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Blackmailed Bat Shit Crazy Supreme Court


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the Robert's Rule Supreme Court, it was found 5 - 4, that Hobby Lobby did not have to fund parts of Obamacare, such as aborticide..........mandatory membership dues to unions via state mandates.

Now I take you back to the Robert's Rule Supreme Court which was blackmailed into a 5 - 4 ruling which legalized Obamacare.

Now I take you back to John Roberts definition of Obamacare in why it was legal...........as it was a "tax".

I take you back to the Constitution which has been shredded and burned in the Age of Obama. You should already have this figured out in the key words of Constitution and taxes in where this is heading, of the Constitution gives Congress the sole right to place on taxes and that right is RATIONED OUT TO THE GOVERNMENT with all rights maintained and retained by the People and the States.

So the 10th Amendment retains all rights not delegated to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial.

The First Amendment deals with no infringement on Speech, Religion and Press.

There is a hierarchy in the Constitution in the Articles, which derive all their authority from the People who ration that power to the Government. The 10 Amendments supersede the Government therefore in the right to Speech, Religion, Press, Firearm possession and purchase, Peaceful Assembly and Vote.

The scenario now is this. Blackmailed John Roberts said previously with liberals on the Cour that was a tax and legal, because it was a Congressional levied tax to be enforced.
John Roberts Supreme Court now just said that parts of Obamacare can not be enforced due to freedom of conscience or religion in the aborticide issue.

What this bat shit Obama court craziness has just stated as the law of the land is this:

The Citizen now has the same right as a Corporate Individual, as both are Individuals under the law, in they do not have to pay taxes when those moneys are allocated to fund government policies which infringe on matters of Speech, Religion or Press.

When Individual Hobby Lobby does not have to take part in Obamacare due to aborticide issues or Religion, which Obamacare is a tax implemented by Congress according to this blackmailed court, then every issue in which taxes levied on Citizens of conscience can be opted out of.

There is no legal difference between Obama health tax, excise tax, import tax or income tax. So therefore what the Roberts Supreme Court just found is that when Obamacare taxes are funding things which your beliefs are against on religious grounds, then you do not have to pay those taxes or take part in them.

When Hobby Lobby has religious standing, and is protected from funding matters of conscience, then that does include homosexual marriage, Obamacare and anything else it chooses to contend with, including not doing business with them by discriminating on creed, race and belief.

On religious grounds a business can fire people, can hire people, can choose who they do business with, and yes pay and not pay taxes based upon exact funding.

For example as Congress has the right to declare war, no one can refuse to pay taxes on matters of conscience concerning war. Congress has the right to fund the Judiciary to execute people, so those taxes would have to be paid. Congress has the right concerning roads, so a gas tax would have to be paid in an excise tax.
The reality is though that Obamacare being an exact tax, can be opted of and not paid. Income tax also is a matter of funding now going to aborticides and homosexuals. Social Security is also the same sodomite funding. All of the above can be opted out of by religious freedom.
The becomes even more in depth, as Congress, the Executive and Judiciary are mandated to secure the American Borders, and when illegals are being provided tax moneys which interfer with the religious beliefs of a Corporation or Individual, then those taxes can be opted out of.

I make this point in how bat shit crazy this blackmailed Roberts Court is. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is absolutely correct on this, as this Robert's ruling is broad and people can now fire anyone on their religious bias and prejudice, as no one can be made to worship a State institutionalized tax which violates Religion by replacing it with a tax.

This is an absolute legal disaster. Every liberal thing from Affirmative Action, segregation and whatever you dream up, including Hindu's not eating beef, Yogi's being isolated nuts, Muslims hating anything not Islam, are now involved in Religious protection which trumps paying taxes on moral issues.

You or a Corporation has to pay taxes for the original 1776 AD in the year of our Lord funding, that includes a National Cathedral built by Thomas Jefferson.

That bakery in Colorado which was hounded out of existence for not baking homo cakes, is now protected, and it can now sue the organized gay groups for infringing on it's Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of not growing homo cakes.

There are going to be lawsuits up the back file in this. The courts are liberal in the lower level and keep advancing the Obama agenda. It all crosses the lines of the last 50 years of left wing bastardization of laws.

Religious Rights now trump tax laws, all tax laws.

I am going to revisit for you that noted Justice, Stephen Brier. Do you remember his wacko law findings which were not quoting the Constitution, but Sharia laws? Ah yes, Justice Ginsburg can bitch about these expanded rights on religious grounds, but had not problem setting the precident when her liberal comrade Stephen Brier illegally institutionalized foreign law into American Law.

The most stringent of Isalmic law now is protected from having to pay taxes on anything it is against, outside the field or war, roads, imports in that 1776 genre of taxation to 1900 AD in the year of our Lord as a base period, and that means every Christian Religion has those same Rights afforded to it.

You have to get this point. The IRS has been terrorizing pulpits for the past years over income taxes. Preachers now on religious grounds do not have to pay one cent in income taxes, because that money flows into all sorts of immoral and illegal acts from sodomy to border busters.

In an insane era, I am all for any insanity where people of Religion can stop having money robbed from them over all these satanic mandates. The main character to BLAME in this is that Designer Negro Barack Hussein Obama Chin and now his image in the Fang Jinn.
You do recall that Obama stated that America was NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION, alone, which opened the door for everything from Hedonism, Witchcraft, Islam and Druids.........yes messiah Obama opened all of this, and now it becomes relevants of what each person can opt of in paying taxes or not paying taxes.

There was nothing narrow in this. A Corporation had it's rights extended and that means not just the Corporation, but every Individual has those same rights, as the Constitution does not allow one person to have more rights than any one else....even if Affirmative Action says a black has more rights than a white.

This is all great news, and it is not John Roberts being blackmailed problem nor the Conservatives. The basis of this Hobby Lobby decision is the proclamation of the all religion nation of Birther Obama and the finding of liberal Stephen Brier citing Sharia law with Ashkenaz Ruth Bader Ginsburg nodding in approval of it all.

The liberals built this founation and blackmailed John Roberts simply put up one board, built on all of the liberal walls constructed since 2008 AD in the year of our Lord.

That is the reality and the only correct analysis of the Hobby Lobby Ruling.


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