As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My children, I am moved to explain something about myself as many of you who are drawn here are a true to type mirror image of me and that is why you are here as the frequency is harmonious to your being.
There are many psychological terms used too much and by people who have no comprehension in the least of what they are speaking about. For example, the Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock Holmes series, has him diagnosing himself as a functioning sociopath.
A sociopath is someone who is by environment taught to become dysfunctional emotionally by psychological trauma. They have no feeling for others, are amoral in not feeling guilt for what they do in harming others and are prone to savage acts of intimacy as rape, kidnapping and murder, because they can not be intimate with others as that part of them is seared.
Sherlock Holmes is nothing of the sort as there could not be a functioning sociopath, even if I have used the term as none other availed itself, but that is what this treatise is, is defining who I am and who many of you are.
As example, Barack Hussein Obama's Designer Negro and Image, are sociopathic, in they were created in this psychopathy or trauma of emotion, in being rejected when a child by all. Obama though is not just sociopathic in not having the non human attachment and being amoral.
Obama embraces delusions of grandeur, like numbers of blacks. The latest Hilldebeast in which Muchelle and Jarrett were calling her that, because Mrs. Clinton had bettered them, related that Birther Hussein was still his fused 10 year old boy playing with hisself under the table with his blackberry as adult Bill Clinton spoke to him, but Obama Jinn has that smugness of "he did this all by hisself". Obama honestly is so deluded that this image believes that he did it all from Obamacare in Pelosi and Reid had no part, the Clintons did not bring in their voters, and you know as he thumped his chest, he was the one who killed bin Laden's actor.
Obama is a sociopath who embraces delusions of grandeur, with a narcissism so deep it hates all other things in a savage waste.
Caligula and Joseph Stalin are two like types in history of what this Obama manifestation is.
As I have explained, a psychopath is a person who is like a sociopath, except their brains are dysfunctional not from being taught those actions, but because an injury or genetic flaw has destroyed that part of the brain which has compassion for others.
In refuting the functioning sociopath, Sherlock Holmes type is simply an intellectual emotional retard. They hide in intelligence to not have to deal with those emotional things which they do not comprehend and suppress them.
That does not matter really, as the majority of people are now deviant spiritual retards, being both amoral and immoral, attempting to possess other's presence and emotions to hide in, while administering something empowering as cars, sex, narcotics to tranqulize their emotional hurts, so they can function until their "running from God acts" destroy them.
Many times the terms sociopath, includes, "anti social behavior", which is part of this, in the sense of cutting people in pieces is anti social, like putting Mubarak in a cage of Khadaffi being put on display or Chris Steven sent in to get anal raped to death. But there is a functional part of this, in being anti social in psychological terms, and that is what many are, but it has nothing to do with a psychopathy, but is instead a matter of not liking the feel or actions of the mass body of this psychotic world.
Normal people do not respond to primal screaming 24 hours a day, sodomy, flipping the bird at people constantly or smoking crystal meth until your teeth rot out. Rejecting that is just being moral, as morality brings peace to the soul and Spirit.
I do not speak of the zombie christian or that sedate religionist from yoga to Islam, who you see run about in a stupor in either burning pain in feeling this world or in a euphoria, which is a condition completely different, in those types are medicating themselves literally with endomorphines triggered by touching beyond their physical selves which is troubling them for years, like an aching joint in the soul.
Now onto you or to me, in what I am is a sensitive. I feel things in the vast array of emotional and psychological manfestations of God, Angels, demons, Saints, sinners, animals, plants and whatever chameleon matter is out in this universe vibrating to a frequency.
When one feels things, has intelligence, is a conduit of God etc... exact things start manifesting, and that is why I am writing this, as most of the people who contact me, have donated and visit here are Sensitive Empath Savant. It is why you are immersed in things like music, why you are doing good things, is why you care about things and why you go primal scream at times, because you are feeling things which most other people can not or are doping themselves out of, so you are either doing something nice like being in a garden feeling plants or you are out screaming the rips in your Spirit in profanity or an endless Spiritual bleeding of words.
Each of you are handling things as you handle them positively. I mention my "oddities" which you do not understand, in to keep my mind functioning I have these plants in experiments now. I indulge this, because the world is dying, and I am compelled to bring life to the world. I think the neighbors here must wonder about me, as I can be found several times a day out in that confinement staring at these wee baby plants. I can study them, but what I am doing is these are a poltice to my Spirit which daily has this large dagger ripping into it, as I feel far too much of this world. It feels like a nail pounded into your wrist and being hung from it, in that kind of tissue hanging pain.
See like you, I do not drink, use narcotics, go on rampage as you will not hurt people as you have experienced enough my poltice is little plants and there in center stage are the apple trees, with a larkspur, verbena and the other plants further out. See the plants all have different frequency feel, and those furthest away are the ones I am not responding to, and the apples in this situation are the closest to the drawing out of those emotional energies of the societal primal scream.
Being a forensic psychologist as one of my roles, by Inspiration, I know what I am functioning at. As something which will probably cause some sympathy, but that deviant Teddy Kennedy was a sensitive, who being seared Spiritually, medicated inf sex, booze, narcotics, power and food, which did not assist him, any more than the sociopathic nature of Bill Clinton. These were very hurtful people who hurt others and themselves in trying to survive.
So the world is a manifestation of those immersed in a Spiritual conditioning, a spiritual rape or a vacuous spirituality, and that is what is what the situation of the world is.
TL mentioned this past week in this metropolitan area, how the people here are more on edge in being savage than just a few years ago. I know in listening to this area, that I rarely hard "loud pipes" or exhaust systems meant to be loud, but it is a constant now. This 20 something group is venting and they are gunning their engines as they do not desire to be caught in the Age of Obama.
We were speaking with someone who is retired, and is moving from the States to the Philippines. He was complaining that there is this right and left bickering, and America was not the America of his youth, and how the Philippines was such a happy place.
Forensic psychology is simple in this man wants peace in his soul as he is not at peace, but like Art Bell the Philippines provides that to his injured psyche. This is how this person is dealing with trauma.
I made the comment to TL that America is a conflict between moral and immoral, and if the moral right had simply stood up and thrashed the sinners, there would be peace in the land, but the right is both too trusting in redemption and lazy to do the necessary maintenance to bring peace to America.
In reading the manuscripts of the 1800's, I find complaints how miserable people were becoming as the 20th century dawned. This man was stating his Leave it to Beaver World was gone...........Leave it to Beaver was 50 to 100 years after these 19th century people were complaining how bad things had become in making them miserable.
People do not realize that 1850 to 1900 had a huge spike in misery. 1900 to 1950 saw that spike again in 1960, and in this Age of Obama, people are in this primal scream of numbness as their emotions are so overwhelmed. People are suffering now triple to what those who originally were complaining about.
What will happen in America is this. There is this beastly majority which will feed on itself as the beastly rich attempt to use the police state to protect their world. The Christian like you, will be what you are, and that is what has you on the Holder terror watch lists, as they have expected you to trigger, as they have the ability to trigger thoughts or actions or sedate the mass populace, and you have not acted out.
Instead, you will wait for the moment of cover, and then act out when anarchy is the cover. It is illogical to draw attention to yourself in fighting to maintain what is dead and you know this. So you are in "little world mode" of withdrawn, enjoying a cup of tea, a flower, going fishing, planting a garden as your universe of enjoyment, until you meekly inherit the earth at a latter time.
God does all of this guiding, and most of you are puttering around being civil and have no comprehension why you are acting out in a positive way. By Inspiration though I am aware, and now you are aware of the hidden knowledge, lifting the ignorance from this.
I am watching my plants as I finish this, and what troubles me most in them is how many they are. I have reached an intellectual limit in "NO MORE", and yet two more oaks appeared which I rescued from a lawn of many.
As I am doing this by instinct, it means the world is in very deadly straits, as I am picking things up of a future mass destruction this far out. I am moved to choose trees as this is long term.
Been canning lately? Yes you know things which you are picking up and you are not aware of the message you have received.
Have a plan to leave America? Yes you know something too.
All of you my children have heard something and are reacting to it. Those brats hording things and those brats in self destruction have heard the same message, and are reacting to it in either cannibalism or suicide. (Cannibalism in eating all of society before it eats them, and self suicide in self destructive manifestations to kill themselves before the booger events get them.)
So the signs are all there, and the broadcast is very loud and definite. Do not be unsettled in the knowledge after you get over the surprise.......numbers of you are being informed, as knowing the devil which is, provides a semblance of security in not being surprised.
I would not mind going to the Philippines, but with those volcanoes and the fire breathing China there, I might just as well settle by a nuclear zone and wait for a Fukashima.
Well enough of this, as I look for a hole in the ground to go gopher into, which is another lifelong sign.
nuff said