As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This should not be necessary to show that Lame Cherry was right again, but I do this as far too many are uncomfortable with having their mind conditioning disrupted to the extent, that it wearies them in having to say Lame Cherry was right again in being so far ahead of the mind curve.
I am related to someone who graduated Suma Cum Laude, straight A's through college and is now corrupting first grade minds, in this is my sister. She like most people is an educated idiot proven which by her degree. I call her the "pope" as she phoned up forgiving me for all her sins, as she had been so heinous to me, that she could not admit it, but needed me to be "evil" so she could then order me to forgive her of her sins.
Her gems are many from believing in global warming to one day telling my cousin to stop smoking. He cut her off in mid sentence with, "or what I might get cancer?", which shut her up, as he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and like all these educated idiots on program, she was should have kept her mouth shut but just could not help it as being validated in grey matter, the educated idiot tries to contol the uncontrolable world in which they can not control their inner selves to stop hurts, by controlling others.
I am related to another human who is my brother. I think I should have invested in red ink stock for all the failures he received in school. His highlight in school was writing a note about the teacher being a "big fat toid".
That made him very popular with the teacher who received it and Mom I think developed a callous for all the spanking he received rightfully. The difference is my brother has common sense and even though his report card reveals a story where the "guidance counselor" once told him not to aspire to anything as he was not capable, my brother is so very much more intelligent than an educated idiot, and it is all due to common sense.
I told you awhile back that the reason the cartel wants you to stop eating sugar, salt, smoking tobacco, eating eggs, drinking coffee and other tabboos, is because those foods actually were interfering with the genocidal poisoning which the cartel is inflicting in their experiments on extended life in things such as cancer.
Cancer is nothing but a virus which survives in a soup created by another agent, usually bacteria and perhaps fungal which generates an acid niche which cancer thrives.
Rush Limbaugh always tells the tale of his smoking in he never caught colds when he smoked. This is nothing new, because if you ever ate ham, you were partaking in something natural in ham is cured by salt and smoke. Salt impedes harmful bacteria as do the natural resins in wood smoke.
So of course a virus or bacteria is going to be killed by someone smoking, and the interesting part is sodium or smoke in the diet does not kill "good bacteria" in your intestinal track, as does the nitrates and nitrites which are poisons to people.
I have made this point in when nitrate kills bacteria in your sausage, what do you think it is doing to your bacteria in your intestines which are necessary?
The reason for this all is, a study which shows tobacco has something in it which kills cancer. If you have not noticed, in the anti smoking campaign, that even with people stopping........cancer rates have risen.
People are eating 'healthier' in low fat, low salt, no smoking, no fats, no eggs......and yet cancer numbers rose.
Gee do you think that maybe those foods were actually preventing diseases and maybe something else which was introduced like 'cancers in vaccines' to the frankenfoods which are poisoning people? Perhaps you should think about such things, as I was first publishing the information that cancer treatments were curing no one two decades ago.
Suddenly people stopped taking cancer poisons and about a decade ago when questions arose that Ruth Bader Ginsburg with terminal pancreas cancer not only survives like most of the rich, but gets better.
Suddenly the poor people started surviving cancer in the treatments began working, as there was no profit for the cartel in the poor just going off and dying.
I made mention of the Sri Lankans had cheek cancer due to a betel bean, caustic lime and other things they were chewing on. Stomach cancer was more prevalent in Japan than America. Neither of which had to do with smoking.
Are there carcinegens in tobacco? Yes there are but a healthy person fights most of them off. Egyptian mummy land had cancer and they did not have tobacco.
The great influx of disease in America is by design. It is not by nature in the least. These diseases are by labratory creation or chemical poison, intoduced into the population, and I have been proven correct that the very substances which are under attack by the cartel are those things interfering with the process of their experiments.
I have an example for you in would a vegetarian diet be the most healthful of things to extend life? Have you ever seen the POW's in Vietnam? Those men were fed cabbage soup and then pumpkin soup in 30 day rotations. They all looked like holocaust survivors as when the Americans bombed the German supply trains to the camps the Jews starved and when people are fed cabbage soup there is not enough nutrients in that soup to feed a human, so they starve.
So the reality is, as long as any substance is in it's natural state, without additives and enjoyed in moderation, it is of benefit and that includes tobacco. I do not smoke, but my Grandpa smoked drank for over 65 years, including chewing tobacco and he his heart gave out as it was his time.
Unless you understand the basics of nature or conclude that for 40 years Americans have been lied to about the things they took pleasure in, as if you notice in most of the, sugar, salt and smoke are all substances which harmful virus, bacteria and fungus are destroyed by.
Ponder the science and think about things. Why are you being lied to, and why after disease rates went up across the board in removing those foods and substances, just what was the real source.
You can either be an educated idiot or you can use your common sense.
Some friends I had in Ohio, I noted lately that he was on 6 medications costing him almost 4000 dollars or you 4000 dollars a year as you are paying for it. Our elderly neighbor's sister is "dying", so the doctors took her off her 10 medications..........she didn't die and got better.
My goodness you people, of course medicines will help, but if you are taking half a dozen to a dozen medications, you are a lab rat and not a human.
Food is a medication, mineral is a medication, vitamins are a medication. If someone has been denying you normal medications which warded off disease and have instead been selling you expensive maskers of the diseases to keep selling you those drugs and not cure you, then maybe you should re assess just what is taking place.