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Gary Oldman First Amendment


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that Gary Oldman has come under the scorched earth policy of the Rothschild thought police which herds Jews into packs in making them think that everyone is out to get them, for Mr. Oldman, daring to say that Mel Gibson was crucified for making a movie about Jesus, instead of a movie about all Germans being Nazis, as blacks sell dope on the street corner, while white women are all lewd whores.........which is typical Hollywood fare.

I made mention that Frozen by Disney is supposed to be about Hans Christian Anderson's story which includes Bible verses, and the movie is nothing of the sort.

“The British actor remarked that, ‘Mel Gibson is in a town that’s run by Jews and he said the wrong thing because he’s actually bitten the hand that I guess has fed him.” The ADL says the remarks “irresponsibly feed into a classic anti-Semitic canard about supposed Jewish control of Hollywood and the film industry,” said ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman. “He should know better than to repeat and give credence to tired anti-Semitic tropes. Mel Gibson’s ostracization in Hollywood was not a matter of being ‘politically incorrect,’ as Mr. Oldman suggests, but of paying the consequences for outing himself as a bigot and a hater. It is disturbing that Mr. Oldman appears to have bought into Mr. Gibson’s warped and prejudiced world view.” Foxman adds that the assertion that Jews control Hollywood…”is an anti-Semitic stereotype based on the ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,’

I have always enjoyed Gary Oldman's characters as he has such profound presence on screen, even when it is Batman stuff. It pleases me to know that he is a man like Robert Duvall who has the grit to say things and not be herded by the thought police.
I now view Mr. Oldman in the ranks of Gary Sinese, Mel Gibson, Bruce Willis, Angie Harmon etc... in working people just trying to do a job and being normal.

It is time that this  Jewish Gestapo network be made to answer for their propaganda. Abraham Foxman calls it bigotry and and a "hater" to point out that Hollywood is under the control of Jewish interests. Odd how one can review the big names in Hollywood, and the people who get breaks, and for some odd reason, they are all Ashkenaz in a higher proportion than normal, just like NBA ownership.

Mr. Oldman is absolutely correct in Mel Gibson did not give the moguls their cut like Bill Clinton in selling uranium to China which cost Hillary 2008, and then Mel did not give an interview  saying that all priests are kiddie molesters to enforce that stereotype which is not a "hater" when it is Ashkenaz elite stereotyping Germans.......and yes Maddy Albright referring to Serbs as "those dirty Serbs".

Look at what Hollywood produces and promotes in Jerry Seinfeld was dating a teenage girl, Sarah Silverman was doing aborticide jokes and who was it, but the Ashkenaz mafia that lock stepped all that support for Obama, sodomy, America hating etc......... which just happen to be the very penned protocols of the Marxist Ashkenaz to destroy America.......but I suppose that is all some fiction disproven now too.

I fully plan to support and see all of Gary Oldman's past and present work, not because of what he said, but because he is now being attacked for .............being in London as an Englishman and having to answer to Ashkenaz millionaire thought police centers in America.
Yeah, ain't that just as odd as Jews having Holocaust centers all over America for gleaning money, when not a Jew was worked to death here in World War II.

The only thing I would disagree with Mr. Oldman on is his apology in stating that the Jewish people are the first people to hear God's Voice................from what the Bible states, the Jewish people were the second people to first ignore God's Voice, the Israelites in the Northern Kingdom being first, who are the modern English and Americans.
These peoples were sodomites, adulterers, liars, murderous assassins and robbers.......exact copies of modern America and the Israeli state, and will face God's Judgment, as God spoke to them first, and has spoken to them here in this blog, and they are instead cloaked in Obama self righteousness, and think they are above the moral Law of God.

Frankly, it gets old in these Asian convert Ashkenaz always ruling the Judahites and speaking for all Jewry like all Jews are some 100% Obama voting block. Gary Oldman said nothing hateful nor of bigotry nor anti Semitic.
He simply stated the fact that the leftist Hollywood Jewry went on a Mel Gibson witch hunt, in the same way these Marxists took out Ukranians under Joe Stalin, staged the Gentleman's Agreement of 1897 AD in the year of our Lord for German Genocide and are now busy destroying Christian America, and are taking aim at Vladimir Putin for projecting Christian values.

Gary Oldman deserves a knighthood for this.


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