As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
TL was out with her Mom and the menu was scallops. For all the things I have ingested, I really do not have a diverse entree as it was only in the past few months with TL that I ever took a bite of squid at a Christmas party and now this scallop thing.
Scallops remind me of a more pallatable form of sardine flavor without the heaviness. These were grilled I think, but it was not these sea monsters which is the focus but the sauce the restaurant covered them with.
I had assumed it was ketchup and horseradish as that is what shrimp sauce is, but what I got in leftovers was nothing of the sort.
I found these long green things, that I was guessing was tarragon as oregano is not long bits of things. I dislike tarrogon as it is really a strong flavored herb, but in this sauce it was good.
In a search, it is what was listed as a scallop sauce herb.
This sauce is nothing normal though in it is yellowish to orange. I thought it was a cheese, but TL thought not. It holds form and will not melt at room temperature in a butter base as it is oily, so it must be a product of gravy or pudding, meaning flour is involved, and I did find one recipe like that.
The color puzzles me though as it seems cheese in nature with a slight tang like cheese. It is also sweet with some very sharp bites of hot pepper in it.
Perhaps if you had creme fresh or heavy whipping cream, some tomato bits, some butter, and perhaps a rux, you might get a yellow orange out of this thing in what I am seeing.
TL says that lemon flavor is in this, so I will assume is lemon zest, but one thing I am certain of is their is a pile of bacon in it in bits, which is almost more meat than the sea monster.
At this point, I still think this has some processed cheese in it which is termed American, as that is sweet with some tang to it and would not be stringy or misbehave like colby.
This sauce is clever in it covers up the slight taste of fish in the scallops, and everyone likes bacon, cheese type flavors and it being sweet.
I just have the basis of it in what I think the ingredients are. It sort of amazes me in it does not have any of the old sour standbys in the bulbs of shallots, onion, chive or garlic lurking around.
If you want more of a recipe, so do I, but I do not have the money to play around in recreating recipes. I am more interested in the chef experimenter who did this, as they seem to have taken a number of presentations for scallops and assembled their own recipe.
I remembered a show where a Veteran got up every morning, walked down to his dock and threw a net in, and whatever came out was the daily meal. I thought that was a good life.
I actually considered moving to those long inlets on the Atlantic around north Georgia or the Carolinas, as even with a little boat you could catch some 20 to 40 pound fish which would feed a person for awhile.
That sort of life would please me as I have had a life of far too much responsibility in the thick of things. I suppose a gill net would work in a freshwater lake, but law enforcement seems to get so upset about these things, except of course someone eating the Queen's swans, then it is all swan dinner.
Is odd how many gourmet restaurants are always serving things, and the covering up what it tastes like as people probably would not eat it on it's own. I think scallops have not allot of flavor, so you need to put things on them, but then people eat lobster because they taste like nothing, and never put sauces on them to enhance the flavor.
Oh well is a recipe to work on and as it is time to phone Mom to check on her, this is as far as this free ride ends.
tomatoe bits
fresh tarragon or oregano
american cheese or cream
1 tablespoon of flour
hot pepper, cayenne 1/8th teaspoon