As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
"I always considered militia as the best troops in the world for a sudden exertion , but they will not do for a long campaign."
Thomas Paine
Common Sense
December 23rd, 1776 AD in the year of our Lord
In the above, is the explanation of what America was envisioned by the astute American Founders involved in the Continental Army of these United States.
Thomas Jefferson was folly in relying only upon the militia which would not stand, and Theodore Roosevelt was folly for dismissing the militia for only a standing Army.
America was designed to be 2 American Armies, and this reality can be found in the defeat of British General Burgoyne in once he was checked, the armed towns people and farmers arose like a tempest in the wind of their constant assailing of that retreating force.
This is what the American Rangers were, what the Kentucky Riflemen were and who President Ronald Reagan was beginning to rearm in the states at the outset of his Administration.
The Second Ammendment is a two part mandate of Rights. It begins with a well regulated militia. Regulated does not mean constricted by 10,000 laws on gun ownership, but regulated means as in Naval guns in being people well trained in their use. It is a well trained militia in every community is armed and simply knows how to use a weapon with effect on enemies foreign and domestic.
The second part deals with the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That means personal arms for each Citizen can not be denined them from not ordering them through the mail to banning their possession as in handguns. Anything that infringes or hesitates the American from gaining a weapon immediately is an infringement and banned.
Thomas Paine though comprehended by his recent American experience in the American Rangers in the French and Indian War and as a Continental Soldier, the necessity of a one two punch.
There needed to be a Continental Army which was permanent to contend with the British in being well trained. This needed to be supplemented by merchants and farmers who were armed, but were supplying goods and taxes to keep that standing Army operational. This militia then could arise to fill immediate needs in gaps in the Continental lines or be like a terrier following up and sniping or running off the horses of the British invaders.
It was the worst of mistakes when the National Gaurd was formed and it was nationalized by John Kennedy over civil rights in the South. The National Gaurd has devolved to truck drivers and EMT rescuers in hurricanes. Both necessary like a Merchant Marine, but not interchanable with a local armed militia which is the terror of foreign and domestic enemies as no one is so dangerous as the homeowning community fighting to protect it's own.
The providence of locals knowing the land, where crossings are, where the best point is to attack in single or small group and then fade away can be overlooked in these Minute Men.
It is devastating in morale and in tied up resources to have some local Patriot sniping into a camp wounding and killing the odd Darwin candidate.
That is why the Vietcong gave the American Army such fits, and it was only countered by Sniper Hunters who killed these local guerillas which were demoralizing the standing Army, fighting a war George Washington never would have ascented to.
The original American Military Doctrine as espoused in Common Sense by Thomas Paine from the first shot of the revolution was a Continental Army and a Minute Man Militia. America must return to this stance, with an evolution in this of the National Guard being conduit truck drivers for the Army and for digging dead bodies out of debris after a storm.
The American Minute Men and Women should all be supplied with a semi automatic Uzi type design submachine gun with only single fire in 40 Smith & Wesson with an appropriate side arm in 40 Smith & Wesson, along with 1000 rounds of ammunition. If an American can not afford the weapon or ammunition, it should be provided.
If anyone fails to maintain that firearm, they can then carry the 100 pound packs to learn the lesson.
Additional long range scoped rifles in American 30.06 would be supplied, along with a National Guard Armory depot in each county of Stinger missiles, RPG's, grenades and demolition packs to be available in declared emergency by County Sheriff, Mayor or local militia Commandant.
I chose the 40 S & W, as Homeland now has a billion rounds in stock, and as this is Citizen's ammunition, it belongs in Citizen's hands where it will not be used by some regime against the Citizenry.
I want as George Washington and Thomas Paine did, that any enemy to an American would be in fear that Grandma on her front porch might have a pistol under her shawl or some muleskinner on the road who might have a Brown Bess picking off the stragglers in your column.
I want as George Washington and Thomas Paine did, the government's first terror being the worry if the government misbehaves, the armed Citizens will immediately rise up.
The Minute Man must return as Ronald Reagan attempted. He trusted the armed population as the best chance of American survival while building a standing Army.
An armed society is a polite society, and a society armed is a civilized society. Thomas Paine was right in 1776 and it is just as right in the 21st century.