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Amerikan Kampf


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The words of Sarah Palin's impeachment of the image of Obama are hollow with a assenting Congress of democratic panderers and gop oligarchs, as the conflict rages between thugocracy and plutocracy.

Let it be agreed upon that Barack Hussein Obama is as foreign an agent to the body politic of America as an arrow to the gut causing gangrene and that Eric Holder is the regime's state criminal and Timothy Geithner is this regime's chief pirate.
The Obama regime has no law and order. This Obama regime is only lawlessness and disorder to their criminalizing the masses and taking advantage of regime generated catastrophe to imprison the people more.

The greatest revolutionary of the 20th century wrote the following paragraphs and was damned by his own words:

"The task of diplomacy is to ensure that a nation does not heroically go to it's destruction, but is practically preserved. Every way that leads to this end is expedient, and a failure to follow it must be called criminal neglect of duty.

State authority as an end in itself cannot exist, since in that case every tyranny on this earth would be sacred and unassailable. If a racial entity is being led toward it's doom by means of governmental power, then the rebellion of every single member of such a Volk (People) is not only a right, but a duty."

- Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf

Dr. Fredrich Luschen, leiter (head) of the German Electrical Industry and Chief of research and development of Siemens, handed the above statements to Albert Speer, head of the Ministry of Armaments in 1945 AD in the year of our Lord.
Albert Speer had known for sometime that the National Socialist leadership had failed not only Germans, but all of central Europe, and was imploding those very peoples to genocide, in the end of their existence as it had been built and was known.

The Minister of Armaments wrote:

"Hitler himself - measured by the standards of his own political program - was deliberately committing high treason against his own people....."

The tenure of the Obama regime has an American media which is ficticious propganda. John Kerry prances about the globe thinking the issues of Secretary of State are sodomite rights and climate change. America has no foreign policy.
The United States military is a sodomite gay parade while the police state listens to every conversation while terrorizing with drones.
The United States economy is destroyed by Treasury looting by cartel minister, Geithner, dumping trillions in bribes to Wall Street and Welfare Street.
America has no borders and is overflowing with boarders from Latin America and China, as blacks are being aborted out of existence with low end jobs to Mexicans and now high wage jobs to Mexicans replacing whites, in the complete annihilation of unions.
Immense costs in energy for Citizens and the assault of confiscatory taxes with record inflation, have robbed Americans with even more trillions in debt.

This is the change which the image of Barack Hussein Obama believed in, and deliberately inflicted in a series of staged events upon the American people.

The American Afroid is not going to rise up to state they were betrayed for they are so covered in Bill Cosby shame of the Obama black face paint, that they cower for this destructive theater to end. I do not hold out hope that any of the Obama entourage will rise up to defend America, but instead rest upon the foundation that this blog predicted Utter Ruin for America from this Obama regime and that prediction has utterly evolved to factual Truth.

America is a police state, a regime seige of every street by traffic cam and by some new rationed death of some veterans agency. There is no group left unassaulted and no group which will not be vanquished, for the corpse of America is one where one new degenerate group comes to feed from beetles, to maggots to worms to a full rendering that nothing is there.

America is captured in the Obama Abyss. This was first warned of here. It's structures are permanently altered and scorched earth will follow. It will be either revolution or invasion in time, or both, but the reality must be faced like all despots, Barack Hussein Obama has betrayed the nation which entrusted rule to his minority defect, and Obama's "change he believes in", has been sculpted deliberately into place, where it was not just changing the image of America, but the replacing of Americans with foreigners.

All of these events are High Crimes against these United States and her people. High Crimes only have meaning when there is a Congress of the People which will impeach. Laws and Crime only have meaning when a Court system is protecting the people and not the regime. Information only has purpose when it is Truth and not propaganda to protect the criminal regime.

The task of management of public affairs in these now disunited States is to stop the destruction of America and Americans by this Obama regime, so as to save what is known as America. Failure to do this is as criminal as the regime of crime itself.

It is the right and the duty of every American to rise up in rebellion, not in the words of Adolf Hitler, but in the words of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

America is engulfed in an inferno of Scorched Earth in her people being replaced, her economy looted, her jobs placed overseas and her personal property inflated and taxed out of existence. No one person can do this alone in protest, as it requires 'we the people', united in rightful assembly, rightful protest and rightful political will of the masses to take back the land, the currency, the thought which has been stolen from them.

That despotic power of the Obama regime and that force of the cartel which enables it, will not give up power willingly, for in so doing, they will be hung as criminals. So this regime and cartel has criminalized, is terrorizing and will murder legally the mass of people who rise up to liberate themselves.

The reality is that Adolf Hitler had common sense enough to condemn himself, wherby the image of Barack Obama cackles like a dope head in the amoral seared soul which only condemns others from the messiah halo of blasphemy.

The Lame Cherry has always led. When Mark Levin was too timid to use the word Marxist for Obama, this blog first spoke it correctly. When Colin Powell was leading blacks to their Obama doom, only this blog stood up and warned blacks of their coming genocide. When Latins scurried across the border to be forced labor, only this blog warned of their enslavement.
Now when Sarah Palin speaks of impeachment and Rush Hudson Limbaugh III speaks of elections, this blog warns you there is no law in America to arrest anyone in this Obama regime and fair elections ceased long ago in they are now all manipulated and stolen by the power elite.

Adolf Hitler and Thomas Jefferson were right. Nations in the abyss are not saved by ballot boxes or juntas. They are only delivered by the mass of the people rising up, being murdered by the regime, until the police state will no longer protect it and the military will no longer defend it. That is what it will take.

So do not be deluded nor thinking there is any hope in this. This is as grave as 1776 AD in the year of our Lord and as grave as the Civil War. Politicians will not save you, but will betray you. The courts and the police will criminalize you and kill you. Your money will be taken from you. Nothing is going to save in this, but the people uniting together to save themselves.

That understanding is what must be understood in the majority's mindscape. That is why it is being correctly spoken of here.

You and your children will live and die now in the following years of the Amerikan Kampf.

nuff said

agtG 249


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