As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I doubt if one person reading this knows that a group of young men, in sensing war would involve America in World War I, met and embarked with General Wood on an officer training camp, which included white haired old gentlemen. Plattsburg was the sight of the original camp, and from this manifested the entire nationwide movement of warmongers who were intent on going to war in the guise of a national calling.
Woodrow Wilson would have no part of this, and the military shunned a great part of these self trained officers. When Theodore Roosevelt took his plea to Wilson to command a division in Europe, he was turned down.
Woodrow Wilson wanted this to be a party war, a war of globalist and socialists of fellow travelers, and others were to be excluded or hindered.
The Roosevelt boys who took part in the training and war were.
Ted, Kermit, Quentin, Archie
Theodore Roosevelt very much wanted national conscription of all. He lectured that as taxes were mandatory, so was military service, as the blood tax was far more important than the dollar tax.
"If we had a trained army like the Swiss, Germany would never dare commit any offenses against us, and, furthermore, I believe it highly possible that the entire war might have been avoided," was a statement often made to me by father at the beginning of the war."
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 296-297).
The question in this would be "What offense?" The Lusitania, was a British ship, which was papered over in a scheme as an American ship. It was sunk by a German U boat, when the British were heinously not surrendering to U boats who took all precautions to guard life, with some ships flying other nation's flags or trying to ram the U boats.
The Germans committed no offense against Americans, but had every right as they were encircled and being starved to death to defend themselves.
I have always been a great admirer of Theodore Roosevelt as a man and leader, but in his involvement for World War, he was flat wrong. The Germans were not the threat nor the problem. George Washington would have viewed them as a peaceful trading partner and not made them an enemy. The real threat was the Marxist and socialist movement inside and outside America. Roosevelt saw it, but had no inkling that the reformation of capitalism to not prey on working poor and to engage in transformation of rights to Russian and European peoples was the national agenda, and not raising an army for a foreign entanglement, which America is still entangled in due to Woodrow Wilson's globalism.
Ted and Archie having officer commissions in the reserve were "helped into service" of General Pershing's Expeditionary force. Pershing informed the boys that they would be not in the ranks, but had more value as officers in grade.
Six Roosevelts would serve in Ted, his wife, their brother in law, Richard Derby, and the three other boys.
The great American plunge into France was the "1st Division". There was no division in America. What there was, was two regiments of Marines and four regular regiments cobbled together.
Three brigades comprised this Expedition in the Fifth and Sixth Marines, Twenty-sixth and Twenty-eighth Infantry, and the Sixteenth and Eighteenth Infantry.
The Wilson regime was all about political theory akin to Professor Obama lecturing on how peace should be in others murdering nations, while his benefactors divided the spoils.
It was a pure criminal act in sending Americans into this war without an army or equipment and whose intent was to genocide Germans.
The 26th Infantry would have 21 killed and wounded out of the original 30 volunteers, including Major Ted Roosevelt being wounded. Those are horrendous numbers.
The Americans were so ignorant of war, that they did not know enough to attack a machine gun position or wait, no more than how to feed themselves more than bacon to dehydrate themselves to death or dig a hole to cover themselves with a blanket for safety than shroud later in death that night by leaving themselves exposed.
By contrast, "Wilson's War" found this reality before the American people in the liberals in America:
"Except for one instance, I do not believe there is a single male member of the families of the administration who felt that his duty called him to be where the fighting was, a single male member who heard a gun fired in anger. I have heard some of these estimable gentlemen say they considered it improper to use any influence to get to the front much though they desired to do so. This type of observation is hypocritical."
Theodore Roosevelt. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 432-435).
The Gentleman's Agreement appears to have preyed upon American lust for money and power by a clever appeal from the European aristocracy and Rothschild financiers. The agreement appears located in the murky waters of Wall Street men in their temples, having the intellectuals of socialist Woodrow Wilson desiring to dictate to the world without bloodying their hands and the intellectuals of the jingoist Theodore Roosevelt on the right using patriotism as the bloody cover that they knew how to rule best.
Correctly, America had business in this war, to sell supplies to both sides to become an even greater arbitrator of peace, but with Wilson's treachery to the Germans and being a traitor to America, what ensued was the seeds of World War II and the Marxist murder of Mother Russia.
Germany should have gained France in Empire with the lowlands. England having her nose snapped again as America did in 1776, should have been relegated to policing it's empire outposts, with Germany and America making certain a Republican form of Government was shepherded in Russia, instead of the cartel exploitation of Russia and world.
President Roosevelt was swayed by being intelligent by the "Lodge Patricians" in Henry Cabot Lodge, who were quite patriotic, but incorrect in this war. He was wrong in his letter to Ted also in this quote:
"As my father wrote me in June, 1918: "When the trumpet sounds for Armageddon, only those win the undying honor and glory who stand where the danger is sorest."
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 438-439).
It is one thing to scold liberals for having others do their fighting for them. It is another to send your children to a war which George Washington warned vehemently against. It is the complete mistake though to quote Armageddon as anything honorable or glorious, for there will be no Christians at Armageddon, as the forces gathered there are arrayed against Christ, Who in His second coming, by sword enforces a peace littered with the worm dieth not on the dead of Armageddon.
President Theodore Roosevelt and his boys should have been informed that the Swiss did conscript themselves, but Switzerland never marches out to other wars, but instead polices itself. Plattsburg should have not trained men for the German Genocide, but instead trained me to stop the American Genocide which is being enacted in the 21st century.
Plattsburg should have marched out and apprehended the assassins who murdered George Armstrong Custer, the treacherous on Wall Street who signed the Gentleman's agreement and the socialists in Government who were traitors to America.
"After nearly four years of war, Germany had crushed Russia, Rumania, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania; had dealt Italy a staggering blow, and was about to assume the offensive in France. On March 28th the blow fell, the allied line staggered and split, and the Germans poured through the gap."
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans
....and the final epitaph to the Wilson War:
"The Browning automatic rifle, for example, to my mind one of the greatest weapons developed by the war, was invented in the United States in the summer of 1917. When the war finished it had just been placed for the first time in the hands of a limited number of our divisions; my division, the First, never had them until a month after the armistice. We used the old French chauchat, a very inferior weapon. None of our airplanes had come, and the death of many of our young men was directly traceable to this, as they, of necessity, used inferior machines. Our cannon was and remained French and its ammunition was French.
Our troops were at times issued British uniforms and many of the men objected strenuously to wearing them on account of the buttons with the crown stamped on them. Our supply of boots, up to and including the march into Germany, was composed in part of British boots. These boots had a low instep and caused much foot trouble."
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans
Does it not look a great deal like while Woodrow Wilson was engaged in German Genocide, that he was cropping off Americans put into this war by jingoism on the right......
nuff said