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The Prophet Davy Crockett


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

I came across this quote and found the study of it interesting as it was a dream of Davy Crockett.

"I was for larger game. I told them, I had dreamed the night before of having a hard fight with a big black nigger, and I knowed it was a sign that I was to have a battle with a bear; for in a bear country, I never know'd such a dream to fail."

Personally this is all new to me in the clarvoyance gifts, as I have never had a dream of fighting a big black nigger. Then again, I have never lived in bear country to hunt them, so perhaps that is why the omen of having a dream of fighting a big black nigger is one which most people never have.
I know there are black bears in Homosota, but I have never heard that democrats there ever have dreams of fighting big black niggers, but then perhaps it is due to the fact that democrats never venture out to hunt black bears, as it seems that Prophetic dreams do require living in bear country, and then having the dander to go out and hunt the bears, so one then in having that attitude, would have a big black nigger dream to foretell of that event.

I never knew Davy Crockett was a Prophet. He was a most interesting American though in having so much information about so many subjects.

I did know of a song though about bears and niggers which I heard.

"Daniel Boone was a man, was a big man.
But the bear was bigger, so he ran like a nigger up a tree."

I do not know if Daniel Boone was Prophet, but he did hunt bears and other things, including Indians. I am aware though from existential reading of historical contexts that niggers do seem to take to trees a great deal when perceived dangers are around, like coons.
I wonder if that is why blacks are called coons, as when raccoons are worried some, they find a tree to climb when they perceive danger too?

It was a very ice storm day that Davy Crockett went out hunting after big game after his big black nigger dream. His little boy and young man went after turkeys instead, but Davy got two big gobblers which weighed him down something heavy too.
He had with him three dogs, one was an old hound, that as the bushes were bent over with ice, he started snuffing about a log, and then raised a cry and off he and the other dogs went.

Davy soon heard them baying and ran up, to find them barking up an empty tree. The dogs took off again, and Davy followed and they were soon baying again, and Davy ran up, and there they were barking up an empty tree. Off the dogs went, and soon were baying again, and up Davy ran, to find an empty tree again as the dogs ran off again.

Davy concluded at this point, that he was going to shoot that old hound as he had enough of that, when the dogs bayed again.
So up through the ice tangle Davy ran, and what did he see but the biggest bear he had ever seen. Just sort of sitting there in a tree with his chest puffed out and his big paw sort of waving at Davy in an antagonistic manner.

Davy shot the bear in that chest, but the bear just roared at him. Reloading, he shot the bear again, and this time the huge bear came out of the tree and decided that biting a dog in two might be a remedy for the events.
Upon hearing that, Davy ran up with his tomahawk in one hand and butcher knife in the other as only he could be shooting dogs barking up the wrong tree and not bears coming out of right trees chewing dogs in two.

The bear on seeing Davy, dropped the dog, and Davy ducked back as the bear had intensions on giving the Hero a tight embrace.

Being prudent, Davy reloaded his gun and shot the bear a third time, to which it gave up the woof.

That bear weighed over 600 pounds, not that there was a scale handy, but when you bust enough flesh, you just get a knowledge when looking at animals just how they dress out.

It was good eating for the Crockett tribe back at the cabin that winter, and Davy killed himself another plus 600 pound bear too.

So I offer this reality, if you ever have a dream of fighting a big black nigger, in bear country, apparently you are going to have a time of it with a bear you are going to tangle with. Even if your dogs bark up the wrong tree, just believe the big black nigger dream and don't be shooting your dogs, as there is a big ole bear out there just waiting to tussle with you as that is your destiny.

I sort of would like to find my way to Homosota now. Get myself up to the arrowhead. Get myself loaned an 1886 Winchester with octagon barrel, loaded for bear with a 45 75 and then just hunker down in some downy pillows and sheets, and if my allergies don't cough up too much, wait for a big black nigger dream, as then I will know for sure that I got me a bear out there to tangle with.
Michigan got bears I think too up on the penninsula, but Detroit is sort of depopulated of blacks by democrats. I don't think that would make any difference as I don't need real blacks, but just big black niggers in my dream to make it Prophet, that I got me a bear to have it out with.

Yes Mam, I got this all ironed out now with spit sizzling on the iron. So if any of us have a dream where we are fighting it out hard with a big black nigger, and you are in bear country, then you will know what the morrow brings and not be decieved into thinking you are going to be having it out with a black at all.

I would think that using the word nigger when used in context of Propehtic dreams is more than protected by the First Amendment in relgious grounds, as it is hardly racist when God is putting big black niggers into your dreams to warn you of a bear you are going to have it out with.

I am powerful glad that Minister Crockett interpreted this all in having a few big black nigger fight dreams while in bear country. Some folks might think I am being satirical in all of this, but I believe and trust Davy Crockett as he might stretch the yarn to a thread, but he always wove the truth.

It would be nice though to have Davy Crockett about to ask him what it meant with Asian Barack Obama Chin having dreams about black fathers and writing it in books, as Barry Soetero Soebarkha never was in bear country and I never saw any bearskin rugs or coonskin caps about Obama. Must mean when one dreams of Marxist niggers that it means you are going to be slaying America from 1600 Penn Avenue. Least that is what reality has brought about so it must be what nigger dreaming is about.....or about droning on Muslims to piles of jackal chew.

Thing is about the Lame Cherry exclusives is none of the media pansies would ever dare utter one word about Prophet Crockett and nigger dreams, and Davy Crockett's dreams being real visions of the future, just what connection is there to a messiah Obama's dreams featuring black folks, to the destruction of America and the demise of  Muslims.

That is why you people with money got to click that donate button.

Oh I have another story in this, but in a junk shop I found this butcher knife with writing on it which I could not read. Took it home as it was an old knife, and sure enough, it was from some lumberyard company in Minnesota as a Christmas holiday gift.........this was back in the day when butcher knives were proper things at Jesus season and it was all rust proofed by hog and bear lard.
I got me a butcher knife for Homosota, got me a Norland hand axe, just need a.....well I do have a Bess 50 caliber, so all I need is a big black nigger dream and I will be all set. Maybe I could hit the ice in the east on the Great Lakes and walk in from Canada to that Arrowhead thing, so to not pick up any gay scent on me in the Twink Cities.
You do know that bears are attracted to all that sex scent right and I don't want to be taking any chances in one crawling into bed with me while I am having my Prophetic big black nigger dream.........that is the bear crawling into bed with me.......no it is the sodomites too.
No Mam, no Brokeback mountin's on the Iron Range.


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