As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
The new leftist Prime Minister of Italy is as follows:
1. Placed into power by the Pater Pope of Rome.
2. He will in time yield his power to the anti Christ
3. He leads in Italy, one of the 10 nations which give their power to the Neo Roman Empire
The Pasta PM is like all Marxists now, except the image of Birther Hussein, in they figured out that Marxism had to evolve in order to sustain itself, as it could not exist on cartel rapine and espionage alone.
So like the Birther, the Pasta PM speaks of economic reforms, while degrading all.
I will remind all again, even if this blog alone stopped the "right wing Nazi" mantra of propaganda, that a National Socialist is leftist and not of the right, in this "left of center" Pasta PM is the same place all fascists reside in left of center.
Peking's Chicom girls are left of center having employed the same economic reforms in their communism.
Inquiry states the above check off list. Logic dictates that there will be a threat or upheaval which will make these 10 nations confederate power.
The Pater Pope now has the two leading powers in central Europe in Germany and Italy as tools of his hand. I have hope for Germany yet if a Luther and Kaiser would be raised up, but otherwise 8 other nations will join in this.
This is closer than an over the horizon event.
nuff said
agtG 234Y