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In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the study of that nasty little man, Thomas Jefferson, America finds in it, it's doom in the 21st Obama century.

The reality of Thomas Jefferson was the disruption of the American Government, the invasion of America in 1812, the continuation of slavery, the murder of Alexander Hamilton and the murder of 11 million French in a revolution that Thomas Jefferson cheered.

This all started out in a reality that President George Washington was Republican, meaning a person who believed in majority rule with minority rights. The Washington group led by Hamilton at Treasury, Knox at War and Adams as Vice President were all masculine charachters who went over and through opponents
Everything about Thomas Jefferson was about subtleness and a feminine nature.

Thomas Jefferson because of internal wounds of the heart, could not compete with men of force. Instead of dealing with the emotions of his wife dying, he turned it outward for security and venting. The security was creating a political democrat party and the venting was tearing down others, and nations like France.
You kill people and nations, when you are not man enough to stock a barrel to your temple and pull the trigger.

I provide this quote from Henry Cabot Lodge to give an understand of Jefferson's PETA ideals. See Jefferson did not go environmentalist, but he chose not the Jane Goodall apes, but instead his own brand of apes in the uneducated masses to hide in.
This is most interesting in Thomas Jefferson was an elitist, intellectual snob of wealth, and this is what he damned George Washington and Alexander Hamilton for being.

"Jefferson took the ground that his opponents were monarchists, bent on establishing a monarchy in this country, and were backed by a "corrupt squadron" in Congress in the pay of the Treasury. This was of course utter nonsense, but it served its purpose admirably. Jefferson, indeed, shouted these cries so much that he almost came to believe in them himself, and sympathetic writers to this day repeat them as if they had reality instead of having been mere noise to frighten the unwary."

Henry Cabot Lodge. George Washington

This same propaganda is Birther Obama in white shirt, sleeves rolled up and talkin' like one of the folks. Multi millionaires stealing power from the masses by claiming their opponents are the wealth degenerates.

This all started of all things in Thomas Paine in 1791 in the Rights of Man. Jefferson on receiving this, sent this off to the printers, with his own note attached, attacking the Vice President John Adams to this work in order to tear Adams down.
Talk about your Jeff Rense edits and your Rush Limbaugh plagiarisms.

This is how Jefferson's poison pen worked and murdered. It is the same mind print which the 21st liberal operates under  in destroying America and opponents.

Jefferson then brought in a New Yorker named Philip Freneau who was a writer and placed him as "translating clerk at the State Department" where Freneau fronted for Jefferson a political assassination magazine called the National Gazette.
Freneau admitted later, that he did nothing, and Jefferson as Sec. of State was the one doing all the murderous writing.
Thomas Jefferson violated the Constitution and creating his own state run propaganda media. The First Ammendment specified the government was not to set up any state sponsored religion, so it was a reality that the Secretary of State could not set up a state sponsored media as the Second Ammendment confers to not infringe upon the rights of the people.

This was all heinous as hell. This was a time when America was like a baby from the womb in needing protection, and Jefferson was instead stabbing mother America and laying a blood trail to the infant for the wolves of England to follow up.
The only thing measurably equal was Birther Obama enslaving American to Chicom debt while criminalizing Americans, running terrorists out of the White House, and disarming America while trying to pick a nuclear war with Vladimir Putin.

Jefferson was a spy against George Washington and the cabinet, and he took things he learned in confidence and spun them for vicious attacks, all for his political gain.
If it requires stating, Thomas Jefferson was a traitor to these United States of America. He should have been hung for he stirred up the mob to the lowest denominator, instead of attempting to build them to a higher ideal.

Thomas Jefferson was actively involved in a coup against the Administration of George Washington.

Jefferson slandered Alexander Hamilton in clever political charges made to President Washington. Washington simply sent them to Hamilton and asked reply and Hamilton obliterated them.
Hamilton took the abuse far too long, and finally as the best political writer in the nation responded to them and Thomas Jefferson cried out like the sissy he was.

President Washington for the good of America, wrote to both cabinet members and demanded an end to the fight. Alexander Hamilton replied in a short note that he would refrain. Thomas Jefferson responded with a volume of words and continued to attack Mr. Hamilton.

Jefferson then wrote another letter to the President, showing his own quotes while in Paris in how loyal he was to America. It was the lady protesting far too much having shattered the Commandment against Bearing False Witness Against Another.

Hamilton stopped his attacks, but Jefferson did not stop his. Hamilton went to Congress to their review, which refuted Jefferson's charges. Jefferson again recoiled and this time he removed himself from the administration, and not being able to destroy Alexander Hamilton politically, he did so in private life, making known an affair which Hamilton had engaged in for a short time.

One can ponder if this was by chance, or if Jefferson had designs in this affair of a most willing woman, or if the stress of Jefferson's attacks led to Hamilton to seek solace for his pride, the reality was though that one year later the ablest man in the United States Government was gone from Government too, and in the not too distant future political assassination would grow to the murder of Alexander Hamilton by Aaron Burr.

This is the 21st century Obama party in it's creation. It was against George Washington, against America, for mob rule, was class envy by design, was coup plotting and blood stain handed. That is the reality and no one but this blog exposes any of this shameful reality.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"That there are in this as well as in all other countries, discontented characters, I well know; as also that these characters are actuated by very different views: some good, from an opinion that the general measures of the government are impure; some bad, and, if I might be allowed to use so harsh an expression, diabolical, inasmuch as they are not only meant to impede the measures of that government generally, but more especially, as a great means toward the accomplishment of it, to destroy the confidence which it is necessary for the people to place, until they have unequivocal proof of demerit, in their public servants."

- George Washington


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