As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I had been having a dream with a continuing dream. Was a cooking show with not many in the small amphitheater and the French girl said while dumping her fish, "It is a recipe that is both sweet and sour".
A round headed looking Tony Blankley offered, "Rook of the Creme".
I applauded the brilliance of the Rook occupies both right and left flank of the Queen, being both sweet and sour at the same time.
I dislike figurative dreams as I miss things the first dream through. Typical British rhyme time of double meaning. Rook of the Queen, Rook of the Creme.
Is odd to remote dream the gatherings of those behind the scenes accomplishing all of this and for me to sit there unseen, and their surprise when things are applauded here and they find surprise what is known in the intimate details.
"Their fish has been cooked". It is both sweet and sour.
Rook of the Creme, I guess I will use that as my coin phrase as I dreamed it first.....after hearing it said in that closed gathering.
agtG 259