We agree on everything, but gays will face judgment from God, even if it is unfair by human standards which we are guaranteed protection, so as gays are enabled in the same sex attraction, the same type of protection should be afforded gays to enable them to be straight."

You will get a stunned blinking response, before it confuses and a rapid but, but, but begins before eruption takes place. Rush Limbaugh conducted the same vocal conditioning to his half brains on July 16. He told them exactly what they wanted to hear and then gave them an alluring, non threatening anti communist Latin lesbian, to infect their minds to a disruptive 30% problem in which those right wing listeners were moved to accepting, a Catholic lesbian, a Conservative lesbian, a right wing lesbian and a lesbian just like them.

For those who think they are above such things in not being affected, no one is, and that is why the process is put into the program. The reason I make note of this Mockingbird Limbaugh, is I did not expect in the midst of this invasion and destruction of America, to have a scripted indoctrination thrown in to the panic. Yes mind rape and soul rape is most effective when one introduces altering concepts to a virgin mind in emotional trauma. In short, take America from Americans and in that fear, have Limbaugh a trusted source, introduce a Latin lesbian just like them in order to move the goal posts.

The conflict is exactly as in rape. Intense fear, submission to a terrifying incident, and then the confusion of the body reacting to stimulation. In that upheaval, the whispered words of "you like that""you are such a whore" take effect. That is the heinousness of what Rush Hudson Limbaugh engaged in, in radio rape of those on the right. It was no different than date rape in shock and awe.

Mia, in a "Tingle up her Brain",  in her "own expression" over Limbaugh and Rush countered with he would have graduated with SUM CUM LOUDLY, instead of which is correctly Suma Cum Laude in the Latin, ended the segment.

This is exactly how psyops work and it did work. Rush Limbaugh ended with thee most disgusting, base and perverted expression, bitch slapping those who earned such a degree, after an oral intercourse with a lesbian. It was crude and meant to be exactly that way.
This is the same Rush Limbaugh who for almost a year has been auditioning children onto that program in his Liberty series of books.
Little children literally were exposed to this. Would you think consider it appropriate if a white 60 something male told your 8 year old daughter or grand daughter that he graduated, "Some Cum Loudly"?

Now the left is not going to raise hell about this nor is the Obama Holder FCC going to fine and Don Imus banish Rush Limbaugh from the air, because as I have informed you, Rush is a minder of the right as most are in the right of people on the right to condition them and to keep them from revolt, just as those on the left are minders to those emotional retards. So Rush Limbaugh is sanctioned by the Obama regime by the much larger cartel of the Mockingbird operation fledglings to pervert all those on the right.

It is subtle. Limbaugh always has an excuse for being in Playboy, being in bed with left wing 24 Hollywood, suitcases of Viagra, fist fulls of Oxycontin, paying Elton John 1 million dollars as John bashes Jesus the Son of God.
Rush Limbaugh degraded the Tea Party with tea marketing. Rush Limbaugh degraded Paul Revere and the Founders in his Rush Revere. There is a reason the left is remaking John Wayne movies horridly to ruin that American persona, and there is a reason that Rush Limbaugh was scripted to mind rape people on the right with a "lesbian just like you".

If the Obama regime desired to boot Rush Limbaugh off the air and throw him into prison, they could bring charges on the absolute reality that he spoke sexually to minors in his "Some Cum Loudly". No one though is going to touch Limbaugh as he is a cartel asset minding those on the right for the power elite.

Yes the final hour blames LBJ and all liberals for taking over America and ruining it........another female now employs this scripted message to infuse your confusion over the lesbian latin........and then in the final moments Rush Limbaugh states, "I get by on faith"..........."yes Brian hang in there, don't give up, keep a STIFF upper lip", as the blinds dot come advertisement winds the program down.

So the listener was pulled right, infused lesbian left, assured in another female with butch voice that the left is the blame, and a weak white male has to be assured to "GET BY ON FAITH" in being BLIND dot com and be simply safe locked in your home from all this fear.

This mind conditioning goes on daily by the mic heads, but this is one of the most blatant and clumsy for obvious study that even the layman can perceive this...and it is no accident that marble mouth Southern retard sounding male callers are being featured more and more on the EIB as that is telegraphing where the cartel believes the threat will erupt in America.

"remember Brian and all the rest of you.........all the data and research reveals that we are the majority".

Just one more fondle up your arse by Limbaugh after sodomizing American men, women, children and pets for 3 hours..........(Don't revolt Brian. You are isolated and in the majority, so just stay cuddled up to those latins and lesbians as they are just like you being invaders and sodomites.)

That is your lesson for this moment. Radio Rape by Rush Limbaugh.


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