As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the study of the Dollar reset, it is of necessity that one understands that if there is too much money a great depression will take place, and that if there is too little money, a great depression will take place.
The Obama regime has been involved as Franklin Roosevelt in Economic CONSTRICTION, or the stifling of economic recovery, so his cartel forces would be enabled to have money flooded to them, while Americans were not allowed to earn income as competitors in an expanding economy.
In short, the Geithner Obama money welfare dumps into Wall Street welfare and Welfare Street, enriched the rich, kept the poor from revolution, while it obliterated the middle class.
I find it a fascinating study and will be again in the 21st century Dollar reset aimed at the ruin of America. FDR in his scheme of a great depression, was to confiscate gold, which shortened money supply, so there being no money, there would not be any economic expansion to end the depression.
It was only World War II, infusing of government buying in warfare commodities which ended the Great Depression.
I post the two following quotes on the Second Great Depression of 10 years following the American Civil War which was instigated by the European money cartel and US economic traitors, in the comments by Rutherford B. Hayes and Senator Logan.
"In his speech at Sydney, Ohio, September 4, 1867, Mr. Hayes said : The very measure which was intended to carry out this policy of Secretary McCullough's, to enable him to take up the greenback currency with interest-bearing bonds, was introduced into Congress in March, 1866. I have here the votes upon that question, and I say that the Democratic party in both Houses—all the members of the Democratic Party in both Houses—voted for Secretary McCullough's plan, and that Mr. Jullian, Judge Schofield, Mr. Lawrance—all of whom I see here—and myself, a majority of the Republican members, voted against the scheme, and it became a law because a minority of the Union Party, with a unanimous vote of the Democratic Party, supported it, and because, when it was submitted to Andrew Johnson, instead of vetoing it as he did all Union Party measures, he wrote his name on the 12th of April at the bottom : " Approved, Andrew Johnson."
I think, then, I am authorized in saying that these gentlemen are mistaken when they accuse the Union Party of being in favor of taking up the greenback currency and putting in the place of it interest-bearing, non-taxable bonds."
President Rutherford B. Hayes
— Howard's Life of Hayes, p. 206.
"Senator Logan continues the discussion of contraction as follows : It was the contraction and increased want of currency, and not a superabundance, which produced the necessity for running in debt, of which there is so much said on this floor. Why, sir, the people were never freer from debt in proportion to the business done than in 1865, at the close of the war, when Mr. McCullough began his system of contraction, and at the very time eleven millions more people were to be supplied. Was it to be supposed that the activity and energy which the adequate supply of money had put into operation, and which was giving prosperity and happiness to the country, would suddenly dwarf itself to suit financial notions without a severe struggle ? The inevitable result was an expedient to meet the consequent want, and credit was expanded.
At the very moment, above all others, when adequate supply was needed, the opposite course was adopted ; and right hear lies the true cause of the late panic, which resulted from a money famine, and not from an excessive supply.
- Senator Logan
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
The study of this is important as the Obama regime has been flooding the world with Dollars in the trillions of them, yet their is no economic growth, as he is deliberately constricting the economy of the people by high taxes, inflation and monopolized high prices on energy and food while wages have stagnated.
No economy will move when it is being choked to death at the source, while trillions of dollars are horded by the elite.
This is still a massive debt that is owed and draining resources, but one must understand the Dollar Reset. When a Dollar is devalued due to there being too much money involved, it means that it requires more Dollars to buy everything.
That which is spoken of is a 1/3rd degradation of the Dollar, meaning it will take one more dollar for what every 3 dollars purchased previously. So things costing 3 dollars will be 4 dollars, or gas at 3.50 will be the same gas at 5 dollars.
This will mean you have less money to spend as more is spent for the same items, and in that is the hidden spectre in this, in this will cause a currency contraction, as certain as if the regime had pulled trillions out of the markets.
Consider if the regime dumped 12 trillion dollars into the market, and this means that 1/3rd are devalued or literally things go up 1/3rd more in price as the Dollar drops in value. That means in buying power there is only 8 trillion dollars available.
That is exactly what was undertaken in the 1870's in America which caused a panic and a depression, as there was not any money there to expand growth, while prices for things produced fell, but things which would cause people to obtain wealth like land or machines stayed high.
America has a great deal of this already in the Obama strangling of the American economy, but America has not yet been jolted in a currency shortage. This manifests horridly as foreigners dump Dollars before the reset, making the currency even more worthless in items costing more. The end result being there suddenly is not enough money to buy things and it compounds as it is not just inflation in the Dollar devalued, but there are no more Dollars out there to buy new things, so the people's economy literally stagnates.
Benjamin Franklin in his memoirs, wrote of pre Revolution America, in there being a money drought, so no business expansion was appearing in Pennsylvania, nor any of the colonies. It can be explained as such.
Specie or coin, was so limited in America, because when it appeared, the rich horded it all. If you have heard of "two bits" that is from that era when coins were cut up to fractions of their worth, so that money would be circulated among the people.
It was in that era literally impossible to engage in trade, and that is why I have warned in this Obama destruction of America, that it required 200 years to establish trade in America, after many failures. People would try to trade to the West Indies for sugar and rum, but ships would perish or no one would want the goods, or the goods could not be sold as no one had any money, and as money came from the crown or colony, and neither was creating it, it simply was stagnation economically all the time.
Pennsylvania in Franklin's era was ready though for expansion, and he moved the government to print up 200,000 pounds, and the economy expanded into that money like a sponge, as trees were felled, floated down the river, and built into all sorts of things. The raw resources of Pennsylvania from wheat to wood immediately were transformed into merchant products, and as money was there, the flow started which created prosperity for all.
The English had a devil of a time establishing trade in Asia, because all they had were wool, and none of the natives wanted that damn wool in all that heat, so they languished in the spice and silk trade.
As I have stated, when the cartel destroys American trade and finance, it is not just going to be over night prosperity again. American just did not happen, she was a rare blessing of God, that all the other Americans, Australia and African colonies proved. All those nations never achieved what God produced in America, and when America falls, she will not rise to super power ever again.
That is the crime of Barack Obama. There is not going to be another technological America to move the world forward.
That is the foundation of comprehending CONTRACTION, CONSTRICTION, DEPRESSION and RECESSION. One must understand this two headed coin in taking money out of an economy causes depression and dumping money into the economy causes depression.
If one considers how bizarre this is as it is now with Boehner and Obama, both the same feudal rapine leg humpers of the cartel. All of this started in Democrats in Congress removing Lincoln Greenbacks. Lincoln may have won the war, but the Southerners by removing Greenbacks were going to cripple the North economically. This aided the Wall Street financiers and the London financiers, by increasing their bond values in a monopoly which shut out small business and caused the Great Run of 1873 AD in the year of our Lord.
Assisted in this was GOP Ulysses Grant, John Sherman and Morton of the American English trade banks. So it was two political parties, as you can see usurped by syndicate men in Congress and the White House, exactly as in the 21st century.
These tools of the cartel, literally kept the Veterans from marching into Canada and Mexico, whose territories were by right, lands of these United States. Northern Mexico was Texas property, and western Canada was American property by right from Winnipeg to British Columbia.
These cartel tools though kept America from her property to aid the English and French, along with crippling America for the next two decades.
There literally were 11 million more Americans in these lands, and this group pulled millions of dollars out of the economy so America was strangled like under Obama, in order to not grow.
America is being strangled currently by Obama cartel policy, in money dumps to the rich and poor in Welfare Street and Wall Street Welfare, as banks sit on money and horde property, as Obama taxes destroy small business in Obamacare for the Socio Conglomerates. This is all by design.
Hopefully though, as these Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter unfold in lectures here, you will come to be educated in the nuances of this, so you easily understand as when Milton Friedman used to lecture on economics, so the masses could comprehend how easy all of this is.
The cartel does not want you to know how easy it is for all to prosper nor do they want you to know how easily you are being robbed for their prosperity, or else you would rise and take back all of your money they have horded.
You must never forget this, in America does not have trillions in dollars in debt. That money did not disappear. It was swindled from Americans in Oil E Commerce by the cartel and all of that money sits in their banks in Europe and American cities.
The cartel swindeled America by loaning her, her own money, and then charging her interest on bonds for that debt. It is absolutely illegal to do this according to George Washington Constitutional Law and America has every right to seize back those funds in wiping out her entire debt plus interest from these cartel accounts, as much as if a robber stole your purse and had your wallet under their coat.
That is the criminal reality of this, and it does not matter the propaganda from balance of trade, oil dollars, commodity pricing, Anglo finance, Dutch banking, debt finance, it is all designed to steal money from you and to overthrow your nation, to end you as a competitor, so the feudal few can rule.
I have endeavored to educate you on the start of this in America, but the same mechanism was at work in Germany, Austria, Russia, France and England for their overthrow, and is still at work in terror oil, Asian slave labor, Mexican and Slavic human traffick and the destruction of the American economy.
America is a problem of such immense wealth that she must be a debt slave to never rise again, so this new world order will be re established which is nothing more than the system of empire of Babylon and Rome.
The great lie in this, is Obama was anti colonialism in the term of the west plundering the 3rd world. What Obama was against and his image was against was the raising of the 3rd world to prosperity as that is what Colonialism was truly. It was the work of Christian prosperity, empowering those peoples financially. That is what Obama and the cartel are at odds over, in they want America returned to 3rd world status in change so the entire world can be managed and plundered by the commerce financiers.
Obama was never for the rise of the 3rd world, nor for the trade which empowered the west and the 3rd world. His cartel hated that colonialism, but were constantly corrupting it for feudalism, and attempting to call it colonialism.
Examine the regime of Obama in what it has been engaged in literally. Obama removed by murder Islamic nationalists and replaced them with community organized terrorists who are Islamocommunists to manage Mideast oil.
Obama turned over eastern Europe to Mr. Putin with the agreement to murder the Polish National Government at the historic site of the first Polish slaughter by Russians.
Obama money dumped to 3rd world despots in bribes to purchase their resources to exploit them and their peoples in Stan Ann Dunhams Macroeconomics.
Obama money dumped into Europe, illegally, with money directly into the cartel's banks and not the ailing nations like Greece and Spain.
Obama money dumped to the Wall Street rich and the Welfare street poor, whose action created more feudal wealth for the conglomerates and wiped out the middle class as competitors.
Obama imported tens of millions of Latin slaves, replacing the Afroids as the black is a less productive class to exploit.
Obama's last effort was turning over Afghanistan and Iraq back to Islamocommunists to manage those nations oil and dope trade for the European cartel.
Obama revamped the global dope trade traffic lines and managers.
Think back of the "evil" of the George W. Bush era. FARC who almost obtained nuclear material from Iran is not mentioned. Iran is now an ally for Iraqi overthrow. Robert Mugabe of Rhodesia, not one word of him. The Castros of Cuba, not a word. Kim Jong Un, not a word after Kim blackmailed the Obama regime for their part in the Boston Bombing. Dr. Zawahiri of al Qaeda, not even hunted any more as he is now running al Qaeda for the Obama regime.
You see the only people who were wiped out by the Obama regime and the cartel, were those people who refused as in Mubarak, Khadaffi and Assad to join the Obama cartel dope trade and enslavement of their nations.
Assad, Kim and Putin fought back and are surviving.
The evil is still there, but now it is evil fully harnessed to the cartel, so you never hear one word about any of it, including Darfor in the John Kerry and Barack Obama went into that region, stole the oil for the cartel, and while Islamocommunists were stealing Christian Nigerian girls to rape them, no one cared about what butchers were taking place, as it was all Pax Obamus.
See the thread of this runs through the entire genre of the generations. The financial game has evolved into consumptive oil instead of piles of gold, but the same plunder methods of economic rape are repeated.
You missed a great detail in this, in where this is all transmutating in the image of Obama in June 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, was ranting away at a teleprompter and blurted this out, that Obama cities of mass population were not equally represented for their numbers, as they needed equal representation as in States.
Now where did the image of Obama hear of something like this? It is from the cartel and their future vision of where this will transform to rule the world. This group fully intends to make for the Ashkenaz elite, Jerusalem as world city state capital. Drudge featured a report that the city burgeoning with more and more super rich is London in their commerce.....all during an Obama super depression. Into this Obama's shapeshifting image is there on display pointing out that America must have city states ruling.
The ivory towers are going to arise in these accumilated dreg centers, ruling over the rural wilds.
You do not get this yet, but just like in finance in the Civil War or the Obama 21st century in Obamacare being passed against the will of the people, this is transforming to changing the Constitution with Mexican squatters massed in cities, the cities demanding their representation, and that mob will then rule.
It will be global city states ruling the planet with the rural areas voices silenced, and it all protected by a drone fleet, picking the rural people off like coyotes.
The period for this appears developing for now in this new era of feudalism established globally. That is not a prediction as if this fails to manifest, the cartel will just blow something up to obtain the results like in 9 11. The events are there though with the positions to move this ahead at this time in being opportune.
I put it to you this way. Understanding this is vital, so you are not surprised nor led to your doom without warning. This system can not be stopped and those forces behind it. It can though be impaired, crippled and weakened, which assists you.
The reason this is vital is on cosmic clock of all things set in God's seasons, we know that there is a Wormwood star out there which will strike earth. That physical motion is something which is an absolute. Think of it as a waymark event of not being able to be delayed or changed.
If the anti Christ, the cartel can be weakened, then they will not have the power to unleash as much murder, at the waymark of the Wormwood event. That is in your interest.
The cartel can not be stopped as it is satan related for like events. Nowhere though does it state that praying a Christian Putin to save European Christians can not be, no more than praying for God to bring about a Reagan again which was Sarah Palin's squandered calling, can not be done.
I promised not to interfer in events to God, but that does not mean that the sapper in the wire can not be adding more miry clay to the iron toe mix to weaken this cartel so it has a less powerful anti Christ.
My suffering little children, most of you have no money to give and readily take that out, but you have a tongue to speak in calling for Christ to rule America, while the rich brats horde the money which possesses them to their own demise in thinking it will keep them safe.
It only required one scroll of the Word of God in the Prophet Jeremiah to sink Babylon. It only required the Word of God through the Prophet Amos to erradicate the evil of Israel's rich which is equal to American sin. The rich were not spared in any Judgment, because the rich are always anchored in place by their possessions and will not attempt to flee until it is too late, and if they do flee, they are met by the plunderer in a foreign land.
In previous eras Capital and Labor were in the balance. The West no longer has labor in residence, but servants for money laundering in rich and poor welfare, while Asia is the gulag of slave labor. Wealth is not generated by production any longer, as China in slave labor has a few billions, where cartel finance creates trillions with the push of the e currency keyboard in a moment.
As I stated long ago on Newsbusters, before I was banned by that treacherous Noel Sheppard in his fraud, there is no economy, but economies. There is your economy which you are pillaged under, there is the e currency economy which is a fraud, there is the black market economy which props up the pillage economic finance and then there is the commodity monopoly which sets prices to plunder. None of it operates under supply or demand, boom or bust any longer, as a new commerce era has devolved. The Lame Cherry is the first and only writer of this in matter anti matter exclusives.
You will not win at this game, as it is by design to rob you and criminalize you. You can be educated to the reality of it though in Contraction and Quantitive Easing, as those basics still are the plunder of overthrow in money dumps and money confiscation.
Understand this in closing, the image of Barack Hussein Obama Chin Jinn, dumped the greatest amount of currency into the world, greater than all in world history combined. That money is not going to be allowed to be kept as where there is a money dump, there is always a money gathering which follows.
The cartel will begin stealing money back in covers as Dollar Resets etc... which is a wind you can not shoot at by design to keep you from revolting. The Obama money dump took place in plunder for 4 years. Quantitive Easing ended in year 5, of 2013. 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, the regime has for elections been money dumping to raise stock prices to give the illusion all is well. This should end in the Congressional election mid term period. Meaning with all secure politically, a Contraction should engage.
The simple cartel scheme would be to install a fine line Republican majority in Congress to be blamed for the impoverishing of Americans, as the image of Obama rails against it, and allows Hillary Hamrod Clinton to run against it for her 2016 AD in the year of our Lord installation to 1600 Penn Avenue.
See how easy this would project out in what is being initiated? You once again at least have an agenda to observe as a base line.
It just came to my mind, where would any of you be if I had not appeared in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord internationally? You would be clueless in Obama feudalism, the event of June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, ANALGATE, Powellgate, even how the cartel is skewing events to not match data here in nigger rigging the system. (Yes I did that deliberately as Nigger is the Kryptonite of the Mockingbird shills........just put their cringe words into a blog and they will dare not steal it and only Limbaugh thoughtfully mention it in passing.)
A way out in farthest outer space
There was a Vulcan tribe
They cared not for neither sex nor gold
So could not be seduced or bribed.....
The green blood wants a dolly, a folly, dolly
The green blood wants a folly, a dolly, a folly
The green blood wants a dolly
For all the red blood it can not hide.........
"It is a lamentable fact that the financial question is leading to a conflict between capital and labor, money and production. The capitalists, the possessors of money, who stand isolated from the laboring and producing classes......
The East, especially the Wall Streeters and banks, want no more money. They prefer to have the volume of currency limited so that combinations may be entered into and the money cornered. Every time a few millions of the currency are locked up in the East, the West suffers, the products of the West decline in price, and the Western producer suffers, while the Eastern capitalist makes money. The time has come when this state of affairs should and must be remedied.
The interest of the South and West are identical on this point, and, unless the East will yield to that which is just and right, the result cannot be otherwise than disastrous in the end. This the money-lenders of New York will learn, but, perhaps, not until it is too late."
-Senator John A. Logan, Michigan, 19th Century AD in the century of our Lord
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