As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter....
I found this quote concerning John Bernard with George Washington concerning slaves as one which was profound and astute. The modern propaganda as much as the Lincolnesque mantra was freeing the black man as slavery was inhuman. Yet George Washington comes to the most relevant point in all of this, in what would be the safety of white Americans if slaves were turned loose?
There are in the annals of Virginia the history of a slave revolt. Such was the case in real phobia in all slave holding states. Haiti was but a bloody pool of what awaited white masters if the hybrid slaves ever rose in majority over their minority owners.
"John Bernard is quoted, whether the negroes could be immediately emancipated with safety either to themselves or to the whites, in their actual condition of ignorance, illiteracy, and helplessness. The plan which he favored, and which, it would seem, was his hope and reliance, was first the checking of importation, followed by a gradual emancipation, with proper compensation to the owners and suitable preparation and education for the slaves."
This blog has always stated that the slavery issue was one of property and that compensation should have been afforded the owners. It was this blog which concluded that a gradual emancipation of using indentured servants born from slaves, would then produce children who were free, and the parents having been taught an occupation in being educated, would then be civilized enough to either return to Africa or become Citizens.
The issue though is real and can be found in the reality as America has been illegalized by hordes of criminal border busters. That is the uneasiness which Americans felt, and rightly so, as what could a state like Virginia be if immediately uneducated, uncivilized, non Christian, foreigners were set free in the countryside.
What would they eat? How would they clothe themselves? Where would they shelter? It would be an issue of making half the population which was barbarian equal to the Americans, and then not take into account if one imported Indian savages or a like number of hundreds of thousands of wolves, and not had the e pluribus not be ravaged and murdered by this emancipation.
When one considers John C. Calhoun to John Browne, one sees that George Washington had addressed the entire issue, but yet two lightning rods are what struck a war with Abraham Lincoln as the bolt from the storm.
If one examines this from a property in livestock situation, the Americans according to established eunich laws, should have simply made steers of the male population, produced horrific taxes on any owner breeding a negress, and literally in 30 years the entire breeding population would have become barren, and the entire situation would have been remedied.'
The slaves were stock, and were not some civilized peoples. The reason they were slaves is they were akin to animals of the plains which were rounded up by more astute blacks and Arabs, to be sold as a commodity like ivory from the elephant.
George Washington did free his slaves after his wife's death. The problem though being that while Washington commanded his slaves to order to make them produce a profitable work, not all holders were of the same civilizing influence.
As we see no great orators or names coming from Washington's slaves, it is evident the tide of humanity consumed them for they were not ready for emancipation. The great work of Liberia was one which should have been absolute American policy, even after Abraham Lincoln was murdered by European interests.
40 acres should have been assigned these Africans to produce for themselves in unsettled African lands. It would have been for the advancement and betterment of the Negroid.
The evidence of Barack Hussein Obama Chin has only revealed in the 21st century how regressed the American Afroid is. After having 300 years of civilization, they still perform a herd mentality in voting 98% Obama when Obama has conducted nothing but genocide of the Afroid in aborticides and replacing them with Mexican slave labor.
That kind of livestock persona in voting for someone from Asia, because they were told Mr. Obama was designed black, is a damning reality of how the black has not progressed.
The Caucasoid and Mexicanoid who voted for Obama recognized the failure and learned, but what is the judgment against the Afroid who even with education, religion, civilization, still runs back from emancipation to enslavement to genocide.
Emancipation was a failure and has been proven so. The Afroid has returned to the tribal slave as it is their tendency like bovines and equines to resort to the group identity.
The black is still illiterate, ignorant and helpless, and, a danger to themselves. That condition has not changed in several centuries.